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Good film but the end was a bit confusing
3 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely watched biography films because I feel so bored to watch this kind of films. Another reason is I'm not interested in other people's lives. But this one caught my attention. I first found out about Graham Young is in a YouTube video. That YouTuber explained Graham Young's life in overall. Then I searched on Wikipedia and then I found about this movie, and so, I watched.

Although this film is biography which I don't like to watch that much, but I must admit that the director is pretty good. He could make it not to feel bored at all. All of my interest was in this film all the time. Hence, I'd say the presentation is good.

That said, there's one thing I don't get. Can prisoners take a diamond ring and a razor blade into the prison cell? Especially razor blades. If they let the prisoners take razor blade into the prison cell, don't they afraid that prisoners will commit suicide?

Except this fact, everything's good and I've enjoyed this film.
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Thiếu Niên Ca Hành (2022–2023)
The best Chinese TV Series I have watched in 2022 - 2023 (so far).
27 January 2023
Before this TV series came out, I already saw it and even after it came out, I didn't think to watch it because I thought the poster was a bit dull and simple. (I always judge the poster before watching a movie and then I decide whether to watch it or not based on the poster it has.) And I also thought that the story is too simple. To be honest, I have already passed. Then I saw in a post on Facebook that this TV series became popular in China and got a lot of positive ratings and the rating of over 7 on Douban (IMDb of China). So, I decided to take a look. And I'm glad that I watched.

This TV series is superb, you know. This was the first time I saw Li Hongyi. I have never seen any of his films before and even I didn't know who he is until I saw this one. But while I was watching this and after, I became his fan. He's a new actor but he could do amazing job and performed the exactly how Xiao Se character is. His acting skill is great. And also the other actors are.

One of the facts that made this TV series great is the casting. Almost all of actors (except for one) are perfectly fit in their characters. They could perform their characters very well. It's like they were born to play their characters they were acting. Because of this, it became great.

Another fact I like to mention is the usage of doubles and stunts in movies. In some Chinese TV series, I have seen very clearly that they have used doubles and stunts. Of course every movie that has action scenes, they always use doubles and stunts. But you need to do it not to be seen as doubles and stunts were doing those actions. It should be seen like the actual actors are doing those scenes. This is the art of using doubles and stunts. If this seems too obvious, then I feel like the whole thing is destroyed. I have already seen those kinds of TV series where doubles and stunts are doing actions very clearly. But in this TV series, it's not obvious. I almost thought that the actual actors were doing those actions. This is one of the facts that I like this one a lot.

About the story, yes, the story is simple. It's about fighting to get that god-damned throne which some of us have seen a lot in Chinese TV series. I also have seen a lot of those stories. Enough to feel bored. But this one is quite different. A simple story, but it didn't make me bored. The director somehow managed to make it not to seem bored. There are some funny scenes but it didn't destroy the whole thing. In fact, those scenes made the audience relaxed during this kind of difficult time. This is another reason why this TV series is great.

Here comes the special effects. Most of the special effects used in Chinese TV series somehow had flaws. Some were not smooth. Some made us think this was made later in editing stage. But special effects used in this TV series seemed to be real. I almost thought that this has happened in real life, not in the movie. I must admit that China's CG skill has improved a lot. I hope they could continue like this in the future.

Soundtracks and original scores are one of the things that made a movie great or completely destroyed. The original scores used in this TV series are also great too. And also soundtracks. A lot of soundtracks are used from animation's. But this is also good. The songs are perfectly fit in the scenes they were put in. And also those songs are very good to listen. I love them very much.

The only thing I don't like is the fact that this TV series has only 40 episodes. Forty episodes is kind of short. I want it to have 50 episodes because after I watched it, I felt like it's too early that it's finished. I wanted to watch more because of the fact that I became Li Hongyi's fan and also the fact that it is very good to watch.

If I have to recommend a friend what to watch, I would highly recommend this TV series because of it's high quality that made a movie great. 10/10. Well done, Shao Nian Ge Xing (aka The Blood of Youth) team.
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Không (2022)
The only thing they did great is the film name. One word to describe the condition of the whole film.
29 December 2022
As many reviewers wrote, I also expected this movie to turn out to be a good movie. Instead, all I got is a bag of disappointment. The movie is so bad. It's too slow, some acting is kind of really bad, the character development is so weak and most important of all, bad direction and editing.

