AQ Austria
In 2012, the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) was established as an agency for quality assurance for Austrian higher education institutions on the basis of the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (HS-QSG).
According to AQ Austria's legal remit, AQ Austria is responsible for the entire higher education sector in Austria. In carrying out its responsibilities, AQ Austria follows these basic principles:
- The higher education institutions (HEIs) bear the main responsibility for the quality of their activities and for quality assurance and improvement.
- AQ Austria understands its procedures as supplementary to an HEI's internal quality assurance. It is independent in what it does and not bound by any instructions Decisions in quality assurance procedures are made exclusively in accordance with quality criteria.
- Quality assurance procedures are modelled on international good practice standards, especially the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
- Cooperation with HEIs and other interested parties is the basis for the development of procedure rules and standards or criteria.
New AQ Austria accreditation regulations 2024 in force
Recognition of AQ Austria by the Swiss Accreditation Council
Entry into force of the § 27-Notification Decree 2024
AQ Austria is a member of the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN)
Conference of the European RPL Network
New telephone availability of AQ Austria from 26 August 2024: 0664/78042262 and 0677/61495429.
Successful Renewal of EQAR Registration for AQ Austria
11th Annual Conference 2024: "Academic and Artistic Integrity"
The site visit within the ENQA Targeted Review of AQ Austria took place from 21 to 23 February 2024.