Favoriting Feelings with Michele with One "L": Playlist from December 6, 2022 Favoriting

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Nothing less than feelings.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 6, 2022: You're the Experiment, I'm the Control

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
Marmalade Duplex  Nose Weather   Favoriting Snot Bath  Corduroy Palace  2022  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Snõõper  Town Topic   Favoriting Town Topic EP  Electric Outlet  2022  *   0:07:42 (Pop-up)
Gorgeous  Raindrop   Favoriting EIEIEIO / Gorgeous Split  Sad Cactus  2021    0:09:21 (Pop-up)
Long Hots  Boogie Trance   Favoriting Monday Night Raw  Self-Released  2018    0:12:52 (Pop-up)
Sexual Milkshake  Lick the Toad   Favoriting Space Gnome 7"  Teen Beat  1990    0:22:34 (Pop-up)
Lucidvox  Swarm   Favoriting Burn the Grief (single)  Glitterbeat  2022  *   0:24:45 (Pop-up)
Magic Sword  Hope   Favoriting Endless  Magic Sword  2019    0:37:05 (Pop-up)
Nianio, GeeNerve & Taran  Eye of the Fire   Favoriting Frozen Jungle / Заморожені Джунглі  Sincere Sensation  2022  *   0:43:38 (Pop-up)
Gold Dust  Weird Weather   Favoriting The Late Great Gold Dust  Centripetal Force  2022  *   0:47:16 (Pop-up)
Secret Square  Aerodynamic   Favoriting Secret Square 7"  Elephant 6  1994    0:51:59 (Pop-up)
The Gabys  How Can I Prepare   Favoriting The Gabys 7" EP  Fruits & Flowers  2022  *   0:55:33 (Pop-up)
Sebadoh  Soul and Fire   Favoriting Soul and Fire 7"  Sub Pop  1993    0:58:43 (Pop-up)
Hand Habits  More Than Love (Demo)   Favoriting Fun House: Blueprints EP  Saddle Creek  2022  *   1:08:34 (Pop-up)
The Shams  3 am   Favoriting Only A Dream / 3 A.M. 7"  LSR  1989    1:11:21 (Pop-up)
Family Ravine  Sharkscraps   Favoriting Jumpthefox  Round Bale  2022  *   1:14:14 (Pop-up)
Márkos Vamvakáris  We Were Smoking One Evening   Favoriting Death is Bitter  Mississippi  1930s / 2022    1:19:22 (Pop-up)
Hala Strana  Stouthrief   Favoriting Hala Strana  Worstward  2003    1:22:33 (Pop-up)
Omnivore  Ways   Favoriting Omnivore  Feeding Tube  2013    1:25:16 (Pop-up)
Voice Actor  Another Day   Favoriting Sent From My Telephone  Stroom.tv  2022  *   1:27:32 (Pop-up)
Bitter Moon, After 5:08  Pretty in the Dark   Favoriting Berliner Kinder  Blau Blau  2022  *   1:37:12 (Pop-up)
K.D. Lang  The Air That I Breathe   Favoriting Drag  Warner  1997    1:40:25 (Pop-up)
Eerie Wanda  Long Time   Favoriting Internal Radio  Joyful Noise  2022  *   1:46:13 (Pop-up)
Elysian Fields  We'll Get There Yet   Favoriting Once Beautiful Twice Removed  Ojet  2022  *   1:49:06 (Pop-up)
Maxine Funke  Flourish   Favoriting Pieces of Driftwood  Disciples  2022  *   1:53:16 (Pop-up)
Ernest Hood  Sunny Banks   Favoriting Back to the Woodlands  Freedom to Spend  2022  *   1:57:28 (Pop-up)
Mythic Sunship  First Frost   Favoriting Light / Flux  Tee Pee  2022  *   2:04:51 (Pop-up)
Nightshift  Made of the Earth   Favoriting Made of the Earth  Trouble In Mind  2022  *   2:12:16 (Pop-up)
Brainticket  Brainticket, Pt. 2   Favoriting Cottonwoodhill  Bellaphon  1971    2:16:54 (Pop-up)
Karen Black  Well I Know You're Lonely Now   Favoriting Dreaming of You (1971-1976)  Anthology  2021    2:33:19 (Pop-up)
Aldous Harding  What If Birds Aren't Singing They're Screaming   Favoriting Party  4AD  2017    2:35:51 (Pop-up)
Alison Cotton  17 November 1962   Favoriting The Portrait You Painted of Me  Rocket Recordings / Feeding Tube  2022  *   2:38:49 (Pop-up)
Lean Year  Bad Woman   Favoriting Sides  Western Vinyl  2022  *   2:44:10 (Pop-up)
Lightning Dust / Bison  Lioness   Favoriting Lioness (single)  Secretly Canadian  2022  *   2:47:07 (Pop-up)
Tia Blake and Her Folk Group  The Rising of the Moon   Favoriting Folksongs & Ballads  Société Française  2022  *   2:52:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Karl Ward:

Hasn't she heard about New Jersey's deer tick problem?
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What about those Lone Star ticks that make you allergic to red meat. Terrifying!
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Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

bring on the L feels!

do ticks tic?
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Michele with One "L":

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Crosby in KC:

Hello, Michele and all.
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@hyperdose they are real. my uncle got bit and is now allergic to red meat. Ironic part is he got bit on a hunting trip. kharma
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Hi MicheLe! Ready to be bombarded with your posi vibez!
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Ugh, is it nose weather season again already?
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o noes i can never eat red meat again wat will i doooooo
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DJ Mw1L, bonjour.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Well, hi there!
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Do you have a tissue?
Jackie G:

Rudolph the reindeer had a red nose.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

The red meat allergy typically goes away within 1-2 years. Happened to my bro, from the lone star tick bite as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

Ready for the feels and the ticks
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chris in the redwoods:

hey, Michele and folks!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

hey chris!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Michele with One "L":

I'm in a better mood than last week!
Jackie G:

Tics give you Lymes disease. Nasty little buggers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good Day FMUvianz ~
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Crosby in KC:

Glad you're in a better place this week, Michele.
Jackie G:

Thought this Snoopy song topic was gonna be about Christmas. Maybe it is, can't decide.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Just want everyone to know Mick Fleetwood is still alive & laying in a field in a dress photographed by Eddie Izzard. Which is certainly somewhat reassuring in these times.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

hey RR63!
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Eddie Izzard is my favorite flavor of mince pie
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Cheers for feeling better!
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It's umbrella drink weather here! To be more specific, it's umbrella drink weather if you put an umbrella in your hot cocoa.
JetBoy of Astoria:

Hi Michele and all. Michele, glad you are feeling better! Important when your show is called Feelings.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:14pm
Deano de los Muertos:

!kcor s’teL 🔥🤘
Jackie G:

Oh mi cabeza
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

there's almost a minor booger theme tying together the songs in this set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the moody ☽Moon is not quite Full but getting there rapidly - lingering in sensual ♉︎Taurus before commuting into communicative ♊︎Gemini - where She will join red warrior ♂︎Mars who is spending really too much time there - & is just about in ☍Opposition to the ♐︎Sagittarius ⦿Sun. & so red ♂︎Mars will be high & bright all night for a bit - taking over that position from fortunate philosophical ♃Jupiter - who has been Home in empathic ♓︎Pisces but is just about to ram His way into assertive ♈︎Aries for about a year...

Jammin!! yay!!
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Deano de los Muertos:

a snot bath might not be as bad as it sounds…as long as it’s your own snot.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Loving this set...with one "L"
Jackie G:

Guess you just gotta give it a chance
JetBoy of Astoria:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

HenryRollins has spoken of bathing after Punk shows & the water reconstituting all the dried things people had deposited on him in concert ...not the greatest recommendation for any particular Culture seems to me...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

This song sounds like some Joy Division song that I don't know
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Long Hots are great vegetable frying music! Wonder if that was one of the main talking points in the studio.
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Analog Nights:

Wish this Long Hots cassette was still available!

The feelings man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

Nice churning burning set Michele!
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Analog Nights:

@ortho I hear a lil spacemen 3
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Michele with One "L":

Same @analog
Betsy O:

This Long Hots song sounds a lot like “TV Eye” by the Stooges.

Is this a jammer? I'd guess yes, but still working toward a full understanding of what is and what isn't, LOL.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm

It looks comfortable in the grass, but I'd be concerned about ticks.
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Jason from Houston:

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Heya Michele and those who jam. I'm psyched for the jammers.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Sexual Milkshake. Pretty hilarious. I saw a movie warning about the danger of licking toads.
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Deano de los Muertos:

@chresti they key is to make yourself undesirable, even to parasites
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

She kissed the toad & hallucinated a Prince. Everything makes sense now.

This song is a ravioli
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm
Crosby in KC:

I love Lucidvox!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Birds are chirping like mad outside the window.

Deano, with positive thinking?
Jackie G:

hey! A Christmas song!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

nasty guitar! love it. lucidvox

what is this song? is it from a Ukrainian band?
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

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Ken From Hyde Park:

"Time keeps on ticking, into the future." Steve Miller Band
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

those were some JAMMERS!

Yo, pony

Yo, toilet strap
Avatar 12:32pm

I know that feel
Avatar 12:32pm

Glad to hear you're feeling better, and you and Pony are back in the studio and not stuck in your home! Here for the feelings, and the people feeling them.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Geez Michelle, sorry about your ankle! That must be rough....Don't feel bad I had a cell phone land in an unused toilet. It still worked afterword, but it turned the humidity indicator pink!
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Hubig Pie:

I've had 17 nosebleeds already
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Deano de los Muertos:

Tuna Tuesday baby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Enjoyed opening Set ✔︎
...not just my opinion...
  Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

glad to hear you're feeling better Michele...
Triple G in NYC:

Was that posi vibes or Fozzy vibes? WAKA WAKA
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Hubig Pie:

I know that taste well.
They gots those nosebleed sticks to staunch the flow
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Crosby in KC:

i just realized I had stepped in dog poo this morning on my way in to work. I'd been here for hours before I starting smelling it. Not quite a toilet dunked overall strap but also gross.

chicks with problems , never seen that before, oh yeah i've been married for 30 years
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

I hate the iron taste, it reminds we when I thought I was getting hydrazine poisoning (toxic rocket thruster fuel). They had a big meeting with safety and many other on staff to tell me no, you don't! I didn't I think it was the copier I shared a cubicle with. Dog poop is really gross in general, I don't want it in my yard.
Avatar 12:37pm

Hickeys are awesome. Bring hickeys back!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
Deano de los Muertos:

was prob 2017 for me too 🥲
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alan the painter:

Michele, what a story, a pint, impressive. Moving into dry season and drinking a ton o coffee, though ginger in the chaw helps, yelp!
oh, an' blood thinners...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

As a form or entity . . Whatever . . The "letter" S is HOTT right now!!
All I can say.

