
90 Reviews
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Just no
31 January 2023
If you are looking for a boring teen drama pretending to be a horror show, here it is. No amount of Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to save this. The script is dull, acting bad and the dialogue reminds you of a school play. I think Gellar's name was used to lure people into seeing this. And as for most of the teen Hollywood shows, it is painfully predictable. I had a hard time staying focused as I wanted to give it a fair shot. It was instead a waste of time. This type of shows fail again and again and they do not seem to learn. People want good writing, a compelling story and good actors who can carry it, not a simplistic screen filler with no soul or substance.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks: Grounded (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Very promising
1 September 2022
The kickoff of season 3 is solid and I have high hopes for what is to come.

It was so nice to meed the crew again, still being their goody usual self. But they left some lose ends from season 2. Will there be a followup of Jennifer and Mariner? They clearly has a thing for each-other. And where is T'lyn? That rebellious Vulcan better show up on the Cerritos. They don't get to tease us with that cliff hanger. Will be watching with great anticipation. I remember me and this show getting off to a bumpy start, but I stuck with it. It just became better and better and if season 3 will top season 2, we are in for a good ride.
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Little Demon (2022)
Outrageous and funny.
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You want a show that shows the middle finger to today's political correctness? You want a show that doesn't know what a break is? You want a show that doesn't give a crap if you see some nude skin? You want to hear Danny Devito voicing the devil? Then this show is for you. You have Chrissy, the worlds first female teen antichrist and her bad ass human mother running from Satan who are trying to find his spawn. It's bloody, brutal and funny. This type of entertainment is so rare these days and it was a refreshing delight. And during dialog, pay attention or you miss all the little intelligent stickers. Very much recommended.
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A comedy?
19 August 2022
The jokes doesn't sit, and she is sooo amazing from the start go, you know exactly where this is going. They gave her the Rey treatment. No growth, no learning curve, no development. She is already won the gold medal before leaving the starting line. This reeks of lazy writing.
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Is it me...
7 August 2022
Or have Butt-Head gotten a a tad more intelligent over the years? I recall these two back in the day when I was a kid. Shows sticks to the original formula and it is nice to see them back in action. Good stupid fun all around.
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What a lovely send off of season 3
6 August 2022
It is fitting how they skipped the epic space battles, cliff hanger endings and let us get to know the crew even more so that we already have. The journey of Isaac and Finn as been a roller coaster. There has to be a season 4 of this amazing show. I will be there with my coffee and a slice of pizza to watch it. Big kudos to. MacFarlane, the crew and the people involved in this. You made scifi interesting again.
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Tàu Thám Hiểm Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Forget new Star Trek and how much it suck
28 July 2022
You want a replacement to scratch that sci-fi itch? The Orville is here to scratch it with far superior writing, story and characters. It is a roller coaster where every episode sucks you in. It tackles important issues without being preachy, it does not pull any punches and are more true to the vision of The Next Generation without being part of that universe. What they have created here will be a classic for the future in it's own right, just like TNG are. Bravo.
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When Netflix does something right.
24 July 2022
Didn't put much stock in this when ogling the first episodes, but I found myself clued to the screen as the show developed. It is rare these days to see a series pay attention to real character development, but they did here. And it is just brutal enough to avoid the Disney trope. Kudos to the writers and voice actors. You did this one justice. Hoping for a season 6. My only complaints are that there was way to little of Roxie. She became a fan favorite from the start.
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When is enough enough?
7 July 2022
Since Pratt took over as the main protagonists, the franchise spiraled down to a new level of moronic directions and decisions. And this last installment even doubles down on it. I had problems getting into the plots what was all over the place because the writing looked like something someone came up with on a buddy party after to much alcohol. And locus? Why bloody locus? Let this franchise die. The only honor it has to show for is the first movie. Going to re-watch that now. Been years since the last time.
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Liked it so far but this...
24 June 2022
Star Trek: The Next Generation sometimes pulled nonsense like this. An easy round about from writing a compelling story and plot. You would think this new installment would be more mature. And the lesser said about the acting in this episode the better. But the The Next Generation would rise after stumbling and falling. Let's hope this is also the case here.
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First Kill (2022)
I would have enjoyed it a lot more...