Furthermore, the story is too simple and a bit ridiculous. I get that it's going to be some monster thing. But it's not so clear to see that freaking scene where people went into it's mouth and got digested. It's like stuck into some machine. I think it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

The thing that made me annoyed most is the dark scenes. The dark scenes are too dark. I mean dark scenes are gotta be dark. I get that. But don't make it too dark. If it's too dark, we can't see what's going on. If we can't see a thing, how and what the hell are we going to watch? The dark scenes in the film are so dark that I couldn't even see a thing in daytime even when I have put my tablet's brightness up to maximum. I had to watch it at night with maximum brightness. When dark scenes are over, I have to adjust the brightness again. It's so troublesome. Look, I'm not saying that don't make dark scenes. You can have dark scenes in your film, but at least, make it watchable and audiences can see everything in that dark scene.

As for conclusion of this review, "Nope" turned out to be exactly the same as the name.

Someone: Is "Nope" film good to watch?

Me: Nope.

Skip it if you value your time and money because watching this film is a total waste of time and money.
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I hate them for leaving a part out.
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this film on a film website (which writes films' plots) I didn't have a thought of watching. Maybe because of the poster it has. But I watched today because I was kind of bored and had nothing to watch. So, I watched it.

I must admit that this film does have some flaw. But maybe because the performance is good and it makes you feel everyone's in the right place, it didn't bore me even though the plot seems to be kind of simple. So, yeah, I enjoyed it.

Just because I enjoyed it, it doesn't mean I like the whole thing. I don't like the first part of after Dan died. The idea of mourning is kind of good but it's a bit too much and made me rolled my eyes for multiple times. But I take it as it might be okay to watch those scenes considering that the girl was in love with him very much.

About the rating, I was going to give this film 7 stars because I've kind of enjoyed it even though I found some flaw of making this film longer than it should be, but I ended up giving this 4 stars. The reason is that I didn't quite get the final part. The girl is on the satellite thingie and it's about to fall down. And the next thing we see is she's saved. Safe and sound. So, what happened in between? How did she survive that? Did she have to jump to the rope? Did she just have to wait on it and soon, the police get here? What exactly happened? They didn't show it clearly. Maybe because they didn't know what happened too, thus, they didn't show it clearly? Anyway, they should've shown it clearly. Too bad that they didn't. If they had, they will definitely get 7 stars from me.

Overall is that this film is a decent film with some flaws. But it's kind of enjoyable. It has some excitements and it can make you wonder what will happen next. Although the plot is simple and seemed to be kind of low budget, but as I've said in above, it's enjoyable.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Children of evil.
19 September 2022
When I saw this, I was kind of excited because you know, it's Resident Evil, so, I thought it'd be a good TV series to enjoy. Hence, I watch it.

I admit that I don't play Resident Evil games, so, I don't really know what the original version looks like. I have watched Mila Jovovich version of Resident Evil and so, I think I might probably know some basis facts. But, the moment I watched this, I found that it's totally different in a bad way. I feel like it's nothing like Resident Evil. And showing past and present all together? It's not good. It just made me feel confused more and more.

The story is so weird. The characters including the main ones are so annoying. I even wanted to kill the main characters, especially, Jade. She's so annoying. The worst character in the whole series.

Performance? Well, that's also worse. It's like crazily worse. I kept asking myself what the hell this is. The plot is also insane too. I thought it would just like Resident Evil films, instead, it turned out to be a garbage.

All in all, this show is really bad and unbearable. After I watched the first episode, I didn't even want to continue to watch. But, I kind of watched it by skipping some unimportant parts and watched how the plot went. Even I watched like that, I could still see how bad this show is. I'm glad that Netflix cancelled it. They made the right decision this time. If they had continued, it would just be a huge waste of money and time.

One star only. Sorry.
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Gia Tộc Rồng (2022– )
Like some people said, it's House of the Boredom.
12 September 2022
I know that my review will get a lot of disagreements but I'm going to say this anyway.

What the hell is this? In my opinion, this is just the house of boredom and it's so dull, as some people said. I only decided to watch this show because Matt Smith was in it. I could only watched 15 minutes of the first episode and then got bored. The plot is so ridiculous. Plus, it's all about politics which, I think, made me bored. Politics are the last thing I'm going to be interested in. And I feel like this show is something men would like. And I'm a woman, so, I think this is why I don't like this show.

Anyway, this show may have a lot of fans and a lot people might be crazy about this show, but as for me, it is indeed one of the worst TV series I've watched this year.

