Secrets & Lies (TV Mini Series 2014) Poster

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Down Under isn't all Fun and Games
nicholas-rubenstein127 February 2015
Set in a suburban Australian neighborhood, this one-off series follows the story of family man Ben Gundelach, a painter (as in 'paint the basement') whose life spirals into a s**t-storm of suspicion, lies and vigilantism after finding the body of a young, neighborhood boy in the woods on his morning jog.

At its core a real whodunit-type story, the plot development serves us a platter of red-herrings in Ben's quest to prove his innocence by discovering the truth, all the while having to deal with characters such as the Suspicious Detective, the Annoying Wife, the Bitchy Teen Daughter, the Womanizing Best-Mate, the vulnerable Victim's Mother across-the-street, and a host of possible-suspect neighbors. The story does a good job of keeping viewers intrigued, with frequent plot twists, layered characters and will- he-snap, won't-he-snap moments.The cast of C-list actors all fulfill their roles (some better than others), and as the story progresses we catch glimpses of who they all really are. A few small inconsistencies can be noticed by the keen-eyed viewer, but can be overlooked as most most details fall into place with the concluding episode.

So, if you like whodunits, don't mind Aussie accents, can overlook some fairly stock-characters, and have some free time on your hands, by all means give this series a watch. It's shortcomings are made up for by an interesting story that keeps you guessing, enough tense moments to punctuate the talky-scenes, and a final twist that, while some may find unsatisfactory, certainly comes as a surprise. As a whodunit, it ticks almost all the boxes.Lets hope its American counterpart, soon to be released, will keep some of the same atmosphere!

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Great suspense!
kimberlee_hatter29 August 2018
I'm usually good at figuring out "who done it" but this show had me guessing until the very end!!
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the wrong man
blanche-228 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Secrets & Lies" is an Australian miniseries starring Martin Henderson, Anthony Hayes, Anthony Hayes, and Diana Glenn.

Henderson plays Ben Gundelach, a house painter who has two daughters and is in the process of breaking up with his wife (Glenn). One day while jogging he finds the body of the little boy who lives across the street. He becomes the main suspect. And when he submits to a DNA sample, he's in for a big surprise.

Ben tries to solve the murder himself as he watches his life disintegrate before him. Everything he shows the police detective (Hayes) is dismissed. With an expression that never changes, the chief investigator quietly drives Ben to near insanity.

Very tense story with a twist ending. Henderson is a hunk with a capital H and does well as a laid back person dumbfounded and confused by what is happening to him as his life spins into more and more chaos.

Some of the characters are stereotypes, but for the most part, this is a good, well-acted story that sadly reflects the modern world we live in.
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Thought it was a great show!
jenngolden8315 December 2014
I, myself found this show to be quite interesting! The plot is good. Few complaints would be, felt like they gave away who the murderer was too soon. They may have done that and canceled the show, but I would have rathered it stay on longer and find out who the real killer is later on, but you will find out on the last episode. It really is an emotional show. I cried a few times for the main actor, he really made you feel his pain. Martin Henderson is great for this role. He really puts you in his shoes. Not sure why the show is not continuing and why US has picked it up, just hope the new Secrets and Lies will be as good as the Australian version! It is definitely worth something to watch, just don't hope for second season cause there won't be any! Should be though!!
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Oz Know how to do a Murder Mystery!!!!! Solid.. Surprising End
Comphunk17 March 2020
Gripping, Twisted and entertaining... All in one package. A young boy is murdered and the guy who finds the body is implicated. After that all hell breaks loose. There is not a single dull moment in the whole series. Nothing is pointless, its been edited perfectly. Every episode has few twists and turns. The characters are well crafted. You will love the young daughter and hate the elder one. The Tenant provides a bit of a comic relief baring his undies. The lead character is perfect. He portrays right mix of emotion, hysteria and empathy. Plot Holes... Well, considering how it wound up at the end, you could find a few things which had loose ends. But nonethless, this is the 3rd Fine Australian show I have seen after Glitch and the Keterring incident. Solid emotional and suspense drama. Go wtahc it.. Its way better than some of the glittering hollywood suff
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Ending made up for the boring bits.
pieness213 July 2022
It was ok, I was going to give it a 6, but the ending made it to a 7. The acting is passable, the storyline enough to keep you watching. It's not going to grip you to your seat, but if you have a few hours spare, give it a go. I've seen worse.
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surprising twist at the end
BabasSarah6 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the show with my wife and we didn't know the killer right until the last episode, every episode we were suspecting one person or another and the one person we didn't even think about did it.

