GTM #301 - Cover Story
by DV Games

 Cover of GTM #301; Rumblebots by DV Games


GTM #301 - Rumblebots

Bring the exciting post-apocalyptic world of robot battles to your
tabletop with this fast-paced deck management game, and
let’s get ready to RUMBLEBOTS!    

 by DV Games




GTM #301 - Features


Vow of Absolution by Cubicle 7 Games

GTM #301  - Warhammer 40K RPG: Vow of Absolution

Combat heresy alongside the Absolvers with Vow of Absolution,
the latest sourcebook for the Warhammer 40K role-playing game!  

by Cubicle 7 Games



Emerald Skulls by Thunderworks Games   

GTM #301 - Emerald Skulls 

Whether you’re a seasoned gambler or looking for a quick,
fun game with friends, Emerald Skulls promises a delectably
chaotic dice-centric experience.  

by Thunderworks Games