Chú Vẹt Rio (2011) Poster

Anne Hathaway: Jewel



  • Blu : [as they're walking in the jungle]  Oh! Oh! What was that?

    Jewel : A stick.

    Blu : Ah! And that?

    Jewel : It's just a rock.

    Blu : Oh, right. Yeah.

    [Blu stops and shudders as he feels something on his back] 

    Blu : Is that a spider on my back?

    Jewel : Will you quit it? It's just a leaf! Turn around!

    [Blu turns and we see a huge spider on his back] 

    Jewel : Oh, um...

    [Jewel quickly hits the spider off of Blu's back] 

    Jewel : Leaf. Told ya.

  • Rafael : [as he watches Blu getting closer to Jewel]  There he goes! That's my boy!

    [Blu tries to wrap his wing around Jewel but stops mid-way as Jewel looks at him] 

    Blu : Ooh! Is it hot? I... I think I'm... I'm sweating! I didn't even think that was biologically possible. I get... look?

    [he holds up his wing] 

    Jewel : Oh. Wow.

    Nico : [as they watch Blu make a fool of himself]  Yeah! That's your boy, alright.

    Rafael : Okay, so he needs a little help. Well, come on. Let's give him some. Set the mood.

    Pedro : Alright, look. I'm on it. I know how to set the mood. Check it out!

    [he starts dancing and rapping] 

    Pedro : Get it-get it-get it-get it-get it-get it girl! Get-ge-get-ge-get it girl! Take her, take her to the flow! Show her, show her how you roll! Drop it! Drop it! Drop it low! Drop it, d-drop it low!

    Rafael : Woah, woah, woah! What kind of mood is that?

    Nico : Pedro, Pedro, a little too aggressive. Not hatin' on your creativity, but I think I got this one. Follow my lead.

  • Jewel : I can't believe I have to drag your clumsy butt up there.

    Blu : Drag me? Watch and learn.

    [he leads the way in climbing the tree house, dragging Jewel behind him] 

    Jewel : Blu? Just wait! Woah, woah!

    Blu : Who's dragging whose butt now, huh?

    Jewel : [sarcastically]  Ha ha, very funny.

  • Jewel : Luiz is a bulldog?

    Luiz : You got something against dogs?

    Jewel : I do when they're drooling on me.

    Luiz : It's a medical condition.

    Luiz : No! No! Hey, amigo, we really need you.

    Luiz : She's mean, bro.

    Rafael : Luiz, come on! Please! Please! We need your help.

    [holds up the chain holding Blu and Jewel together] 

    Luiz : Hmm. I think I know what to do.

  • Rafael : Okay, I need you two to get closer.

    [Blu and Jewel move an inch closer together] 

    Rafael : Closer!

    [they move another inch closer] 

    Rafael : Closer!

    [they move closer, standing side by side] 

    Rafael : Nice! Now put your wings around each other.

    Blu : What?

    Rafael : Come on, amigo! It's not like she's gonna bite! Will you?

    Jewel : We'll see.

  • Jewel : Guess this is it.

    Blu : Yeah. Quite an adventure.

    Jewel : End of the line.

    Blu : Ah, yes.

    Jewel : Guess things like this don't happen in Tinysota.

    Blu : Tinysota? Oh! Wait, Minnesota?

    Jewel : Yeah.


    Blu : That's very good.

    Jewel : Right.

    Blu : That's very funny actually.

  • Jewel : Is there anything else I need to know?

    Blu : Yes. I can't fly, I pick my beak, and once in a while I pee in the birdbath! Happy?

  • Blu : Oh, she's beautiful.

    [Blu is mesmerized as she flies towards him] 

    Blu : What were they talking about? She's... she's like an angel. An angel, who's getting really close.

    [suddenly Jewel crashes into him] 

    Jewel : [to Blu, after she has pinned him down in the bird sanctuary]  Quem é você? Que que está fazendo aqui?

    [Blu tries to speak as Jewel is standing on him with one clawed foot holding his throat] 

    Jewel : Que?

    Blu : You're standing on my throat!

    Jewel : [she gets off him]  Oh, you're an American!

    Blu : [Blu clears his throat]  Thanks. I need my throat for talking. So, thank you.

    Jewel : You look like me!