Sucker Bytes
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Deano de los Muertos:

here’s to future hickies

I got home yesterday and noticed I'd managed to some ketchup on the lower part of my pants. Looked a lot like blood. Maybe that's why people were keeping their distance on the subway.
Avatar 12:38pm

Prog's back too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Michele with One "L":

"chicks" is mad offensive
Avatar 12:38pm
Analog Nights:

Get a turtleneck hickey hater
Jackie G:

Had that cupping at accupuncture. it works. After she stuck me with needles. And lit them on fire.
All better now
Avatar 12:39pm

Hot take: People who think hickeys are gross are just mad because you got some and they didn't
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

Another forbidden word. There are so many now, I can't keep track of them all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Enuff with the nose gore today awlready.
My famous dumb bachelor story :
Wanted to empty coffee grounds from frenchpress into toilet. Handle however not attached to glass. The singular audio sensation of the vacuum of the glass descending into johnwater fawhooosh ...which shattering of bourgeois glass device component against low rent b-room porcelain fixture krrrshhcrack.
So now what do I have ?
A bowlful of dark dark opaque coffee grounds & all sizes of who knows what quantity & sizes of sharp & splintery glass fragments.
What would any dumb bachelor do ??
Why - Flush of course.
Then what else could *possibly* occur but that precisely the right size Fragment lodges deep within the glugglug neck curve of the porcelain poo plumbing - perfectly blocking all biological proceedings & utterly inaccessible
...making me effectively a stranded Camper in my own domicile...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

*with shattering

This track reminds me of the part in the never ending story where Atreyu is wading through the swamps of sadness

still married, learned to live with the noise, yep happily
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Deano de los Muertos:

dig this one a lot 🔮🗡
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I got a plastic one now...
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@Revolution Rabbit, that is just so horrible, and horribly funny at the same time. Cheers for sharing!
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chris in the redwoods:

that's hilarious (and awful, sure, but hilarious), RevRab!
Avatar 12:44pm

@brainiac Agreed. The virtue signaling has reached a fever pitch in today's world. People will be better off once they focus their energy on what they can control instead of attempting to bully others into submission.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Maybe. But pushback against 'chick' started in the 1970s.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Saying chick like that was just plain rude. He should apologize.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Michele with One "L":

Eh, some words don't need to be used, not trying to silence people but c'mon... and I'm certainly not bullying anyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Michele with One "L":

Let's not make a thing of it on the chat board though PLEASE
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Words don't need to be forbidden, but they should be contested.
Jackie G:

"you had your chance, Gorman!"
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I was speaking in generalities. People from all walks of life are doing it. Not singling anyone out. Party on
Avatar 12:48pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Gold Dust reminds me of a Holly Go Lightly song in Broken Flowers soundtrack.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Michele with One "L":

Party ON!!!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

Pushback on "chick" started in my family when I referred to myself as a "chick magnet". Pushback also continued on "magnet" and as well and I was asked to never paint that unlikely picture again.
Avatar 12:51pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!

Gotta go soon. Maybe I'll catch the rest of the show in Archive later. Anyway, thanks Michele, and glad to hear your mood has improved.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

Game over man. Game over!

sorry i'll justlisten to wkdu in philly
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If we can't say chick magnet does that mean MxPx is "cancelled" as the kids say? 😱
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

Not even dental floss nor hair should be goin' down the toilet!!
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sounds like these bros just can't feel the Feelings with us, Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
Michele with One "L":

cool @florida
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
Michele with One "L":

@olivia - yeah they can't hang

Hi 👋🏻 people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Michele with One "L":

BUT most of them are great! Just a bad apple or two.
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@hyperdose in my case it was because I am butt ugly. Even my wife refers to me as "the guy with the nice personality" and even that is a stretch.
JetBoy of Astoria:

Great set of music I have never heard! Nice work Michele
Avatar 12:56pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Toilets can be touchy! Er, yuk!
I try to be stoic like Spock. I WILL joke around, though.
Avatar 12:56pm
Don in Tampere:

Hi Michele and all the listeners and discussers on the board. I don't usually get to hear this show because it's the same time as band practice, but tonight is canceled because some of the band are doing some kind of independence day thing. Sounds great!

Phillipe as long as you have a nice personality
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

@eileen_tooth definitely debatable...

Can someone call my health insurance and tell them to find me a close by endocrinologist

Why is that phillipe?
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Crosby in KC:

Digging this lo-fi, fuzzy, mellow sound.

People who are mean and assholes and just shit personalities are the worst

@Don - Independence day? Where?
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

@eileen character flaws ;)
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I say nay Phillippe! If you're "ugly" then I'm a distant relative of Willem Dafoe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Michele with One "L":

Is this cool or corny or both?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
WFMU listener WADE:

Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

it's cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

God i love this era of Sebadoh. Sebadoh III one of the greatest albums ever

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
WFMU listener WADE:

deliciously so...both

Lovelove love the Sebadoh song🥰


I'm good with it
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chris in the redwoods:

cool, i think. no corn detected... but then, its me saying this, so...
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That tubey lead makes this cool to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

Oh, and hi Michele! Hi commenters!
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Don in Tampere:

Independence day in Finland. On Dec. 6 1917 Lenin (a longtime supporter of Finnish independence, who met Stalin for the first time right here in Tampere around 1905) signed the decree declaring Finland an independent country.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

How did that potato corn chowder come out Eileen?

