Going to the tree (of oranges/life)
17 April 2022
The honor system - when you honor someone and show them respect, but never get anything back. But your own morality prevents you from actually doing something about it. We get to learn our main character - and we learn about him, because he doesn't seem to talk at all. Actually he doesn't talk at the beginning - others are doing the talking. Even when asked his name, he won't reply. But he will help a fellow inmate - because he is a decent man. A man of honor as we have established.

That said, the actor playing said character is known for being quite joyous in real life. So it is quite the achievement seeing him in this role where he is holding back ... a lot. Him being in prison and ill as we learn straight from the start is something that will hang over his head for the rest of the movie. And something that will drive his motivation. I would say that most of the things are predictable, but the movie still manages to keep the tension high and have us on the edge of our seat at certain moments too.

Acting is really good, even from those who play just minor parts in this. The ending may not be something everyone will agree on, but I liked how they tied things together ... sometimes you need a movie like this. And considering this was made with German TV money is even more impressive.
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