This show is a mixture of funny and brilliant... and parts that could be left out without affecting the main plot.
The main actress really pulls off the part. She is cute, lovable, and the more I watched the show the more I liked her in the part.
The villain was brilliantly portrayed. He was evil, heartless, cruel, but the actor made the audience somewhat sympathize with his situation and what made him that way. That is not easy to do... and is a high point all the way through the series. The heroine and the villain work really well together to make the show. If not for those actors and the way they were directed and their characters portrayed, I'm not sure the show would have been near as enjoyable.
Other parts are somewhat repetitive and even unnecessary. They spend about three episodes in a dull warehouse that does little to advance the plot. The side-plots (and there are several of them) are not all that entertaining or impressive. The super-weak uncle was silly and became obnoxious after several whining sessions. The glutinous brother really brought nothing to the show. (Yes, I know he was for comedic effect, but the role just wasn't funny.) And while she's one of my favorite actresses, the December romance never came off as convincing or necessary to the plot. It was just kind of thrown in there, and the male barista part was unconvincing.
Basically this is a two-pony show. One actor is funny and cute, the other charismatic and dangerous. They work very well off each other. The show holds up all the way through, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. But I do think it would have worked better as a 6-episode mini-series by leaving out the plodding and unnecessary side-plots. Still, a series worth watching.