Well acted by all, love more six part dramas like this and agree about there being slim to none chance for a second series as what would it be about?

But if there was I for one would certainly watch.

There was some filler in the first few episodes but you get to expect that with a lot of shows.

The police sergeant was very rough and to added a lot more realism to the show as you could see he was disgusted with the character who played Ben all throughout the series and when at the end he realised he hadn't done it he didn't even apologise.
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A taut drama about the investigation into the death of a child with a previously unseen villain at the end.
dmben96 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I watched all six episodes of Secret and Lies (Australian version) and were engaged pretty much through out the whole series. We did think there was a bit too much histrionics on the part of almost all of the characters. It seems that they all had turn at being hysterical and screaming and crying with faces all scrunched up. We knew the main suspect in Thom's death was not going to be the final killer. But we did not see the ending coming until it was upon us. It was a sort of after the fact ending, producing a killer who had no attention on him/her at all previously during the series. The story the killer told in confession was believable enough.....But then he/she had to add one other statement that showed just how dark the killer's heart really was! This was definitely not a feel-good show!
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So so suspenseful
camels-5585411 November 2023
I Just accidently found this while wandering around youtube and I thought it read as a nice lil' 2 part thriller to end my night with. Oops, sorry that was a run-on sentence. This had my heart stopping more than once and cannae believe I had never heard of this mini-series. This is one of the best more or less modern thrillers I have ever watched. All of the characters are believable and very well portrayed. I loathed the police in this series, especiall the lead DI. Some have been almost as good through to the end; however, this was quite surprising and kept me guessing the entire time. Have an evening set aside to binge. Oh yes, and it was six episodes, not a mere two.
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All you could ask for in a crime drama series
rollmftide25 January 2021
Okay, I think the title of the review pretty much sums up my thoughts of this show. But I doubt I can get away with only that, so.... Martin Henderson was great. The story was brilliant, the pacing was perfect. And, the ending was phenomenal. Watch this one, and definitely skip the American remake.
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Well crafted show that fell apart in the end. No payoff.
Krisp88884 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers

I will keep the first part of this spoiler free, and will provide fair warning before I divulge any spoilers. This was a pretty well crafted series. Cinematography, acting, writing, and directing were all very good. New bombshells and twists presented themselves around every corner, always keeping the audience guessing. The finale was incredibly intense. However, the final twist I just didn't buy, and for me it caused the entire series to fall apart. In the end, I felt there was no payoff for this series, with an awful ending and a final twist I just didn't feel worked. Now I am going to start getting into spoilers. I personally wish I had read spoilers previously, as I probably wouldn't have wasted six hours on this show.


So the final twist for those who don't know and decided to proceed, is that Ben's youngest daughter Eva is the killer. Now Eva looked to have been somewhere between 8 and 10 years old. I know that children kill. It is hard to believe, and it is a rarity, but it has happened. Eva was just not developed in the show to be a psychopath though, and the motive given is that she believed killing Tom would cause Jess to leave town (thus saving her parent's marriage). I guess it's debatable as to whether the ending was plausible. I just didn't buy it. And so what are we left with? A series that showed Ben frantically trying to figure out who killed Tom for six episodes, while his family fell apart and his wife left him, taking the kids. And in the end he seems to be back together with his wife, but now his youngest daughter is facing prosecution for murder. What an awful ending. I just didn't buy it, and felt there was no payoff. Overall the series is well done, though, hence the three stars given. I wish I hadn't wasted my time though.
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Very engaging
lorraineesimpson6 February 2024
I'm quite partial to Aussie drama. I like the accent, they're usually a little quirky, less predictable than the standard American or British stuff. The scenery always look great and there's usually a tanned hunk featuring in the storyline. This certainly doesnt disappoint on that score, the lead actor is very easy on the eyes! I think his entire wardrobe consisted of shorts and a bath towel but who's complaining.

