Fantastic effects + decent story = It works people!
25 August 2005
Despite what people say this film is actually quite good. Sure it had some flaws and the story kind of dragged on but the effects were very good and the acting (which is pretty amazing) didn't suck. Keanu wasn't as bad as he usually is and Rachel Weisz does a very good job with what I think is a well written part. The must annoying actor in the film is in my opinion not Keanu but Tilda Swinton. The actor who I felt brought most passion and enthusiasm to his role was Peter Stormare who obviously enjoyed playing Satan and the scenes with him are admittedly some of the most interesting in the film and even though he is only on screen for something like 5 - 10 minutes he should almost be credited as a main character thats how good he is.

Now story wise the film had some issues but they weren't as serious as many people claim they are. As I stated previously the film does drag a little and it does take a long time for the film to actually reveal its point but its the little things that are really interesting. The exorcism scene is very well done and the effects are generally very well made. Effects doesn't make a film, however, and in spite of the issues the film actually succeeds in telling the story it wants to and the ending is indeed a climax.

I haven't read the comics so I didn't really have any expectations when I saw the film. I have heard that the avid fans of the comic books complained that Keanu Reeves doesn't fit the role. That might be true but to me he really didn't seem that bad. He still has a very clear well defined body language which I feel makes up for his monotonous voice (at least to some degree). I went in to the cinema and saw the film with an open mind which is what I advise future viewers to do and not rely too heavily on what the critics say.

All in all an excellent film

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