My personality is ok I have flaws I’m defective I’m weird looking
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@hyperdose, Ha, I've aged like Dafoe. My wife, her sister and husband, and I were sitting around the other day and I looked at them and how well they've aged, then checked the mirror and wondered what the hell happened

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I am here now..you have my undivided. Thank you in advance
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Michael 98145:

Hats off to Finland

I’d post a picture but I can’t here
JetBoy of Astoria:

Ah, this is the song. I like sebadoh, idk, a lot of people don’t but to each their own
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Michele with One "L":


My husband is stressed 24/7 he’s aging

I like sebadoh

All the corns were in Karnak form 😂
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm


Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Still never tried it that I know of, but . . Supposedly using multiple different types of apples to make an applesauce makes it better.

There is a little miniature Steve Urkel in me somewhere. I can FEEL it!!

Is potato corn chowder and it’s delicious
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

Colonel Form!
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Michael 98145:

i do like grits
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Deano de los Muertos:

It’s got the juice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

More chowder for us Eileen haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

Creamed corn is delicious!
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What about popcorn? Can't do it anymore as it sticks in the gums. Those pop corners chips saved me.

😂 colonel form

Why do peoples heads and faces get bigger as they age?
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Michael 98145:

yer still sassy
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Deano de los Muertos:

I love some corn and king crab chowder 🌽 🦀

Mine isn’t big to begin with but I don’t need my nose or ears getting any bigger

Never had that kind @Deano
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Independence from Soviets is best.

Yes Corn Pop chips are great !

The Indians called it "Maize"

Pop corner chips I mean 🥰
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Lol wow, never knew that some folk find corn repulsive. Like the anti-mayo crowd

Maize 🌽

There was almost more potatoes than corn in the chowder
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The girl scouts stopped by. The three of us in our household have gone through $20 worth of cookies in two days. That's like 6 cookies each.
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Deano de los Muertos:

Pony the lap baby

Corn Nuts!

I’m going to make Coquito one day this week gotta get all those milky ingredients does anyone know of a truly amazing Coquito recipe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

Thats the way i like it eileen. Potato main stage, corn opening act. Crab is a welcome addition for sure.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

<3 dawgy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

And corn nuts are pretty great

@phillipe I never see Girl Scouts anywhere I’d totally buy em out 🤤🤤🤤
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And i’ll destroy a row of Samoa's with the quickness Phillippe
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...websearches Coquito
- oo! Looks like Horchata with some Rawk'n'Roll in it...

SexualMilkshake was from Harrisonburg, not Harrisburg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm

It could be very dangerous if the Statue of Liberty came alive with a whole bunch of people inside of it.

Just sayin'.

😂🥳 @ iiibeat
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@eileen @destroit we're in the 'burbs in a neighborhood that is turning over to young families. You can't walk the dog without running into a candy or popcorn fundraiser. I'm getting fat and going broke
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Good song

Hi Hi Hi

Revolution rabbit Coquito is like Puerto Rican egg nog minus any egg
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Ooh The Shams! Amy Rigby's old band!

I’m in burbs too yet no sign of a Girl Scout 😞
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah not very Horchata but I wanted to say Horchata
...Phillippe they need to show Movies @ that rate...
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Once I discovered there was an alternative option to clam chowder, my life changed. I'll gladly take your potato cubes, eileen
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I'll send some over...

I miss pseu I missed the show last week I forgot why maybe I was depressed
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Deano de los Muertos:

me likey

☺️ HyperDose
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chris in the redwoods:

this Shams track is amazing.
JetBoy of Astoria:

@iiibeat - just saying that makes it more likely to happen. At least we can take comfort knowing all those inside the statue would be tourists

Follow @georgie_tooth for pictures and videos of my cat and possibly dog and my VERY New YaWK accent
Tinley Park Randy:

I knew it was The Shams by the voices. I have a 7 inch by them, Take My Heart, from around 1993.

Staten Island New YaWK that is
Jackie G:

The Roches!!

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Crosby in KC:

@chris in the redwoods: agreed
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@RR63 we do have neighborhood movies. Dude across the street plays movies on his garage door every month or so.
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Omg! I'm here for the Pony song!

Oooooh movies on his garage ?! We were gunna do that but no one would care I feel like we’re outcasts
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Don in Tampere:

Michael, as a native South Carolinian, I'm definitely partial to grits, and one of the things on my Christmas list from my siblings every year is a bag of stone-ground grits.
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I really enjoyed that Shams song. Thank you for that :)
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Deano de los Muertos:

Man I love this
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@Jetboy not only tourists, all the employees would be locals. Feeling the Statue Of Liberty feelings, wasn't expecting that....
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Garage door of dreams, eileen. If you show it, they will come...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lady Liberty probly also a native Francophone which would trigger the RightWingers...
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hello everyone
Jackie G:

corn muffins are good. with strawberries

Lol Phillipe


Go check out @georgie_tooth on Instagram I posted a picture of my chowder in the stories
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Greek rembetiko music? Hashish puffers I heard.
Amon Dan II:

Hell yea markos vamvakaris! Probably smoking hash…

Rebetika - pine tree tasting wine - often bitter, strong cheeses, hard black bread, olives, sad songs and thick cigarettes !!!!
Avatar 1:23pm

Morphe the Life, eh? I really did find a rembetiko in our building's laundry room.
Barba Yiorgi:

give everyone a toke on Markos ' pipe! yia sas,
Jackie G:

Oh mi cabeza!
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WFMU will Be good to yer head

Ireland - "Life is difficult and then ya die.."
Alt **Hasid Bklyn: "Ya gotta take the Bitter with the Sour."
** Alt = Non-conformist Hasid who lived with no Rabbi and no Congregation.. A lovely loner who worked as a Janitor on my block ..1980s
Barba Yiorgi:

γειά σου Michele με ένα ΛΆΜΔΑ , μορτισσα!!

