Favoriting Nickel And Dime Radio with $mall ¢hange: Playlist from March 4, 2021 Favoriting

New and vintage beats and pieces, with more than the occasional wrong turn at Albuquerque. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 4, 2021

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Pete Guitar Lewis  Ooh Midnight   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Gabriel Brown  Get Evil   Favoriting       0:02:41 (Pop-up)
King Curtis  Jiving Time   Favoriting       0:05:38 (Pop-up)
Rosco Gordon  Booted   Favoriting       0:10:04 (Pop-up)
Guitar Crusher  The Monkey   Favoriting       0:12:54 (Pop-up)
The Specials  Monkey Man (Live)   Favoriting       0:15:03 (Pop-up)
Toots and the Maytals  Monkey Man   Favoriting       0:17:06 (Pop-up)
Toots and the Maytals  Broadway Jungle   Favoriting       0:19:01 (Pop-up)
Upsetters  Double Wheel   Favoriting       0:21:29 (Pop-up)
U-Brown  Train To Zion   Favoriting       0:23:37 (Pop-up)
U-Brown  Nuh Kill Fi Dunza   Favoriting       0:29:10 (Pop-up)
Big Youth          0:31:06 (Pop-up)
Hugh Griffiths  Africa   Favoriting       0:34:08 (Pop-up)
  Bible Connection         0:34:49 (Pop-up)
Slim  Mercy, Mercy   Favoriting       0:37:07 (Pop-up)
Rico Rodriguez  Man From Wareika   Favoriting       0:39:16 (Pop-up)
Glen Brown and King Tubby  Father for The Living (Mr. Scruff Remix)   Favoriting       0:42:43 (Pop-up)
Ellen McIlwaine  Pinebo (My Story)   Favoriting       0:46:00 (Pop-up)
Galileo y su Banda  Maria La Bella   Favoriting       0:50:56 (Pop-up)
Raspacanilla  Mambaco   Favoriting       1:00:34 (Pop-up)
Don Medaro y Sus Players          1:03:30 (Pop-up)
Mark the 45 King  900 Number   Favoriting       1:05:39 (Pop-up)
Disco 3 (Fat Boys)  Fat Boys   Favoriting     RIP Prince Markie Dee  1:08:31 (Pop-up)
Kurtis Blow  Party Time (Remix)   Favoriting       1:11:28 (Pop-up)
Just Ice  Going Way Back (Dub)   Favoriting       1:13:57 (Pop-up)
EPMD  So Whatcha Sayin' (Dub)   Favoriting       1:15:58 (Pop-up)
Just Ice  Lyrical Licking (Dub)   Favoriting       1:18:34 (Pop-up)
Chill Divine  Puttin' It Wildly   Favoriting       1:20:05 (Pop-up)
People Under The Stairs  Uprock Boogie   Favoriting       1:23:25 (Pop-up)
Aceyalone  The Greatest Show On Earth   Favoriting       1:25:53 (Pop-up)
various  tracks from Bootman Breaks Vol. 3   Favoriting        
KPM  various tracks from New York Trouble   Favoriting New York Trouble / Electric Progression  Tummy Touch Records    1:31:17 (Pop-up)
Black Jack  Dead Prez   Favoriting       1:37:50 (Pop-up)
L.O.C.  Ring Ding Ding (Grime Mix)   Favoriting       1:46:27 (Pop-up)
Top Cat  Drunken Master Remix   Favoriting       1:46:42 (Pop-up)
Beenie Man  Moses Cry   Favoriting       1:50:23 (Pop-up)
Bounty Killer  Warlord's World   Favoriting       1:52:27 (Pop-up)
Spragga Benz          1:54:05 (Pop-up)
Admiral Bailey  Old Time Something   Favoriting        
Pennie Irie  Hotness   Favoriting       1:58:01 (Pop-up)
English Beat  Jackpot   Favoriting       1:59:33 (Pop-up)
  Redspin Sports Podcast with Nate Wallace and guest Dan Kovalik       link to full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY3FjQrFROY&t=3056s  2:07:16 (Pop-up)
  Why can’t we talk about Palestine? Propaganda, Censorship and the Israel Lobby with Jonathan Cook       link to full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oT4O0q6st0&feature=youtu.be  2:15:47 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Smith  The Sermon   Favoriting       2:24:23 (Pop-up)
Mary Lou Williams  All Blues   Favoriting       2:45:33 (Pop-up)
Gerry Weil  Little Man   Favoriting       2:51:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

no power Joe:

Happy hump day small change. 😃
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm a Blooozman! ...Muh head hurt, much feet steenk ...an' I DON' love Jeezus !!...

hello to everybody
$mall ¢hange:

sup party ppls!
$mall ¢hange:

hope everyone is hangin in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19am

Nice pairing!
Agent Peter:

Come for the effects. Stay fot the tunes! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So great.
Mary TV:

love you, SC!
Mary TV:

I look forward to your marathon jive
Avatar 12:42am

happy hellos!
Avatar 12:47am

Holy smithers, I went to uni w/ Mr Scruff (I was friends w/ his older brother).
Avatar 1:04am

Avatar 1:11am

RIP Markie Dee...
Avatar 1:19am

Off for my walk, will be listening!
Avatar 1:38am
Andrew S:

are these KPM library selections? or is there a band called kpm? very cool either way
$mall ¢hange:

fake KPM library record put out by Tim Love Lee / Tummy Touch. came out a min ago.
$mall ¢hange:

alternating with this breakbeat record. will update the playlist inna min sorry the crate is a mess lol
Avatar 1:47am
Andrew S:

oh neat, thanks. I have a lot of kpm records so that raised an eyebrow for sure
$mall ¢hange:

yeah they did a good job, sounds legit. tracks are 1-2min etc. they basically made a KPM record haha
Avatar 1:50am
Andrew S:

yeah that was cool
$mall ¢hange:

I'll play catch up when I have some longer tracks on
Avatar 1:53am

Howdy Change and late nighters
Avatar 2:14am

When Putin is removed, the replacement will be worse... He;s only in power b/c he keeps certain people in his country rich.
$mall ¢hange:

talk about Haiti Mr Hills and I'll respect your politics more
Avatar 2:18am

I heard about the Colombia protests, but I can read noticias en espanol.

Novalny is no saint, it shouldn't be the hill the Russian left dies on.
$mall ¢hange:

its all good. but that's exactly what they were just talking about. why aren't we talking about Colombia? ppl talk about Russia bc that's where corp media focuses on
$mall ¢hange:

Novalny is a racist! no one on the left should support him. he's wack af
Avatar 2:21am
Andrew S:

yeah russia and china arent the biggest problems despite the red scare shit. You wanna see a problem look at whats happening in ethiopia right now
Avatar 2:21am

Well, the Haitian protest were led by Jean Charles Moise, after the increase of fuel prices and further economic inflation and the cronyism of Jovenal Moise (the incumbent). It's really confusing w/ the names. I don't speak Kreole, so that's all I remember...
Avatar 2:22am
Andrew S:

and haiti
Avatar 2:22am
Andrew S:

but ethiopia is dire and being almost completely ignored
$mall ¢hange:

they've killed so many ppl in Colombia. all with US support. why you never hear about it, while Venezuela, Nicaragua etc is routinely demonized. western press could even call what happened in Bolivia last year a coup. again, because the US was down with it.
$mall ¢hange:

this is a good interview on Haiti

Avatar 2:24am

Ethiopia is committing genocide w/ collaboration of Eritrea (ironic considering their history) against the Tigrayan people.

it was easy to notice months ago with Covid how much/little coverage in the US came depending on which country was involved. Western Europe is gonna get a lot more mentions than Brazil or Mexico, for example.