17 June 2022
If it wasn't for the awful music which is meant to blend into scenes. Here it is dominating, ruining the mood it is meant to support. And I don't mind a LGBT theme if it is woven into the story in a intelligent and subtle way. But it gets rammed down your throat along with the infernal box checking. Buffy and Angel did this a lot better. Lost interest out in episode 4.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022–2024)
Not historically correct, just politically correct.
31 May 2022
A black female jarl? Ok sure would have been amusing if this had been a parody and made as such, but no. They went all serious with this dung pile, expecting people who care about their own history to just swallow it up. This has nothing what so ever to do with viking history and the writers has no idea what they are doing. Now add bad acting, bad script, bad plot and bad CGI and you have something you should avoid like the plague.
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Ok I am in so far.
7 May 2022
Seeing Star Trek being bent over a table and done horrific things to over the years, I was anything but skeptical to this new installment. But watching the pilot, I found myself wrapped in the optimistic feeling the series was meant to inhabit. The writers seems to steer the series away from politics and woke agenda and more towards actual story telling. Perhaps this horse isn't dead yet. We shall see.
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No suprises here
20 April 2022
The Walking Dead and the spinoff has been going down the path of oblivion for a long time now and this pilot will not assist matters. It added nothing new and the writing was down right boring. It is completely unnecessary and pointless.
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Just no
6 April 2022
Boring and idiotic. It adds nothing new. What you see is done a 1000 times over. This was a completely unnecessary production with no value what so ever. I almost dozed off during the screening of this thing.
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Trăng Rơi (2022)
Hey Moonfall!
31 March 2022
The god of ripoff wants a word. So do the god of cliches. They were not only lining up, but started fighting in the cue to get in first. I mostly knew what would happen before it did. The effects are decent (why the 3 stars), but does little to elevate the movie. I watched until the end of fascinated boredom. You want a brain dead sci-fi with Hollywood science, sure! Grab the popcorn and turn off your brain for 2h and 10 minutes.
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Dog (I) (2022)
Not bad
25 March 2022
This was a pleasant surprise for me. I expected the usual worn out tropes when animals are involved, but this flick was a lot more mature. Give it a shot if you haven't already. Worth your time.
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10 March 2022
Embarrassingly incompetent. The entire thing goes on with no sound track. Acting, sound and editing is horrendous. Makes Wild Eye movies look like Shakespeare, and that is saying a lot. One of the worst I've come across in 2022.
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What is this?
21 February 2022
You are tempted to think this was made for one thing and one thing only. To cause more division and resentment. The people who came up with this idea and actually made it should be deeply ashamed of themselves.
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Ignore the fake high rating
12 February 2022
This is true B movie garbage. Amateurish and poorly edited and cut. 20 minutes out in it, it was clear it was made by people who knew little about movie making. Did not waste anymore time on it.
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Judge Steve Harvey (2022– )
No it's not funny
27 January 2022
He is just a burned out game show host trying to stay relevant and doesn't care how he does it. It's sad really. There is a time when you have to look in the mirror and call it quits. But some of them can't face that reality it seems.
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A very meh Disney experience.
24 December 2021
The animation was good as you would expect. Got a few funny scenes, but the story was not inspiring, nor was the songs I suspect few will remember. It is your classical run of the mill Disney mash. To make a comparison! It doesn't hold a candle (pun intended) to Raya and the Last Dragon.
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Bad casting decisions
21 December 2021
Before the characters introduce themselves, you have no clue who they are. And then you are just confused because there is nothing about them that reminds you of the games. The director said he was a fan of the franchise which is clearly a lie. He didn't understand a single one of the characters. The scrip is a mess and the acting often laughable. I give 2 stars because they at least got the police station right.
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Life Beyond (2019– )
12 December 2021
Everything is planned with care. The sound tracks, the cinematics and the narrative. It makes you wonder, fear and marvel. An amazing journey into a possible future. This is an inspiring master piece.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Wow and not in a good way.
5 December 2021
How on earth did they think to green-light this? This is possible the worst thing I have seen in a long time. This is just sad and depressing. This shows how out of touch Hollywood can be with the audience thinking this was actually a good idea.
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