Amon Dan II:

Barba, is Michele a mangas or what?!
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This song is beautiful. Very haunting but also comforting.
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JetBoy . . I see your point. But . . It isn't only the people INSIDE of her that I am worried about . .
She will probably be pretty clumsy after not moving for so long . . You know??
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That Omnivore was great.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

You're in Madrid today, morphe'? What's the mood there this evening?
Listener Rob:

I really miss Shut Up Weirdo

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Deano de los Muertos:

What a show it is
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Michele with One "L":

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Crosby in KC:

The hits just keep coming!!
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Pete from Hoboken:

I didn't realize that was Sharon V E!
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KFHP twisting the knife!
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Last I heard, Amy Rigby is living in Europe with her husband Wreckless Eric

I wonder how that Advil Tylenol is
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I think you should have Hydrocodone on demand if you need it. Despensed from a gumball machine.

Love you and the music you play. Current bed music is killing me though. Kinda like grinding teeth. Anyway thanks. Got that misphonia or whatever it is called so it is on me really.
Kat in Chicago:

The Shams’ “Quilt” album might be of interest to you, Michele. I used to listen to that a lot in the early-mid 90s.

Yes 13ra1niac I agree

Oh Ken he hates me
Avatar 1:37pm

I wonder if the Medical World has a designation for those, rare few, who cannot be addicted to anything.. or are unlikely to be, is that even possible? If so there must be a word for it.
Andrea C from the app:

Hello everyone and Michele! It’s feelings!

JetBoy of Astoria:

@iiibeat - perhaps lady liberty would climb the Empire State Building and be shot at (with tears in the pilots’s eyes) by biplanes. That would be iconic!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yerknow - when I went to the hospital cause I had a kidney stone & didn't know what that was ...they gave me something they said was some kinda super-aspirin in my hydrating IV ...& it was interesting maybe even more than the opioids ...wish I'd remembered the name...
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John L:

Phillippe: As far as I know Amy and Eric live in the upper NY Hudson Valley. Amy played a recent gig up in Catskill and another one in Hudson.
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chris in the redwoods:

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joe mulligan:

If Ken's allowed to have that pink shirt as his premium you can play all the perverted music you want. I can't wear that shirt without worrying about who I will see during the day
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Michael 98145:

beautiful track this
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Crosby in KC:

Whoa..KD covering The Hollies. I've not heard this before
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JohnL/Phillippe: Amy and Eric were just in the NYT this past weekend www.nytimes.com... "How the Hudson Valley and the Catskills became the home to grunge icons, ex-punks and one-hit wonders."
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I was surprised to hear that nurses most commonly abuse benzodiazepines. That they also abuse opioids did not surprise.
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This KD reboot is so good
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@John, ah, ok, I misremembered. Might have been something about touring in Europe. I remember hearing an interview (maybe on FMU?) where they were asking her why she and Eric now tour separately, that may be what is stuck in the cobwebs.
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chris in the redwoods:

lol, Joe. i was wearing it while mrs. redwoods and i were walking with the puppers in the park out here. a kind old lady we know from there said, "nice shirt." and i thought in my head, oh you freaky, huh? :)

Why do they abuse benzodiazepines
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Most things that KD Lang touches is pretty solid

The best!

Where is KD Lang I haven’t heard about her in like decades
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@eileen: The stress of the job, and being around death. They often are exposed to trauma.
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chris in the redwoods:

i think benzos take the edge off, right? good to ease anxiety?


Yeah they take the edge off but then if u take them too much and have to stop you can’t handle the littlest thing
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All too true, eileen
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joe mulligan:

hahahahaahah @Chris! I could imagine, you never know with some of the OG hippies out here
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Thanks Yetz, I'd love to read that. She's been a favorite of mine since Diary of a Mod Housewife. Will need to figure out how to skirt the firewall
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All this food talk up stream on the comments reminds me to make shrimp packets for dinner tonight. Shrimp, ear of corn, potatoes, squash and andouille, covered liberally in Old Bay Seasoning and enclosed in a foil packet. Chuck 'em on the grill for 20 minutes, flipping them halfway through.
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What time's dinner, Carm?
Jackie G:

The Roches have a fine Christmas album. We Three Kings
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yes Carm, I would eat that...
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Try J.O. instead of Old Bay if they have it where you live, carm
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Michele with One "L":

I love Old Bay
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Michele with One "L":

@carmichael - NO CORN
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Jennifer Charles = pure sexy
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Hmmm J.O. Spice #1 Seasoning..had to look that one up. Made in Maryland, so probably pretty good, too.
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Shrimp is bad for gout,if you have it, Carm.
Jackie G:

it's raining. And DARK!
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American society does not have a drug problem- we are a drug culture www.barnesandnoble.com...
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Handy Haversack:

Helo, Michele. Helo, al.
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greetings handy
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Crosby in KC:

I used to use Tony Cachere's Creole Seasoning but it seems like it's different than it was. I now use Old Bay
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Dinner is served right before you arrive, Brainiac.