    Blu : Oh, hi. Hi. My name is Blu. You know, like the cheese with the mold on it, that smells really bad.

    [to himself as he realizes what he's just said] 

    Blu : That's stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

  • Lead Marmoset : [from trailer]  You two are coming with me.

    Jewel : In your little monkey dreams.

  • Jewel : Incredible! You would rather be with a... a... a human than with your own kind!

    Blu : Well, that human has given me love and affection for the past fifteen years, whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after fifteen seconds.

    Jewel : Yeah, well, because of them, I've lost everything. You can't trust them!

    Blu : Of course you can trust humans!

    [he hears Jewel make a noise] 

    Blu : Jewel? Jewel?

    [he sees a man hover over him] 

    Blu : Oh! Hi there.

    [the man puts a bag over Blu's head] 

  • Blu : Oh Man, we threw down!

    Jewel : Yeah, we threw down!

    Rafael : You guys were like fire and ice!

    Nico : Thunder and lightning!

    Pedro : Hip and hop!

    Blu : Cheese and sprinkles!

    [Everybody stares] 

    Blu : It's a Minnesota thing...

  • Blu : [Blu chants to himself with fear whilst trapped in a cage]  Okay. Okay. There's no place like home, there's no place like home! Oh, how I wish I was back in my own cage, with my mirror and my swing and my little bell! Oh, how I miss my bell.

    Jewel : Shh! Play dead.

    [she drops to the floor of the cage] 

    Blu : I don't need to play dead, I'm about to have a heart attack!

    Jewel : Just do it!

    Blu : Oh, fine!

    [he fakes a fall and starts twitching] 

    Jewel : Stop twitching!

    Blu : Come on! It's the twitching that sells it.

  • Lead marmoset : You two are coming with me.

    Jewel : In your little monkey dreams.

    [she spits at him] 

    Blu : Yeah!

    [he tries to spit like Jewel but instead just drools on himself] 

    Blu : That was meant for you!

  • Jewel : [Jewel notices Blu walking away from her]  Hey! Where you going? Blu? Blu, what's wrong?

    Blu : [Blu turns to see Jewel]  Nothing. Everything is perfect. You'll be off to the rain forest , I'll be back with Linda, just we planned

    Nico : Hey, birds! Stop yapping and start flapping! Let's go

    Jewel : I guess, I tought, maybe...

    Blu : What? That You'd come to Minnesota? Great, I guess I'll knit you a scarf

    Jewel : No, that's not what i Meant

    Blu : Look, Jewel, I can't spend my life walking around you wherever you're going.

    Jewel : Hey, It's not my fault you can't fly

    Pedro : Akward.

    Rafael : [as he notices Blu and Jewel starting to argue]  Okay! Okay! You know what? This is good. Just clear the air. Just be completely honest with each other.

    Blu : You want honesty? Fine. Fine, I can be honest. I don't belong here. In fact, I never wanted to come here in the first place. And... and... and you know what? I hate Samba!

    Pedro : [Rafael, Nico and Pedro gasp with shock and Nico bursts into tears]  Hey! That's a little too far!

    Nico : [to Pedro]  Make the mean bird take it back!

    Blu : Yeah! I said it! Every song sounds exactly the same.

    [he mimics the samba music and dance] 

    Blu : Tico-taco, ya-ya-ya! Tico-taco, ya-ya-ya! Urrgh! I'm tico-taco outta here.

    Jewel : Fine! See you around, pet!

    [Jewel flies away and Blu walks away] 

    Rafael : No, no,no! Wait, wait, wait! Come back! You belong together! You are Juliet to his Romeo! Sure they both die in the end, but you get my point!

    [Nico and Pedro towards Rafael] 

    Rafael : Ah, young love! Always so melodramatic. All right, boys. Go after her. Blu! Come back here! Come on!

    Luiz : Yeah! I'm ready for carnival! Who wants to ride in my fruit. You left without me. That's messed up.

  • Jewel : [Blu throws himself out of the plane and grabs hold of Jewel in the air]  Blu! You're crazy! What are you doing?

    Blu : I'm not gonna let you go! We're chained-to-each-other birds, remember?

    [Jewel kisses Blu] 

  • Jewel : Blu, you're flying!

    Blu : Yeah! Woohoo! I'm flying! I'm really flying! You're right! I'm not an ostrich! I'm not an ostrich!

