Digimon is a franchise that has marked the childhood of many and has accompanied us throughout our lives. This film presents us with a story that makes us see that the franchise has matured as have those who grew up with it. It's not as action-oriented and focuses more on drama, with excellent writing and a fairly deep plot. It is as if the franchise has become a reflection of our lives and how we have transcended, leaving aside the sweet childhood we had and entering a much grayer adulthood. The franchise has always had its moments of smiles and tears that left messages about life, love, friendship and death. That was something that, like action, defined the heart and soul of Digimon. This film has that same spirit, making it a nostalgic story that makes us remember our childhood and how we have left that behind as we grew up. Those children we met in Digimon Adventure 02 have already grown up and that makes us see ourselves reflected in them. The film plays a very important role in the franchise by revealing the true genesis that began the history of human children, embarking on a crusade in the company of digital monsters. It had already been seen in one of the official OVAs how this story began, but an explanation was never given as to why these beings began to visit the human world. That is a mystery that this film answers and it is all due to a call for help from a suffering child that is answered by one of these beings without knowing what it would unleash. The franchise made it clear that the digital world is a world that has become conscious and it is not surprising that this has caused its inhabitants to have evolved to the point that one of them could break the barriers of reality and trigger the events seen in the franchise. What it offers is a quite moving story that can be appreciated by the beautiful animation by Toei Animation and not forgetting to mention that it uses fragments of the songs and score from the original series. Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, more than being a movie, feels like a longer episode that gives a definitive conclusion to the second animated series and is a beautiful experience that makes us remember how much we have loved this franchise for having accompanied us in our good and bad moments during childhood. My final rating for this movie is a 10/10.