Man, this movie is such a disappointment. It's so so bad. I hate to be this person, but they deviated so far from the book it's almost its own entity. I understand when they need to change certain things to make it work for the screen, but they completely changed story lines and character arcs. There's almost no noticeable differences between the "uglies" and the "pretties". The pretties just look like they have a smoothing instagram filter on, very basic. It's not even good CGI. They shoehorned things in from later in the series making a convoluted mess. It's obvious they had no intention of making any more than the one movie, which is annoying. Why start something you have no plans of finishing?? After the first 20 minutes of this mess I came to IMDB and found out it was directed by McG and I'm not surprised. The dude hasn't made anything worthwhile in 20 years. What an absolute joke. I hope Netflix loses a bunch of money on this junk. They've become the worst of all the streaming services, just continuously churning out literal garbage while they cancel the only decent shows they have after one season.