
23 Reviews
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Too Bad To Even Be Funny Bad, Ripoff Of The Original Classic
20 July 2018
The original Attack of the Giant Leeches is a classic "bad B-movie" horror film that isn't scary but you will definitely laugh at it and enjoy it with friends. This movie just takes advantage of the fact it is a public domain movie, steals the title and story and literally (pun intended) leeches off of that film with this. The problem is zero effort went into it. The sound and picture are so bad I barely could sit through the whole film. The acting is terrible. They clearly didn't care about the movie or viewers at all, just about getting enough screen time on camera to cash in on the original's title. This is shameful. Worst of all it's not even bad the way you can still enjoy and laugh at it, it's just a shameless and very, very boring waste of two hours I will never get back.
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Good Dramedy
18 July 2018
This is definitely one of Pryor's better performances. Maybe not his funniest but on the drama side of things the movie is thoughtful and touching at times because of his performance, and he's still funny when he needs to be. The director/writer I think overreaches in the end but this is definitely worth watching for Pryor's performance if nothing else.
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Car Wash (1976)
Great Comedy!
18 July 2018
What can you say about a classic seventies comedy that has both Richard Pryor and George Carlin in it? It definitely needs more of both of them, especially Carlin who really just appears in what is basically just a cameo in this movie, but they're still great and the movie is still decent and funny when they're not on screen. Worth checking out.
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Vượt Ngục (2005–2017)
Watch Season One Only
18 July 2018
The first season is great! Solid writing and acting and it kept us interested and wanting to watch the next episode throughout. But after season one they just keep the show going (how many times will they break into and/or out of a prison?) without much of an idea for a good story to keep going with... it just trudges along and is pretty boring and stale by the end of season two, just getting worse after that. Satisfactory ending but overall disappointing as it can't live up to season one.
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Siêu Cớm (2007)
18 July 2018
This is a decent comedy/action film with some funny moments, but it does feel a bit long and the jokes get old after a while. Not nearly as good as Shaun of the Dead but still worth a watch if you're a big fan of his other movies.
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Good Fun For Kids
18 July 2018
This show was really good fun for the kids. I know all the kids in our family really enjoyed it. Not much here for adults though, but that doesn't really matter since this show obviously is meant for the kids. Kind of predictable stories and jokes, and the cat was pretty creepy sometimes (to the kids)...
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
18 July 2018
This is not a bad TV show, unfortunately I have a hard time getting through the episodes because her voice and especially her laugh are so darned annoying. I know it's intentional and for laughs but to my ears it is like nails on a chalk board. Too bad because I like her and this show otherwise.
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18 July 2018
This is a fun cartoon. If you're a fan of the old Bob and Doug McKenzie sketches on SCTV or their movie Strange Brew you're sure to get a kick out of this, though it is much more for a younger audience as a cartoon here. Kids will enjoy it too. It's not as good but it's better than most cartoons.
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Great Western
18 July 2018
This is one of the all time great "dark" westerns out there. Clint Eastwood is at his best as an actor (and I think he also directed this?) Anyway if you like westerns check this one out, great drama and action and he is awesome as Josey Wales in this.
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Terrible... Were These Good Reviews Bought?
18 July 2018
I have to wonder because the positive reviews and votes seem very suspicious to me. Anyway my personal review is that this movie is terrible with a capital T... Terrible, Terrible, Terrible. Not one thing about this movie is even close to being watchable. D'Angelo stinks, the other actors are just going through the motions to collect a check, the soundtrack is not awful but it is all D'Angelo and it's not great either (he has a fine voice but it gets old hearing him all the time), the writing stinks, the production quality is fair enough but it doesn't matter because everything they are taping is just terrible. I give this a one.
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A Boring Slog
17 July 2018
This movie is not funny and not sexy. The story is ultra basic and so are the jokes and the characters. None of them are likable and the entire movie could have been summed up in a four minute short. Avoid unless you need something to put you to sleep. A real waste of one of my fave actresses, who normally is very funny. I can't believe she's in this.
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Very Inferior to Part One
17 July 2018
The first Ron Burgundy movie was a funny movie. The satire wasn't very biting or anything but it's just a ridiculous comedy about ridiculous characters. One of the movies where Will Ferrell is the lead but doesn't annoy or "get old" to me, and the supporting cast is really great. The dog scene made me cough up my soda. Not much more to it than that and the story is simple but it was definitely funny which is all that movie needed to be. This sequel is very disappointing though. The characters are there but they're not as fresh, not as funny, and get kind of annoying. The stories are just kind of stupid. Most of all it just is missing all the laughs it had in the first movie. And the new characters were really annoying to me. I love the actors in other movies but not in this one.