  • Blu : So, uh... how far is this Luiz?

    Rafael : Not far. Thirty minutes as the crow flies.

    Blu : Uh... and how long as the macaw walks?

    Jewel : Bobo here can't fly.

    Rafael : But... but he's a bird!

    Blu : Not all birds fly. There are ostriches.

    Jewel : You are not an ostrich!

    Blu : Well, not technically, but...

    Rafael : Wait, wait, wait! My friends, I wanna help, but to walk the whole way, it... it... it can't be done!

    [he suddenly notices his kids clambering around his wife asking after him] 

    Rafael : But hey, we might as well give it a shot. Let's go, quickly.

    [he turns Blu and Jewel around and walks away quietly; Jewel turns to look at the kids] 

  • Jewel : Are you ready?

    Blu : For what?

    [he suddenly thinks she's referring to them mating] 

    Blu : Oh! Oh! Wow! Uuh! Okay.

    [to himself] 

    Blu : Confidence. Crazy love hawk!

    [he goes towards her] 

    Jewel : Alright.

    [Blu tries to kiss Jewel] 

    Jewel : Woah! Hey!

    [she pushes him away] 

    Jewel : What are you doing?

    Blu : What? What? What you wanted me to! But just for argument's sake, uh... what are... what are you doing?

    Jewel : I'm trying to escape!

    [she points to the air conditioning vent] 

    Blu : Oh, yeah, escape. Tha... that's where I was going with that thing I just did...

    Jewel : Wait! Wai-wai-wai-wait! Did you actually think we were gonna kiss?

    Blu : No no no no!

    Jewel : We just met!

  • Blu : Excuse me! Please! I am trying to sleep!

    Jewel : [sarcastically]  Oh, I'm sorry, sleepy head. I'm trying to escape!

    Blu : Escape! Why? This cage is awesome.

    Jewel : The cage! Oh, what was I thinking? I wouldn't expect a *pet* to understand.

    Blu : Pet? Did you just call me a pet? For the record, I am not a pet! I am a companion. And you know what? Do whatever you want! Cause tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me and this whole nightmare will be over.

  • Blu : [after Jewel has been caught and placed back in the cage with Blu]  That was your plan? To take off and leave me? Gee, thanks!

    Jewel : Well, why didn't you follow me?

    Blu : Uh...

    [doesn't reply as he's too embarrassed to admit he can't fly] 

  • Blu : [trapped in their cage in a room full of the other trapped animals]  Okay. Pull it together. The key is not to panic.

    Jewel : I'm not panicking!

    Blu : I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to me. But it's okay, because any minute now, Linda will find us.

    Jewel : Oh, great! And then she'll stick us behind another set of bars, right?

    Blu : Yeah! I... I mean, no!

    Jewel : Look, pet cages might work for you, but I don't want to belong to anyone.

  • Blu : Hey, are you okay?

    Jewel : No, I am definitely not okay!

    [she starts throwing herself at the cage bars] 

    Blu : Woah, woah, woah! Wait, wait! What are you doing?

    Jewel : Getting out of here! Are you going to help me or what?

    Blu : A-Actually all the survival guides say to sit and wait. And... and help will come.

    Jewel : No one is coming!

    [she throws herself more violently at the cage] 

    Blu : Woah!

    Jewel : We're on our own and if we just sit here, we're going to die!

  • Blu : [as Jewel is continuing to throw herself around the cage]  Stop! Stop! Why don't you just open the door?

    [he slides open the cage door with his beak] 

    Jewel : Are you kidding me?

    Blu : What? It's just a standard flip-slide door.

  • Jewel : [Jewel flies out of the cage and grabs hold of Blu, but Blu grabs the cage with his beak]  What are you doing?

    Blu : I can't...

    Jewel : What? You can't what?

    [Marcel's men open the door to catch them in the act of escaping and Blu lets go of the cage] 

    Blu : Fly! I can't fly!

    [they both fall onto a washline and start sliding across it] 

    Jewel : You couldn't have told me this before now?

    Blu : It didn't matter before now!

    [they crash into a wall] 

    Jewel : I hate you!

  • Jewel : [after they crash land to the ground]  Is there anything else I need to know?

    Blu : Yes. I can't fly, I pick my beak, and once in a while I pee in the birdbath. Happy?

