Rescue Special Ops (2009–2011)
Stumbled across this show on Freevee and now I'm addicted
11 September 2024
I live in the US and had never heard of this series before finding it on Freevee not long ago (15 years after it aired!). It only caught my attention because I'm a big Farscape fan and Gigi Edgley is in it. So I watched the first episode and was immediately drawn in and am halfway through season one.

It doesn't rise to the level of a binge watch but it's an entertaining and fast paced series that brings to mind some of the good old shows from the US like Emergency, back was TV was simpler and just tried to be entertaining. It does have some drawbacks, it's obviously shot on a limited budget; just watched an episode about two boats crashing into one another and they didn't show the actual accident because obviously that would have cost too much money. But the show is well enough written and acted to overcome that. It also does pretty well with the characters and their interaction though again, with some drawbacks; Les Hill's character is pretty unlikable and basically a bit of a jerk and since he's one of the main characters that gets grating at times. Some of the other characters do stupid things from time to time as well but that's in any show you watch. And Edgley and Katherine Hicks provide very nice eye candy but aren't there just for that, both are also interesting and well developed characters who mesh well into the story lines. Edgley's character can be a bit over the top at times and I don't know why they decided to have her be engaged to someone when there's such obvious sexual tension between her and Hill's character, at times it puts her character in a less than admirable light.

Over all though it's a fast moving and entertaining series that I'm wishing now had more seasons for me to watch. And being from the US it's interesting to see New South Wales Australia which looks beautiful. Unfortunately I doubt I'll ever see it in person; 18+ hour plane ride and all....

If you're looking for a good old fashioned procedural about first responders that goes light on agenda's and politics and ideologies this is the series for you.
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