No gout here, Chresti. Lots of other issues, though.

Michele, do you have a corn phobia? Givin' out some hard no's ...
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@eileen@1:44 because they're in large supply, opiates are probably locked in a vault and closely monitored.
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@jt J.O. is one of those Maryland things that thelocals usually keep to themselves lol. Really great for steaming crustaceans. If you steam crabs a lot, it's way more cost effective than Old Bay. The local grocer near us sells a 10 gallon bucket.

hey Handy!
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yo handy!

Ohhh Chresti
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sorry, 10 pound bucket

Gunna heat me up some potato corn chowderrrrrrrrrrrrr
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What is J.O.?
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chris in the redwoods:

hey, Handy!

I’ve got no friends so whoever is in the chat is now my friend
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@Crosby: Tony's is just too salty for my taste.

Jerk off
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Do you think the kid from that corn video is rich now?
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Cool beans, Carmichael!
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Handy Haversack:

Yes, Phillippe, prof., Chris. How fare you all?

Ha, thought so, Chris!
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I fare me well, Handy!
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Crosby in KC:

@brainiac: Same, but I don't remember it being that way. Seems like it got unbearable in the last 10 years or so.
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hellraiser swag arrived over the weekend. all's well in the world.
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I'm wearing my swag pin proudly upon my lapel right now!
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I am excited to be listening. I am enjoying my day. My swag also arrived a few days ago. Woot!
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joe mulligan:

it's dungeness crab season here in NorCal, our neighbor usually brings us a couple fresh ones for Christmas. we've used Old Bay but would like to try J.O. - should we try #1 or #2?
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my pin is on a XXL los eskeletos t-shirt with a bunch of other pins, hanging in our band room.
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11:05 here at the tennis courts in Griffith park
Sensational day with clouds.
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Old Bay is amazing. I recently discovered that's what "seasoned" fries are. Baked a giant batch two weeks ago and was in heaven.
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Old Bay is fantastic on French Fries, or Freedumb Fries for our challenged patriots.
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@joe definitely #2. #1 is more of a spice ingredient, closer to Old Bay. I think the #2 has more salt in it
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chris in the redwoods:

digging this Mythic Sunship!
JetBoy of Astoria:

First band on the sun, I hear
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Heyo. Just got back from some medical testing. Meh. Treated myself to a tuna melt at a local rather good, very small menu greasy spoon near Mt. Sinai Astoria, so working late tonight. Back to the grindstone but wanted to check in....
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Deano de los Muertos:

Thanks for a great show Michele
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old guantanamo bay...
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Old Bay is also good in a Bloody Mary

Ew Bloody Mary 😂

So not a fan of tomato juice 🤢
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Deano was right, it is Tuna Tuesday. Hang in there 3M!
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@chresti - you in L.A.?
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chris in the redwoods:

mmmm tuna melt.

Follow @ Georgie_tooth on Instagram please
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

And this was a really low budget tuna melt but it really hit the spot -- served open faced, two pieces of bakery white but at least 2" of fresh tuna salad on each slice, with tomato, and (alas) a square of American cheese on top. And two cups of diner coffee. No crappy news channels on the TVs (yet another reason why I hate hospitals -- they all seem to have Faux News on, ,at least Sinai has NY1 on so I can at least get local news and some fun stuff sometimes). Instead, they had the Morocco v Spain game on, and the whole place was watching. I sat at the lunch counter and it all felt very homey.
JetBoy of Astoria:

@threemoons - who’s got a good tuna melt in Astoria? I love them but I always end up thinking mine are better than restaurant melts
JetBoy of Astoria:

Also hoping all is well re testing
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I'm glad folks keep making this sorta music. . .
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@HyperDose thank you! And let me plug Crescent Kitchen. The place was almost going to close until they built the new hospital, now it's jumping -- at 12:30 PM almost full at all seats, and a constant stream of deliveristas picking up. Looked and sounded like a model UN delegation in there except everyone there was actually focused and getting things done! They close at like 4--they are a lunch and breakfast operation.
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Crosby in KC:

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Ken From Hyde Park:

Brainticket is here!
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That panning is sweet
JetBoy of Astoria:

Ah - I love crescent kitchen too. I live in Crescent St!
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Tuna Melt: make it like a grilled cheese…butter the bread and put liberal amount of old bay on the butter. Sear that old bay right into the bread.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@JetBoy of Astoria -- alas, now that Mike's Diner is gone, as well as the Bel Aire, I'm still asking that myself. Maybe try Neptune Diner, or the NoTable place across the street from Sinai--I had a cold sandwich from there and it was good, and they have a proper broiler so they can probably swing a good melt. DO give the one at Crescent Kitchen a go though--at least the tuna salad was very on point and they offered me a very good pickle with said sammie.
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Handy Haversack:

Crap -- Aoife Nessa Frances and June McDoom canceled at Union Pool tomorrow.
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Is Ken in the building?
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Handy Haversack:

Wait, what happened to the Bel Aire, JetBoy??!
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Michele with One "L":

Ken has played this before
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Detroit I am used to the ancient BX Jewish Deli style melts--two thick slabs of rye or pumprnickel, toasted on the flat top, apply tuna and cheese and close and then back to the hottest part of the flat-top with much pressing to compact the tuna and cheese into a fatty protein matrix and the bread becomes shatteringly crisp.
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joe mulligan:

thanks @Phillippe!
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Michele with One "L":