  • Jewel : [as they are running away from Marcel's men]  Aw, this is great! I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly!

    Blu : Actually, there are about forty species of flightless birds.

    Jewel : Duck!

    Blu : No, ducks can fly.

    Jewel : No! Duck!

    [referring to them ducking under a cart they're about to encounter] 

  • Jewel : Now, uh... just come on! We need to find a safe place to spend the night.

    Blu : Safe? Safe? We are in the jungle! You know when people say 'it's a jungle out there', well I'm pretty sure they don't mean it as a good thing.

    Jewel : Look, I hate to break it to you, but this is where our kind naturally lives.

    Blu : Hey, hey! Don't talk to me about nature. I watch Animal Planet. I know all about the food chain.

    [just then a bug flying by gets eaten by a frog sticking his tongue out to grab it] 

    Blu : Ah! You see? You see, out here, I'm just an hors d'oeuvre! Nothing more than a feathery spring roll.

    Jewel : That is why we stay in the trees and not on the ground.

  • Jewel : [pointing to a large tree ahead of them]  After you.

    Blu : Oh! No, I don't think so. Nuh-uh! No. I would feel much more comfortable in something man-made. Um, hey, how about up there?

    [pointing to a man-made tree house] 

  • Blu : [as Blu reaches the top of the tree house]  You see? Who needs flying?

    Jewel : Birds. Birds need flying. Flying is... it's freedom and... and not having to rely on anyone. Don't you want that?

    Blu : Mmm, I don't know. Sounds a little lonely.

    Jewel : Get some sleep.

    Blu : Uh, I-I-I'm probably gonna be up for a little while. Well, cause I'm... I'm still on Minnesota time.

    Jewel : Goodnight.

    Blu : Good night, Jewel.

    [looks out into the sky] 

    Blu : Good night, Linda.

  • Jewel : [as they are pulling up a huge rock on a rope]  Are you sure this is gonna work?

    Blu : Positive. Check out my map.

    [pointing to the map he's drawn on the ground] 

    Jewel : Yeah, that's... that's comforting, thank you. Look, let's just get this chain broken.

    Blu : Right. Then we can go and find Linda.

    Jewel : No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm gonna go back to being free in the jungle. Deal?

    Blu : Fine. Deal.

    [he puts one of his wings up accidentally, pulling the lever holding the rock off its hook] 

  • Jewel : [referring to Rafael's children]  Oh! Precious, aren't they?

    Rafael : Kids! Seventeen of 'em! And one on the way.

    [shouting to two of his children shaking an unhatched egg] 

    Rafael : Hey! He is not a baraka! Stop shaking him!

    [turning to Blu and Jewel] 

    Rafael : They're giving me grey feathers! Oh, this papa needs a break!

  • Rafael : So, you two lovebirds headed for carnival?

    Jewel : Wow! Love birds?

    Blu : We're more like acquaintance birds.

    Jewel : And not even that! We're more like chained-to-each-other birds.

    Blu : Yeah. I... I mean... aaah!

    [one of Rafael kids pulls his feather] 

    Blu : What is it with this kid and feathers?

    Rafael : We have no idea. We're having him tested.

  • Rafael : [as Eva sings out of tune]  Like a river of the sweetest honey.

    [Blu and Jewel wince as Eva sings] 

    Jewel : Ooh! I guess love is deaf too.

  • Jewel : You're sure you're up for this?

    Blu : Yeah. Yeah, I mean, well it's not like we're just hurling ourselves off a mountain or something, right?

    Rafael : Actually, that was pretty much my entire plan.

    Blu : What?

    Rafael : No. Don't worry, Blu. It's in your DNA. And if our featherless friends can do it, how hard can it be?

    [just then a human tourist hand gliding off the cliff shouts out for help] 

    Man on glider : Mommy!

    Blu : Fun, right?

    Blu : Yeah. Fun.

  • Rafael : [as Rafael is demonstrating flying to Blu]  See, it's easy!

    Blu : Easy? Easy for you to say. 'Cause from... from here it looks really, really hard!

    Jewel : Hey, if you want to see Linda again, this is the only way.

    Blu : Okay, you're right.

    Jewel : Yes, I am.

    Blu : This is for Linda.

    Jewel : Right!

    Blu : Keep it simple.