Looking at the numbers on Worldometers, yesterday and the day before, there were more new cases in Brazil than the US.
Avatar 2:28am
Andrew S:

Im canadian our government is as bloodthirsty s anyone when it comes to toppling democratic governments, hosted the Lima conference to try to install guiado. Its all about making room for mining companies in S. Ameica
Avatar 2:28am

Colombia is accepting "official" US military bases (as opposed to their earlier status), and now that FARC is being absorbed by the Colombian political structure, there's is nothing to stop the Colombian gov't.
Avatar 2:30am

@Andrew S: you have Alberta, the Texas of the north to thank for that (and Saskatchewan, and the Ontario political elite, and, etc...)
$mall ¢hange:

the US still recognizes Guaido. STILL. dude is such a clown. even the EU gave up on the charade
Avatar 2:31am
Andrew S:

but youll see in the next few months whe the media start having to pay attn that what is happening in ethiopia right now is on a scale we havnt seen ince probably rwanda
Avatar 2:33am
Andrew S:

in 15 years or so of participating on the msg boards ive never once gotten into this stuff but thsi is a very good artile
Avatar 2:34am

And Abiy Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Price, there's a different president now, but same administration (Ethiopia).
Avatar 2:36am

Ahmed, "I know, I'll make peace w/ the Oromo then kill all of the Tigray w/ help of our former mortal enemy, Eritrea!"
Avatar 2:37am

ok, I'm out in 15, paz!
Avatar 2:38am
Andrew S:

it's ok mate, if i dont answer its not because i aint listening :)
Avatar 2:40am
Andrew S:

this is usually the oasis but man we're all part of the scene, you cant just ignore things
$mall ¢hange:

peace man! always good ngh
$mall ¢hange:

yeah WFMU is the oasis, but agreed. impossible to ignore what is going on, at least for me
Avatar 2:44am
Andrew S:

for all of us. WFMU is a community of people who care on both ends. So the real world slips in sometimes. Im still loving the tunes as we speak

meanwhile i'm watching a Minnesota Twins spring training game (obviously it's not live) and they're talking about the potential with fans in the ballpark and whatever, and then one of them asks about how the trial of the officers in the Floyd murder would factor into their games.. which, yeah.. that might complicate playing baseball games in downtown Minneapolis in some scenarios

Also there was a "season ticket holders mentioned wanting some more daygames" which is probably code for "these fans are from suburbs and they're scared about downtown after dark".

So, it's a surreal world out there in spring 2021
Avatar 2:47am
Andrew S:

are they gonna put a runner on second base again this year in extra innings? God I hate that stuff, maybe im a reactionary after all, i dont even like the dh
Avatar 2:48am
Andrew S:

I like basketball, my first live was always baseball but for some reason ive drifted away fro it a bit

yeah, I think they're still doing the magic baserunner thing this year. There's a little less stuff in flux since Manfred can't exploit the health situation as hard to go after the MLBPA this year.

Basketball in empty or almost empty places makes sense right now because of Covid, but it's a rough TV product right now.

Somehow baseball with minimal crowd noise works better than other sports with minimal noise
Avatar 2:56am

Thanks, Small Change! And yeah, America is a straight up dystopian sci-fi nightmare. Free Assange, jail the war criminals.
Avatar 2:56am
Andrew S:

Yeah i grew up in montreal and was used to cavernous stadium wiht not much noise. Eric Davis once said it was like playing in a aquarium, that was a great quote. Now i follow the blue jays so im pretty excited about this season even if they cant play in canada this year again. Always been a lot of fun talks about baseball on wfmu, i know efd is a big Rsox fan, bill kelly loved the yankees, bunch of djs like the mets...
Avatar 2:57am
Andrew S:

Night small change, thanks or the nice tunes, night all

yeah, I couldn't blame any Montreal person for just never getting back into baseball after 1994. I'm in KC and it took a few years for me to get interested again post-strike
Avatar 2:59am
Andrew S:

broke my haert man, i dint watch bb for years afert that, then i realized my little protest was hurting onky me
$mall ¢hange:

cheers yall
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