The acting was mainly good, particularly the lead actor and the detective. The script was decent enough and moved along at a reasonable pace. It was just about the right length, there wasnt much 'filler'. It kept my interest all the way through. I didn't guess the ending correctly so it was a surprise. All in all its worth a watch.
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As good as it Gets
pnpete97 February 2022
Wow. Thank you once again up STV for airing this nothing short of a brilliant TV crime drama. It had everything and lacked nothing. This is TV drama at its best. I didn't guess the end and watched hundreds of hours of this genre. An absolute gem.
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Did not see that coming..
cheryledrader14 May 2022
I don't usually rate movies and I can usually guess the ending but I didn't see that coming at all. Had me hooked from the get go! Will likely watch it again to see if I missed any clues. Great movie. Great actors.
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Compelling throughout
mugsyagain27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Caught this almost by accident but was hooked from the very first scene. Had ny own theory from the beginning and near the end I thought I was right until the last twist! Very enjoyable though and I would recommend it without hesitation!

Saddened by the ending as I really had grown fond of the guilty one but hey you can't have everything can you!!
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Pure evil
hazangel-8991026 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How could someone who is from a seemingly decent home do such a thing and not have any remorse??? It's rather chilling to be honest. And have the ability to plan it out?? Wow!! Shocking!!! The look on the detective's face was priceless. There was so much shock and disgust in that one look! Great acting all around. I had to watch all 6 episodes in one sitting because I had to find out who did it! It was worth the time spent!!!
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Frustrating to watch, bears no sense of realism.
ben-mason1010 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers

Firstly, the acting was good and the cast did the best they could with the story. The story is simply frustrating from start to finish, its predictable and painfully slow getting to the point. There has been a theme of framing people for about the last 10 years in a lot of murder mysteries and its such a tired premise that I just find it aggravating to watch now. I'm sure some people will find this enjoyable enough if they haven't seen as many 'frame job' story lines as I have. From a realism point of view, for the police to have such tunnel vision from the outset would never happen. There was circumstantial evidence against the accused at best but still the lead detective made repeated threats and accusations, bordering on harassment. None of the processes and events ring true, it all seems ridiculous.
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So incredibly sad
nicolaperrin12 September 2024
This was tough to watch, but very well made. It's a really good storyline and not predictable at all. I have to admit that I struggled to watch it, but only because it was so sad and so raw. You could really feel the Dad's pain throughout the entire series. I had to skip part of the last episode as I broke down into tears and just couldn't bring myself to watch it. When you watch, you'll realise which part I mean. The only reason I give this a 9 out of 10 and not a 10 is because throughout the entire series the sound quality seems to be not up to scratch. There's a strange noise that follows any sound they make and it was hurting my ears. I had to turn the sound off at certain points and read the subtitles. Other than that, I really recommend you give this a watch, even though it's tough to get through, it's worth it for a great series.
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Tried to watch it, too slow
bobbobwhite28 October 2015
Watched almost to the end of the first episode, then quit on it. The main problem I had with this TV show was that every effort was made to make the lead(looks like Kurt Russell when young)look guilty(too guilty)for the murder of the young boy. Whenever that happens in a TV show these days it is always a red herring, and I am sure he will be proved not to be the killer. Formula, formula, formula. And, what I saw of this show was simple and unsophisticated, and not very smart. Could never align with the lead, as he was so passive as to be almost resigned to whatever happened to him. Maybe it will get better, but may do so without me watching.

I just did not like the way this show was written and presented. Nice Aussie scenery though. Cannot invest the required many hours into a slow program like this one waiting for the crime solution that seems a long slog though deep muck.
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Plods along like a turtle
qui_j4 October 2020
You need to have the patience of Job to watch this to the end. It moves at an extremely slow pace that causes you to totally lose interest in the plot and characters. The slow pace and constant use of twists and turns just make it impossible to stay engaged or even care. Not anything I could finish to the end.
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lcrosby-9531018 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Goodness knows how they managed melodramatic, and under- reacting simultaneously.