One star only. (I wished I could give no star, but I gave one star for my favourite actor, Matt Smith.)
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Echoes: Home (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Interesting concept. But it's a bit slow.
31 August 2022
After first episode, I sensed that it had some kind of detective work on her older sister's disappearance. And the ending was some kind of what I didn't expect. But it made the show interesting. The acting is normal, but I found some actors aren't that good at acting. That being said, it's not something that much and it can be ignored. So, for above reasons, I was going to give 7 stars, but I felt it's kind of boring and a little bit slow (but it's still okay). Hence, my rating finally landed on 6 stars.

If they could make it a little bit, you know, not boring or less boring, I might give it more stars.
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Surprisingly great.
24 August 2022
When this TV series came out, I didn't expect this to be that great, seemingly it's from Netflix. I just watched the first episode as a test and I found that the first episode was a bit slow but it didn't make me bored. Instead, it made me continue watching, so, I watched it to the end. It was quite amazing and surprisingly good. I'm hooked to it. I hope there will be season 2 because I'm so interested in the story. It's totally a great TV series.

P. S. Because of the fact that the story is interesting, I'm planning to read comic books too. I totally love the story.
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The Moderator (2022)
Another film where trailer is better than the actual film.
20 August 2022
Always check the rating on IMDb before you watch a film. When I decided to watch this film, I forgot to check out the rating. As some people said the trailer and poster are traps, I totally agree with them. Yes, the poster really looks good and also the trailer. But the film is not. It looks like amateur and low budget. The fighting scenes are not that good as I thought it would be. Some dialogues and acting are a bit weird. And as I've said in above, the trailer is much better than the actual film. That being said, I like how it ends. It's kind of good.

So, to conclude this review, if they could do better than this, this film might turn out to be just fine.
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Chia Đôi (2022)
It's quite good.
11 August 2022
When I decided to watch this show, I didn't have any high hope. I just wanted to see an English BL story because I have watched BL stories made by Taiwan, Japan and Korea, but I haven't seen any made by English or Americans. So, I watched.

After I watched, I found it the story was quite simple. But it was so much fun. And it never made bored. I'm not that much fan of Netflix but this one is quite good. Fun and cute in some way. I was hooked to this after I watched episode 1. So, I continued to watched and it didn't make me disappointed. Hence, I watched all episodes.

There's one thing I don't like is that the episodes are too short, only approximately 30 minutes long. I wished they made it quite longer than this.

All in all, it's totally a good one to enjoy. I can't wait to see season 2 if they ever plan to make it.
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Plus & Minus (2022)
Plot is simple but turned out to be a fine one.
11 August 2022
The story is too simple. Unlike other dramas, this one does not have villains. The story is all about two main characters and another couple fall in love, but maybe the director managed it not to seem boring. So, even if it's plot is very simple and it does not have many contents, it's not bored too watch. Hence, it is pretty good.
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Lacks built-in subtitle like the other partially non-English spoken films.
9 August 2022
Initially, I was going to give 7 stars but my final rating landed on 5 stars because there was no built-in subtitle for French parts. Not all people understand French language, you know. If you want to do other languages rather than English, at least you should have built-in subtitle in the film. Without it, the audience will get lost in some parts even if most of the film is English.
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Glasshouse (2021)
6 August 2022
Glasshouse is stupid film. It's so boring and dull. The acting is pretty bad and the plot has nothing good. To say it overall, it's totally bad.

My advice is that don't watch it unless you're very bored and want to fall asleep right away.
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Dual (2022)
Interesting plot but failed unfortunately.
28 July 2022
I like the idea. But the presentation is a bit dull. It almost seems to be uninteresting film. Thus, other than this, it's still okay.

P. S. It's so sad to see that the originals always have to die in the end. I really wanted to see the ones who get to live are originals, not doubles.
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Tow (2022)
So confusing...
27 July 2022
What did I just watch? The film is not that good. The plot is weird and so confusing. The presentation seems to be a bit messy. The acting is a bit off. So, to say it overall, it's not a good film. Still, I can't believe that I watched the whole thing. When the film ended, I even said is that all? It really has a lot of flaws Thus, it doesn't make a good one to enjoy.

Don't watch it if you don't want to. But if you want to, watch it at your own risk.
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28 Tuần Sau (2007)
Had a chance to become a very fine film.
25 July 2022
Compared to the previous film, 28 days later, 28 weeks later is not that good. Dark scenes are too dark. Even when I increased the brightness, it's hardly to see. If I were my aunt, I would've stopped watching. (My aunt hates dark scene where it's too dark and she can't see a thing. If she sees it in a film, she immediately stops watching it.) Furthermore, some scenes are not clear. And also, in some running scenes, the camera was shaking. It made me dizzy for a bit. Hence, it would've turned out to be a fine film, but it didn't. If it wasn't for those facts I stated in above, it would become a very fine film.
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Too bad that it went wrong at the end.
24 July 2022
For the reason that I was completely enjoying the whole film, I was going to give 8 or 9 stars. But in the end, my rating landed on 7 stars because of the way it ended for Suzanne and Carmichael. And also, the final fight between Six and Lloyd wasn't that good. If it wasn't for those facts, I'd give this film 9 stars. Now, 7 stars only.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
So slow and a bit nonsense. The worst part is Romanian language speaking parts.
16 July 2022
Basically, it's watchable. But as the headline says, it's slow and the plot is kind of nonsense. Furthermore, there's no clear mention of why he killed people and hence, I'm kind of lost in the end.

