5つ星のうち5.0It really is the Final Best for FMA Brotherhood fans!
The absolute be all, end all of all fan soundtrack items for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Every full opening and closing theme from the entirety of the series (minus SoM), plus a commentary booklet (in Japanese) with beautiful color images throughout. It also includes 9 gorgeous plastic coated pinup cards in their own sleeve, a 28 Min DVD with all of the openings and closing themes from the show (requires a computer or software that can access region 2), and a VERY sturdy hardcover box with its own artwork. All in all, I'm more than pleased with my purchase.
Oh, as a references, songs included are: Season 1: Again - Yui Uso "Lie" - Sid
Season 2: Hologram - Nico Touches the Wall Let It Out - Miho Fukuhara
Season 3: Golden Time Lover - Sukima Switch Tsunaida Te "Tied Hands" - Lil'B
Season 4: Period - Chemistry Shunkan Sentimental - Scandal
Season 5: Rain - Sid Ray of Light - Shoko Nakagawa
5つ星のうち5.0The DVD portion is for JAPAN ONLY (Region 2).
This set comes with a CD and DVD. I bought this to have a CD to play while driving in my car. It is great and the CD plays well. Only two complaints. 1) The DVD is rated only to play in Japan (Region 2). However, your computer probably has the option to switch regions, but you can only switch for a limited number of times before the switch becomes permanent. Thus you can play the DVD, but you will have to switch your system so it plays Region 2 DVD's. 2) The print on the face of the CD and DVD are grayish-black, however the background is pitch black, so you can 't see the print unless you tilt the disks awkwardly in the sun. Otherwise its a great product.
If you are a fan of the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood series then you will love this cd. All openings and closing songs in their entirety plus a bonus song as well. The packaging and extras are fantastic. Very pleased with this collection and the price was well worth it.