None of the characters likeable

Totally unbelievable the way the main character is so beleaguered and consistently gaslighted. It's like personal vendetta by like EVERYONE he knows.

Both his brother and wife continually unwittingly setting him up!

Eva was a great actor. Loads of emotion.

Clichés gallore

"You'll pay for this!!" who even says that since 1980s soaps? Calling the main character by his last name PERSISTENTLY and with innuendo

Did the police realise they were interviewing a child?

X Cxxxxxxxxxx.
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Possible spoiler in second paragraph
pianojoe25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well-acted. Very good drama. Good mystery. Well-cast, but...

And this may be a spoiler: The ending ruined the whole season for me. I was so put off by "who-dun-it", I wish I hadn't wasted my time on the first episode. Most of the story is centered around a man accused of murdering a young boy. He faces distrust from the police and even most of his own family. Time and again he stumbles upon a clue that might vindicate him, only to be knocked down. With all this struggle and suspense, I just knew there would be a satisfying pay-off in the end. But I would have preferred general dissatisfaction to the wretched wrap-up of this story.

I'm guessing the writer of this story has a very bleak picture of humanity. My advice is to stay away from "Secrets and Lies".
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Dull, Tedious with under reactive characters
nikstar-53-29854722 December 2021
Dull, tedious with under reactive characters - couldn't get past episode one - not enough to compel me watch the next episode. Shame, as potentially there could have been a good story here. And maybe there is but if you can't get past episode one then it's a no hoper.
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Bloated, predictable load of rubbish
rchrdcorteel14 September 2023
The further you go in this.series, the more bloated and predictable it becomes. The characters are seriously flawed, the plot line gets more stupid with every episode. The characters are so badly constructed that you can go out for pizza and a beer and not miss anything. Normally I am accepting of high rated reviews, but everybody who has rated this series 7/10 must be very susceptible to bad scripts, bad acting, and ridiculous, unoriginal plot lines. I made it to the "surprise" ending, which is no surprise to anyone with any ability to comprehend poor writing. Our final comment while we watched the final episode was " what a ridiculous load of rubbish and a waste of time". It also becomes very boring with Martin Henderson continually taking his shirt off seemingly many times every episode, and the neighbour who is always in his underwear!
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We've seen this before
OneAnjel18 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted my title to be Another Bad Seed. But that would be a spoiler for most people. On every commercial break I see a message that says "an original story." So, I thought, if this is original then it's not going to end the way I think it does.

But it does in fact end just as I suspected.

I realized early on they were showing us that the little girl was a psychopath. Having said that, she's also probably the best actor in the series.

I stuck with it hoping for a surprise and trying to pretend I didn't know what was happening. But honestly, I wish I could take my time back. There was nothing particularly interesting here, just watching a bunch of people being set up as suspects - the angry wife, the irresponsible friend, the violent ex-husband, the menacing detective... But those of us who've seen shows like The Bad Seed or The Good Son remember that the little sociopaths can turn on emotion on a dime and say strange things out of left field periodically.

I found Ted's ordeal to be more frustrating than suspenseful. He did a lot of outlandish things that I'm sure the director thought seemed appropriate for someone in his position.

Sadly, there are a lot of families in this situation, minus the murder suspicion. I'm talking about the angry wife who clearly has never treated her husband well judging by the way the daughter treats him. And then the spoiled little girl who, to unsuspecting audiences, seems like a true victim of circumstance.

I guess many people will say that the suspense was captivating and well designed.

But what I saw was someone with almost no self-control taking action based on his most emotional thoughts of the moment. And then actually keeping the flashlight while most intelligent adults would have thought whoever is trying to frame them planted it and would notify police to raid the house. Then he not only tries to throw it in the river but he includes his backpack that can be traced back to him. And how did the wife get over there to that fence so quickly and know that he threw something in the river?

If you ask me this is just a lot of bad writing and bad dialogue with acceptable acting and, as someone else pointed out, some eye candy if you're into that.
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