Another big problem is with the Romanian language parts. They should know that not everyone can speak and understand Romanian language, right? I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any language rather than English. They could add many languages they want. Even if they want to speak in gibberish language, yeah, it's okay as long as there is built-in subtitle for it. I know that this can be controlled by soft subtitle, but some subtitle makers don't translate non-English languages. So, in order to let people understand everything, there should be built-in subtitle for any kind of non-English language. Otherwise, it's very difficult to watch.

Okay, conclusion is that this film is not that great, but it's not that bad either (of course, if only you can watch slow films). If they could make it not to seem so nonsense and slow, I think this film might become a very fine one. Right now, it only deserves no more than 5 stars.
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Biohazard 4: Incubate (2006 Video)
Could have been better than this.
9 July 2022
Basically, it's watchable. But some scenes have moved so rapidly which makes the audience not understand it. And also there is a scene where it got me lost. I didn't even know how it's done. So, if they didn't do like that, I'd say it's good to enjoy.
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An hour long film turned into 2 hours long.
5 July 2022
Deserves only 3 stars for making the film unnecessarily long for two hours. It's totally unbelievable to see that it took almost an hour to get into the main plot. But I gave 2 more stars because they made it right at the end. That being said, I can't still get over the fact that they put all those unnecessary parts to make the film longer than it should. So, if only they didn't make an hour long film into 2 hours long, it'd be better.
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So sorry to say that the ending sucks.
30 June 2022
Overall, the film is quite enjoyable. I love the idea and it's plot. But I don't quite like it's ending. If it ended in different way, I think it'd be better than this.
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Phi Vụ Đen (2022)
"Where do you stand on explosives?" 😂😂😂
6 March 2022
This film might be terrible for other people, but as for me, it's watchable. That being said, I found that it's a bit slow and cold. The plot is unnecessary stretched long. When I watched it, I had no idea of what I was watching even after 16 minutes of runtime passed. But they jumped to conclusion very fast which is I hate most. So, I'd say if they didn't do like that, it'd be better.

There's one more thing I want to mention is that sometimes, I got lost in the middle of the film. Maybe because they didn't show it clearly. But after some time, I understand what it was. So, it's just a little thing, but it's worth to mention it.

All in all, the film is not that good, but it's not that bad either. It's watchable for one time watch.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Lake Laogai (2006)
Season 2, Episode 17
So-called secret isn't good enough.
3 March 2022
I really had a high hope for this episode. I really wanted to know the problem with Ba Sing Se. And I thought it would reveal in this episode. But I felt disappointed because so-called secret isn't that good and it doesn't explain why Ba Sing Se is like that. If they could explain more about that, it'd be better. Now, it only deserves 7 stars from me even though I was thinking to give this episode 9 stars.
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Lotawana (2022)
Lack of purpose.
1 March 2022
It's really lack of purpose. While I was watching, I wondered what was the purpose of this film? Of course, the sceneries are beautiful, but the plot isn't very much. I don't even know the purpose of this film. What are they trying to accomplish? It's totally boring. I tried to watch the whole thing, but after 10 minutes, I couldn't bear it. So, I skipped some scenes and watched how it end. The ending wasn't good like the whole film. It's totally boring. I can't believe that I chose this film to watch.

All in all, it's so drama. And so boring. If only you're feeling so boring and don't have anything interesting to watch, you should watch this. This is one of the worst films I've ever watched.
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BigBug (2022)
Supposed to be a fine film, but unfortunately, failed.
1 March 2022
I like the idea, but the presentation style is a bit boring. The acting is a bit weird and not that good. Special effects are still okay. But because of the director's way of presenting, I feel like it's a bit dull. The dialogues are odd and sometimes, I don't feel like comfortable. To say it all, a lot of things need to improve to make a fine film.

Anyway, I felt boring while I was watching it. So, it's not a good film for me. But I gave it two stars anyway because of the idea and some efforts to make the film.
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