Review of Thiện Xạ

Thiện Xạ (I) (2007)
A Good Action-Thriller
21 January 2019
23 March 2007. Warning: Spoilers. I can't say I was impressed with the ending, but most of the movie was involving and interesting. This solid action thriller is held together by Mark Walberg and contains the classic "Three Days of Condor" suspense and chase as well as the "The Bourne Identity" sophistication to make an overall nice thriller. Of course Walberg's near escape from death has already been pointed out as being a bit suspicious but the aftermath is handled about as well as any movie I've seen. There is a good interweaving of two characters trying on different tracks to solve this mystery, though its final explanation isn't as nefarious as some movies, more like "The Interpreter." While not in the top flight class of thrillers like "Bourne Supremacy," this movie definitely adds to the quality of this genre. Seven out of Ten Stars.
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