I love a tuna melt

far freakin' out!
JetBoy of Astoria:

Neptune is my go to when I’m feeling lazy - so most of the time
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Analog Nights:

Maybe missing out but any fish combined with cheese is a stay away.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Also Neptune is gonna close soon alas. patch.com...
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

There's not going to be ANY Old Skool Greek Diners in Astoria at this point, which is a very, very sad thing.
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Michele with One "L":

The gif looks so good with this song
JetBoy of Astoria:

Yeah I heard about Neptune’s upcoming demise, but idk when that will be. So for now I’ve been going more than I otherwise would.
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Handy Haversack:

Crap DAMN it, Threemoons!
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joe mulligan:

with the talk of tuna melt I was just stating to miss the Eisenberg's lunch option when I worked in the Flatiron. sadly their NY spot is closed? but they have a pop-up in SF!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Michele I am glad that I found a fellow tuna melt fan! It's underrated as far as diner classics go. FWIW, it's not even ON THE MENU at Crescent but the kid behind the counter knew what one was and how to sort of make it.
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Dairy and seafood isn't for me, but I can't resist freshly made tuna salad with a generous amount of celery
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Joe Mulligan new place took over the space and revived the menu; supposed to be actually pretty darn good and tries to capture the spirit of the original. I doubt that they have Eisenberg's chopped liver and turkey with Swiss though.
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Michele with One "L":

YES @threemoons - I think the tuna melt is one of if not the most controversial sandwiches. It must be the warm mayo.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

there ya go, tuna melt porn for you at the new Eisenbergs joint ny.eater.com...
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Michele with One "L":

I also like eating pizza and drinking really cold vitamin D milk
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Handy Haversack:

K8 also loves a tuna melt. Acapulco Diner in Greenpoint recently stopped making them, which was a blow to her.

on paper, a tuna melt sounds gross but in reality it's really awesome
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Michele with One "L":

I love Acapulco @handy!
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Pizza is its own food group
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Oh yeah - pizza and cold milk taste fantastic together. Never could get behind beer w/ pizza. A nice red wine - sure.
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Handy Haversack:

It is the greatest place around, Michele! The whole neighborhood holds its breath when they go on vacation in August!
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My hot take on tuna melts is that they always seem like they're going to taste better than they do.

And speaking of hot takes, how about this Brainticket!
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great set, Michele. we are getting way out there on a Tuesday afternoon. ya absolutely love to hear it....
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Michele One of the best ones I EVER had was at the Roscoe Diner, halfway between NYC and Ithaca, NY. It was August, driving up for a weekend with friends who worked on campus over the summer. Got caught in a blinding thunderstorm and followed a tour bus off an exit into the parking lot--I couldn't even see where I was going. Found a spot and got drenched running in; the place was packed. The waitress, without being asked, gave me several of those huge diner-sized coffee basket filters to dry my hair and glasses off with. Had an amazing tuna melt and 2 Cokes and a bathroom break. Waited a bit with some coffee until the storm let up enough to drive safely in. Miss that place.
JetBoy of Astoria:

I’ve been making them open faced with a slice of tomato (adds needed moisture) and a turn in the broiler - yum.
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A stiff bourbon & ginger with pizza on the other hand... 😍
JetBoy of Astoria:

Also this song is super intense
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Alright already!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@efd both are fantastic! Loving the set, need to hear what I missed in archives later. And DO get a proper tuna melt at a proper place. The bread and the heat at which the cheese is melted makes the difference. As the tuna pretty much HAS to be cold when put on the bread, it's an art getting the whole thing up to an acceptable temperature.
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Andrea C:

Hey Michele, if you are at wfmu building, does this mean your foot healed? (hurray!?). Sorry if you wrote/said that already, haven't been present in the chat.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hullo Cleveland !
...we are Controversial Sandwiches
...all that & a bag of chips on yer shoulders...
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is Acapulco Diner the proper name of the Mexican Restaurant on Manhattan and... not Box, but I forget the names of the C and D streets? If so that was a popular date spot for my sweetie and me before I finally lured her out to NJ.
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@Threemoons I'll consider it, but I feel like I've been burned, so to speak too many times before.
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Andrea C:

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Handy Haversack:

That's the place, efd!
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How about iced corn?
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Handy Haversack:

Clay St., right next to St. Vitus.
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Crosby in KC:

I'm reading the comments and Y'ALL ARE MAKING ME HUNGRY!!!
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I don't think I've ever seen a reality TV show.
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chris in the redwoods:

white lotus is super fun

Follow @georgie_tooth on Instagram
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@MicheLe Look into getting a Chattanooga Colpac. It's a gel pack that doesn't fully freeze and get stiff. It was a lifesaver for my knee inury
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I've only ever had Mexican food there but it is great. And we've been back there a few times when we happen to be in that neighborhood and hungry.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The last supposed POTUS was an Unreality TV villain. There's consequences to this stuff.
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, their cheese enchiladas are one of the great dishes of Greenpoint. Cheap breakfast, too!
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joe mulligan:

thanks for that link @3Moons!
about tv, has anyone been watching Wednesday or Dead to Me?
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Acapulco is one of the best diners on earth. I love the staff and they can do both Mexican and American food on the turn of a dime. Same people behind the counter since I first came there in 2005
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Baja Joe:

Tuna melt!
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Baja Joe:

I have a whole FB Group (sorry Mark) dedicated to the tuna melt- best sandwich ever
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Loved Wednesday, though it should've only been about 5-6 episodes. Haven't watched Dead to Me since Season 1
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Handy Haversack:

They have been there a long time. We got takeout from Acapulco on 9/11.