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17 July 2018
This was a funny movie. The satire wasn't very biting or anything but it's just a ridiculous comedy about ridiculous characters. One of the movies where Will Ferrell is the lead but doesn't annoy or "get old" to me, and the supporting cast is really great. The dog scene made me cough up my soda. Not much more to it than that and the story is simple but it was definitely funny which is all this movie needed to be. The sequel was very disappointing though.
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Flickers! (2014– )
Funny but VERY Strange
17 July 2018
I found myself laughing but I'm not sure why. The clips were fast and furious and I'm not even sure what I was watching sometimes. I did laugh though at the funny parts and the parts I didn't get or weren't funny went by fast enough that they didn't really bother me.
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Frosty Returns (1993 TV Movie)
Underrated! The Kids Loved It!
17 July 2018
That is about all that matters for this. It was a very simple story where the ending was obvious but come on this is just a Christmas cartoon for kids. I would say it definitely is not as good as the original classic but that's what it was, a total classic, so no sequel could really live up to it. The kids loved it, it was entertaining enough for us adults (and not nearly as annoying as most of the other holiday cartoons we watched) and I think it is very underrated here.
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Sunnyside (2015)
Not Good Not Bad
16 July 2018
This show was not very good but wasn't bad either. It was an average if sometimes a bit odd TV sketch comedy show. It seems like they maybe were not exactly sure what they were wanting to do with this show or how to execute their plan if they did have one. The sketches and characters were often not funny and just weird for the sake of being weird. Still this show was a lot better than say Hotbox (same people earlier show), Baroness Von Sketch, etc etc. I don't miss the show but don't get the hate for it either.
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Package Deal (2013–2014)
One of the Worst Shows
16 July 2018
This is one of the worst Canadian sitcoms I have ever seen in my life. Harland Williams was completely wasted, none of the characters were funny or even made sense the whole idea of the show doesn't even make any sense to be honest... this was really just terrible.
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MTV Live (I) (2006– )
16 July 2018
MTV Live was a terrible, terrible, terrible talk show. The hosts were all just terrible.
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Not Bad
16 July 2018
Some decent laughs. It was more a CBC comedy show for my parents than me and my friends, is a good way I would describe it. Nothing special and really basic comedy but good for what it was, a few laughs here and there and Mary Walsh is always fun.
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Big Brother Canada (2013–2024)
No Reason to Watch
16 July 2018
It is just a copy of the US version of Big Brother but with much worse writing, talent and ideas. I was bored out of my mind trying to watch this poor excuse for TV.
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Baroness Von Sketch Show (2016–2021)
Not a Fan
16 July 2018
I wish I liked this show but I don't. It has nothing to do with gender, I would love there to be more comedy shows starring female casts and written by females, I have no problem with that at all. All I care about is if a comedy show is funny/entertaining or not and this show is just plain not funny. Sketches that are predictable and drone on and on do not a good show make.
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3 November 2013
This was a really fun movie. I just watched it again and I still really enjoyed it, almost as much as I did when it first came out (when I watched it oh probably like ten or twelve times, I used to love this movie when it first came out on video, never saw it when it was released in theaters though). Alicia Silverstone is great in the role which made her famous she is very funny and believable. The jokes are all kind of predictable but they are still funny because this movie has really fun characters that you will care about if they are the "good guys" or hate if they are the "bad guys". If you haven't had a chance to see this movie I would say to check it out, it is worth watching at least once. It's not by any means a classic piece of cinema obviously but for a fun teen comedy you can't get much better than this and it even has a great soundtrack to boot!
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Satisfaction (2013)
So-So Comedy
3 November 2013
This show isn't very funny. Here are my grades based on the five episodes I have seen and I will not bother to watch any more based on it only being so-so enjoyable so far to watch for me and also because it is being cancelled so why bother to watch something that is not going to continue anyway.

Performances- Bad These people act like cartoons

Writing- OK

Directing- OK

Producing- Bad it looks cheaply done, the credits and commercials were really stupid, the show seems like a confused mess of cartoon characters.

Laughs- OK not so bad as most Canadian shows but still not near enough

Attractive- Yes the girl is good looking!
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