
23 Reviews
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Red Eye (2024)
Absolutely fantastic series to watch
13 June 2024
Well what can I say, I have given myself the dubious pleasure of writing a 600 character review of a TV show with no goes ! I think I can safely say that this is probably one of the best TV series I have ever seen. It's well written, brilliantly casted and really believable. I used to own a video library back in the day and reviewed the top ten films on commercial radio , so trust me I know what I'm talking about. My advice to you is watch Red Eye if you want to watch a taught thriller that is not predictable and keeps you glued to the screen. Richard Armitage was great and Jing Lusi was as usual really credible. Life is too short to not watch this show ! Don't watch rubbish TV that has no story watch this show you'll love it !! Tim.
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Apocalyptic gold
3 June 2024
Wel here I am struggling across the post apocalyptic world and I am only on episode 3 ! Pedro Pascal is obviously really fantastic in this series..He always seems to have a dead pan way of delivering his lines which is almost compulsory with the hero character.. Bella Ramsey is absolutely brilliant and is a great at making her character really believable. I have never played the game but as a standalone TV series this show hods it's own really easily. I always try to review films or TV shows I have watched without giving away any plots , hopefully I have succeeded with this one .If you haven't seen The Last Of Us then do because it's really worth spending your time on .. Tim.
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Damsel ...I loved it
16 March 2024
Once upon a time in a land that isn't here !! There was a story of a girl a Damsel you might say ! I don't want to spoil the story for any one so I won't . I thought this film is really worth watching. It's a really good story with a great heroine, who is believable. Please dear reader do not take any notice of the other reviewers that have said it's a hopeless film. This film really is not hopeless at all . When Netflix make films as good as this it makes you feel you are getting value for money from your membership. So if you are looking for a good film to watch this weekend then why not watch Damsel, I think you will enjoy it !! Enjoy .. Tim.
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Dash & Lily (2020)
A lovely Christmas rom com
25 November 2023
To call such a good Netflix series avrom com seems a bit of an insult but it's not meant as a derogatory comment in this case ! I thought ok I'll watch it as it's nice to watch a Christmas tale as the festive season is approaching.. I won't give anything away but as soon as the story started I got sucked into the characters world . It's a really fun ride well isn't love supposed to be ! Not in my experience but that's a whole other story! My advice is that if you want to watch a really heartwarming story with Christmas just around the corner the Dash and Lily is for you. Wow it's really hard writing a no spoiler review of something I've just watch ! Anyway watch it is my advice and have a great Christmas 🎄 .. Tim.
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One of the nicest Christmas time films
20 November 2023
I really loved this film! I am watching it on my day off and it's probably the 4th time I've seen it ! It has a really nice warm glow and the main characters are really rounded. The main character is a really likeable guy and I've been told women love him ! I've read some of the other reviews of this film and really... people should just relax and enjoy the entertainment! Life is really too short to be so picky about films ...I like to watch Christmas themed films this time of year and this film isn't over tinsly . Anyway if you're looking for a really nice film for this Christmas time and you want a romantic element..then this is your film .. enjoy.. Tim.
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Monsters (2010)
I love this film
20 January 2023
Every so often I stumble across this film Monsters streaming somewhere on the digital universe and I am quite happy to watch it all over again! There aren't many films that fall into my chatagory of " I'll always watch it again " fact the only main other film is Blade Runner! Monsters is really about the two main characters but there is always the rumbling of helicopters and military jets floating around to remind you that there is an alien menace luring in the jungle .I love this film and if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. I am a complete Sci-fi junky which is why I watched it originally years ago and will watch it many times more ! Surely that is a sign of a good film ...enjoy people .. Tim 🤗
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Home Before Dark (2020– )
Absolutely brilliant
4 October 2021
This show is soooo good .. It is worth getting an Apple TV+ membership just to watch this !

Reminds me a bit of The Goonies only much better !! Tim.
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First Light (I) (2018)
Wow ..ignore all the bad reviews ..please
14 February 2021
I have been a Scifi fanatics since I saw 2001 when I was a kid ! This film is easily one of the best SciFi films I have ever seen is so simple but really captivating .. watch it it's great .. Tim :)
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My Christmas Inn (2018 TV Movie)
A real FEEL GOOD Christmas film 💝
14 November 2020
Wow I just watched this film on Netflix and it is a little bit cute but it's well worth the watch .I think it should be watched with your feet up with a cup of hot cup of coffee and a mince pie ! I really loved it all the characters are believable .It has a 200% feel good factor ..Watch it you'll love it ..Tim 😀
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Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore .. it's got to be good
6 November 2020
Well here I am reviewing a film from 2007 in 2020 eh !! I have seen this film before but it popped up on Netflix and it such a feel good film ..I really like Hugh Grant in this film and Drew Barrymore is so sweet I want to squeeze her ..I love this film , I won't give away any storyline but believe me watch it you won't regret it ..Tim 😀
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A really lovely film !