    Jewel : Easy-breezy.

    Blu : Thrust, lift, drag.

    Jewel : Oh, come on! Let's go!

    [she drags him along] 

    Blu : Wait!

  • Rafael : [after Blu and Jewel have crash landed to the ground from Blu's failed attempt at flying]  You did not feel it in here.

    [pointing to his heart] 

    Jewel : [sarcastically]  You think?

  • Blu : [after Blu and Jewel have crash-landed to the ground from Blu's failed attempt at flying]  I would love to go five minutes without almost getting killed! Is that too much to ask?

    Jewel : For a bird who can't fly? Oh, yeah!

  • Blu : [as they've gotten away from the monkeys]  Man, we threw down!

    Jewel : Yeah, we threw down!

    Rafael : You guys were like fire and ice!

    Nico : Thunder and lightnin'!

    Pedro : Hip 'n' hop!

    Blu : Cheese and sprinkles!

    [they all stop laughing and give Blu a strange look] 

    Blu : It's a Minnesota thing.

    [they all laugh] 

    Rafael : You see? Nothing you say makes any sense!

  • Rafael : [whispering to Blu]  Blu, just tell her how you feel.

    Blu : [turns to Jewel]  Jewel?

    Jewel : Yeah?

    Blu : I've been wanting to tell you, that I... that I...

    [suddenly chokes on a floating flower petal] 

    Jewel : Oh, how sweet. You're getting choked up.

    [turns to look at Blu and realizes he's really choking] 

    Jewel : Oh! Oh! You're choking! Uh, okay! All right!

    [she starts giving him the heimlich maneuver] 

  • Nigel : [Nigel catches Jewel as she's flying]  Going somewhere, pretty bird?

    Jewel : Oh, yeah! I was just on my way to claw your eyes out!

    [she punches him in the face, Nico and Pedro see Nigel get ahold of Jewel] 

    Nigel : Temper, temper. Now come along, my dear. We're going to a parade. And everybody loves a parade!

  • Blu : [in the smugglers' float]  Hey, Jewel?

    Jewel : Blu!

    Blu : I'm gonna get you outta here.

    Jewel : No, no! You can't be here! You have to go! Nigel is...

    [suddenly Nigel attacks Blu and throws Blu in a cage] 

    Nigel : Hello, pretty bird. So kind of you to join our little soiree.

    Blu : Oh, come on! You really think I came alone? I got three of the roughest, meanest, craziest birds in all of Rio right behind me.

    Pedro : Woohoo! You know there guys!

    [Blu sees that Nigel has placed Nico, Pedro and Rafael in a cage nearby] 

    Pedro : We're saved! That's right! That's right! That's right!

    Rafael : Uh... I think he means us.

    Pedro : Oh.

    Nigel : Ah, love! It's such a powerful and stupid thing.

  • Jewel : [after Blu has released all the other caged birds, Nigel attacks Blu]  Let him go!

    [Nigel hits Jewel away she falls against the wall of the plane and a cage falls on her wing] 

    Jewel : Ow!

    Blu : Jewel!

    Jewel : My wing!

    Nigel : Oh, pity! Now we have two useless, flightless birds.

    [Blu grabs hold of the hose on the fire extinguisher and attaches it to Nigel's leg] 

    Blu : Not cool, man! Not cool!

    [Blu releases the pressure on the fire extinguisher and Nigel bursts out of the plane] 

  • Blu : [as they're trying to get away from Marcel's men]  Wait! Listen to me! Flying may not be my thing, but walking is! Follow my lead. Inside leg, outside leg.

    [he starts leading the way walking] 

    Jewel : Yeah, okay. Got it.

  • Rafael : Pssst! Blu, down here. Just tell her, "You have beautiful eyes".

    Blu : That's good. Great idea!

    [he turns to Jewel] 

    Blu : I have beautiful eyes.

    Jewel : Aah... yeah. Okay, Sure. They're... they're nice.

    Rafael : [flying low, whispers to Blu]  No! Her eyes! Her eyes!

    Blu : Oh, right! Yeah!

    [turns to Jewel] 

    Blu : Your eyes. Your eyes are great. Not mine. I mean, you know, mine are okay. But yours, I-I bet you can see right through them.

    [Jewel looks at Blu uncomfortable] 

See also

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