Genius or tosh? (April 1st watch?) Pointless / absurd oddity spots tedium or out and out(re) intrigue?! (For Lynch&Lanthimos fans alone?)
26 April 2024

So, what IS this?

Perhaps some sort of fellow (famed) Finn director Kaurismaki-like do nothing longueurs meets D. Lynch in Lanthimos-like ..., er: tosh!

As well, really, Finnish film does it again with its incessantly WEIRD (read, pointless? No, no, can't be) cinematic offerings in a remarkable (admirable) debut, director AND the writer of (such tosh) M. Myllylahti seems to have used typical Finn deadpan delivery so can (could be?) highly amusing; with the right approach to 'appreciate' and if you like that sort o thing (see below cribs & inspirations), so as watch, you can perhaps be aware / know, right: so, just 'whom is fooling whom'*?

Beginning with a fabulous vista - (= appreciative nod to cinematographer Arsen Sarkistants) - to introduce the 'mystery' in already, why there, who are they? Conundrums - (and which may already put in mind of Lynch's intro lever puller in 'Eraserhead' ...) then onto ..... er, well: no, why bother to try and surmise this?

Except to note, thereafter, well, for me the best bit (so look out for if gonna watch) was - (ONLY!) - the organist (check her hands): how director Myllylahti got her, indeed, the WHOLE cast, to maintain their Buster Keaton stoic non expressive stares is a directorship / performance feat in itself: BUT, so, overall, is it interesting, worth watching? Hmmm.... With having tolerated sitting (keeping awake) through this, please let me SHOUT OUT (very!) LOUD to one and all: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Still, if you insist to do so, like such (apparently?) meaningless meanderings presented herein, of the many (all!) admittedly fun odd non-sequitur bits that Myllylahti throws out at you to consider (fathom), will surely pique: so, it would be completely unfairly plot spoiling to set them out; but besides what seemed to me as animal like cribs (inspirations? Reminders?) from e.g. Von Trier's 'Antichrist', virtually all of Lanthimos' earlier oeuvre stylings (note the dance routine: shades of 'Dogtooth'**), and, and, well ...: as for, so, 'Hey: where did the boy go'? That's surely a Lynchian pinch from 'Twin Peaks, isn't it (Mikko)?

(The setting is a lumber yard, too, so, ah hah, I claim my nods recognition kudos now ...)

Complete and utter balderdash; but boy, like the ubiquitous thick snow throughout this and like the 'mystery' guy who opens this did, it was - I suppose - fun trudging through all its, um, "sludge"***; er, nonsense!

Oh; on which - to trudge through it - at least you will get a great soundtrack (nice one, Jonas Struck), too (that's how I got through it: so, yup, nice - if only to listen in to!)

So; yes: rubbish - or genius = entirely your call!

* as a good April 1st watch? (As I did!) ** Impartiality warning: I hated that, too!

*** chosen coz a line in the English translation of one of the characters .. twice over! Was it a metaphor for this?
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