Payback's a Bitcherman
This story follows Detective Robert Froth during a simple meal with his wife Vanessa and friend Chad. When Jon finds out Chad's new date, Charlene Betterman, used to go to school with Vaness... Read allThis story follows Detective Robert Froth during a simple meal with his wife Vanessa and friend Chad. When Jon finds out Chad's new date, Charlene Betterman, used to go to school with Vanessa, a few clues come to light in his latest case, making Charlene the prime suspect in a ki... Read allThis story follows Detective Robert Froth during a simple meal with his wife Vanessa and friend Chad. When Jon finds out Chad's new date, Charlene Betterman, used to go to school with Vanessa, a few clues come to light in his latest case, making Charlene the prime suspect in a killing spree.