"Incident at Vichy," original drama, written by
Arthur Miller; directed by
Harold Clurman;
Stanley Beck (portraying Bayard); C. Thomas Blackwell (portraying Police Guard);
James Dukas (portraying Second Detective);
Pierre Epstein (portraying Prisoner);
James Greene (portraying Police Captain);
Hal Holbrook (portraying Major);
Graham Jarvis (portraying Ferrand);
Clint Kimbrough (as Clinton Kimbrough) (portraying Hoffman);
Will Lee (portraying Old Jew);
Ira Lewis (portraying Boy);
Tony Lo Bianco (portraying Prisoner);
Paul Mann (portraying Marchand); Stephen Peters (portraying Prisoner);
Alek Primrose (portraying First Detective);
Harold Scott (portraying Gypsy);
David J. Stewart (portraying Monceau);
Michael Strong (portraying LeBeau);
John Vari (portraying Prisoner);
Jack Waltzer (portraying Waiter);
David Wayne (portraying Von Berg); and
Joseph Wiseman (portraying LeDuc); on Broadway at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA (99 total performances, unknown previews).