And frosted mugs for beer!
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Handy Haversack:

We watched seasons 1 and 2 of Dead to Me. Is there another?
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@handy haversack: the frosted beer mugs!!! So epic every time. I would take NYC visitors here and that was one of the talking points: attention to detail!!!
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Hubig Pie:

My birds both sing and scream and you can definitely tell which is which
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joe mulligan:

oh it's Court St Grocers who are reviving the space at Eisenbergs? Court St Grocers is legit for sandos, always got their v-roopy:
roasted rutabaga, french's fried onions, arugula, horseradish mayo
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Handy Haversack:

@efd: we'll have to treat you two to Acapulco next time you're in the neighborhood. There's a newish cafe and record shop across the street, and the Thing has its records outside on the weekends again now.

WORD, Blacktooth!
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paddy in matawan:

Frosted mugs are no good for beer. They water it down.
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Crosby in KC:

Love Aldous Harding. She played here this summer and I missed it. Still disappointed.

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Michele with One "L":

Court St Grocers good but pricey and normally I don't complain about that
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chris in the redwoods:

*never* put the mug in the freezer wet, paddy. problem solved.
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Michele with One "L":

I emailed her. Nothing yet. Fingers crossed.
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Had root beer in a frosted mug once. Probably the closest I was to believing there was a higher power
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Michele with One "L":

Season 3 of Dead to Me came out last week. Haven't watched it yet but will!
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paddy in matawan:

Frost in and of itself is wet. Also they meek beer taste even less like beer. Beer that is served in a frosted mug should usually be drunk quick enough that it doesn't have time to get warm.

Mmmm root beer in a frosted mug
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

@handy just came out a couple weeks ago. BTW, the birds here were absolutely nuts about a half hour ago. It was like hanging out with Tippi in Bodega Bay. Thousands of grackles in the air and on the ground. Our yard was at least half covered with birds digging through the leaves. At least 5 minutes of flyovers. Crazy

I’ve seen the watcher and the Dahmer show and Wednesday that’s it there’s nothing else worth watching on Netflix

It’s very dark n ugly outside it makes me not wanna leave the house to even walk tiny
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chris in the redwoods:

digging that Down to Earth Zac Efron docu/travel series about Auzzie land on 'flix.

Thanks M...L and all ..
Fractured Foot would be a good Noisy Band Name and all the members would have inappropriate names ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm

oh - Watch Wednesday on Netflix - it's about Wednesday Addams. Great casting, and kinda fun. Great dance scene with the Cramps being played.
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I get my nordic noir fix via Netflix. Currently watching Bordertown, just finished Deadwind. The Lakeland Murders is on deck.
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joe mulligan:

it's so sad about christina applegate (MS diagnosis) and she doesn't know if she can continue the show. I think she just got a hollywood star.
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loving this song
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Handy Haversack:

Nice, Phillippe.

Ach, terribly, joe mulligan. Hadn't heard that. (Clearly, I get my news from the accu.)
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This riff is slaying me
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sending good fuzzy vibes to christina applegate. hopefully her MS is manageable. that hits home, literally.
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Editor B:

A Songs:Ohia cover?!? I'm in.
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@handy ya, I read they can have up to a million birds in a migratory plague
Jackie G:

Good stuff today, Michele. Thank you for your sincere effort.
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Exene had MS too
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christina has had a rough road heath-wise. Cancer, then this
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migratory plague was a good band, but they were no marching plague (san antonio early 80s)
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Thanks for another great show, Michele
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Migratory Plaque the band had some great live albums, but they broke up because they were always on the road
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Another awesome song, and a great set. Thank you!
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Crosby in KC:

Excellent show today, Michele! Thanks again.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Michele. Continued healing and getting betterer.
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Thanks MicheLe. Hope your injury continues to heal and your spirits stay lifted!
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Michele.
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Thanks Michele!
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thanks 1L

thanks Michele
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Michele with One "L":

Thanks everyone! Be well!
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Thanks Michele! Get to 100% soon!
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Just Ted:

Thanks Michele.
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Thanks Michele. I will keep the corn away from you.
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That lightning dust/bison was fabulous
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Andrea C:

Thank you Michele. This last segment literally melted my soul. Be well.
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chris in the redwoods:

thanks kindly, Michele! posi footie healing vibes to you!
take care, all!
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Great show, Michele. Thanks a bunch.
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Deano de los Muertos:

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Thanks, Mw1L.
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lots of healings. thanks michele
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Full moon tomorrow!
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Today's show was a work of radio art. Thanks @Michele
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The moon passes in front of Mars tomorrow night, too. www.earthsky.org...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ ( )L ~
JetBoy of Astoria:

3 hours flew by! Thank you Michele with one bad foot
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Thank you Michele, continue to have better days with your foot! Have a great day everyone.
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joe mulligan:

thanks Michele, beautiful show indeed
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx for link KfHP
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Jason from Houston:

Many thanks, Michele. Good shit.
Wilson with one L:

Thanks Michele!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good deal, Rabbit. Most welcome.
Listener Rob:

Is that Karen Black who was also an actress?I was her driver on Children of the Corn III

Thanks Michele

We love you Michele

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

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