19 August 2020
Wow .. I ended up being directed to watch this film because I watched City Of Angels ... This must be one of Albert Finney's most characterful roles .. This film has fun and sadness all rolled up into a tasty treat for the soul . Oh and Bridget Fonda is fantastic and Anton Yelchin showed what a talent he was even as a youngster . So if you haven't watched this film yet then you must ... Tim :)
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Such a good film Steven Spielberg would be proud of it
9 June 2020
I really love this film ..the way it is shot ..the characters care very real . Mostly it is so simple .No crash bang wallop they just build up a feeling . It's very good ..Tim
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Reckoning (2019)
Very methodical
6 May 2020
Sooo .. During Coronavirus lockdown you can end up watching some really bad content . However I really loved Reckoning .For a while I couldn't work out who did it .The unraveling of the story is literally that , normally you watch a cop show and it's all solved before you get to put the kettle on for your first T break . Anyway no spoilers here , just watch this mini series you won't be disappointed ...Tim
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Fantastic , fantastic film
28 March 2020
Wow I just watched this film Stronger .. It is so moving and truly inspirational . During these Corona virus times if you want to watch a really well made film with fantastic acting then watch this film
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Flint Town (2018)
Easily the best Police documentaries
24 March 2020
Wow ..if you haven't seen this really fantastic behind the scenes police documentary...then watch it now .In these times of being under almost house arrest due to Corona virus you need to watch this beautifully made Netflix series ...I won't give any spoilers ...just watch it ..Tim
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The Capture (2019– )
Wow ...sooo goood
4 January 2020
I won't tell you what happens as that would spoil everything , however it's sufficient to tell you that it's one of the most watchable cop type shows I have ever seen ( and I've seen a lot ). So you must at some point in your life sit and watch this show's fantastic , no matter what anyone else says . Enjoy .... Tim
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Messiah (2020)
Messiah ... another series for people to try to tear apart
1 January 2020
I started watching Messiah today January 1st 2020 .... Ironic year as we all know 2020 means perfect vision ... ironic as you read through peoples reviews of this show and they don't get the point of it ! I find it ( as I am on episode 5 ) a really good watch and intriguing ..It also stirs up my Christianity a bit and make me wonder about the meaning of life etc I haven't given away any of the plot so you can watch and enjoy as I have done .... Tim ... Happy New Year
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Beautiful beautiful film
1 December 2019
Wow ... I am just watching the last 14 minutes of this film and as a Catholic I must admit it has reaffirmed my faith even more .... So well made and well acted . As a lighting and sound engineer it was brilliantly made . If you haven't seen it then do !!

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Love it ...
17 November 2019
Well , I really enjoyed the first episode they say " One man's meat is another man's poison " ..The special effects are good , the atmosphere is good and it feels real ... Viewer beware of detractors and form your own opinion !! Tim
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Good Witch (2015–2021)
I really love this show
1 January 2019
Wow ... I was reading some of the reviews of this show and they were so mean and like the authors of the reviews were either eating a lemon or they just ate one ... A .. some of the reviews don't say they're going to have spoilers , which is pretty bad B. Why do they watch it if they hate it so much . So no spoilers here .. I am an Englishman of over 50 and I am sure I am not the target audience for his show .. but when I just finished watching the beginning episode of the new series of Luther in the UK .. blood and guts everywhere ( sorry if that was a spoiler ) but Luther always has blood and guts .. Something I noticed US Tv series seem to be scared of ..It was nice to get back to my cocy Middleton !! Anyway I digress , The Good Witch is like drinking a warm and soothing cup of cocoa in front of a log fire with your feet up... No bullets no really bad baddies just good clean witcherey ... sneeky sidelong glances from the main character when she knew she was right all along .. love it !! Tim ...p.s . Happy New Year from here in Middleton ( where I'd love to live )
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Cậu Bé Mất Tích: Chapter One: MADMAX (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
It's still a brilliant series
28 October 2017
I just love everything about this TV series thank you Netflix for producing such high quality programming you put terrestrial companies to shame ! I love the music the kids , they have a real Goonies kids gang type feel to them .. Great story line I am now watching episode 4 of series 2 I will have to stop to watch my team Barcelona play football . I highly recommend this series to you , watch it if you miss it that would be a shame .. Tim
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Now on Episode 3
1 October 2017
Well I am now on Episode 3 of Star Trek Discovery on Netflix and I am still loving it . I am not sure what all the Star Trek super fans are worried about maybe my mind is more open than theirs .I am enjoying the CGI still and I really to find the lead character really interesting and pretty cool as well.Each episode is pretty fast paced and all those navel gazers out there in Star Trek geekland must be crying into their extra larged up sodas while they munch on their double whammy super dooper burgers !!Longing for those ultra boring episodes of the old Star Trek .. I love the new one a lot .. Tim
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Loved this film
24 September 2017
Well as I see some people are so stupid they can't keep up with a fast paced film ! I found that the main characters are well rounded and believable. The special effects are absolutely spectacular .I saw the film in 2d but it must be amazing in 3d. The story line is very good and I found it all fitted together well. So my conclusion is go and see it you really will enjoy it . Sometimes I think we should throw away the preconceived concepts of adulthood and just enjoy ourselves Tim
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