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IMDb member since February 2008
Bleach (2004)
10. Why? Read Below.
10 July 2008 - 73 out of 92 users found this review helpful.
Every anime has flaws, but when the flaws over-weigh the anime, it becomes a problem.
As for Bleach, I don't feel that it's going to happen any time soon. Sure, Bleach has some flaws, but overall this anime is satisfying. It has comedy, action, drama, and above all, intriguing weirdness that only this anime can provide.
I want to make this clear. It doesn't make sense when you start judging an anime by its fillers only. Hence the word 'FILLER'.
Bleach is not for everyone. Some call it 'overrated'. That doesn't matter. If you genuinely enjoy Bleach, stick with it like a true fan, and you won't regret it.
I'm rating it 10 'cause I'm a hardcore fan. Screw the flaws. If it has me coming back for more, they have got to be doing something right.
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