ExifMM*YJ(This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the planetary nebula IC 289, located in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia. Formerly a star like our Sun, it is now just a cloud of ionised gas being pushed out into space by the remnants of the star’s core, visible as a small bright dot in the middle of the cloud. Weirdly enough, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets. Early observers, when looking through small telescopes, could only see undefined, smoky forms that looked like gaseous planets — hence the name. The term has stuck even though modern telescopes like Hubble have made it clear that these objects are not planets at all, but the outer layers of dying stars being thrown off into space. Stars shine as a result of nuclear fusion reactions in their cores, converting hydrogen to helium. All stars are stable, balancing the inward push caused by their gravity with the outwards thrust from the inner fusion reactions in their cores. When all the hydrogen is consumed the equilibrium is broken; the gravitational forces become more powerful than the outward pressure from the fusion process and the core starts to collapse, heating up as it does so. When the hot, shrinking core gets hot enough, the helium nuclei begin to fuse into carbon and oxygen and the collapse stops. However, this helium-burning phase is highly unstable and huge pulsations build up, eventually becoming large enough to blow the whole star’s atmosphere away. A version of this image was entered into the Hubble’s Hidden Treasures image processing competition by contestant Serge Meunier.HH,ICC_PROFILEADBEmntrRGB XYZ  acspAPPLnone-ADBE cprtl]descOwtptbkptrTRC$ gTRC$ bTRC$ rXYZ0gXYZDbXYZXXYZ :XYZ curv9Ur9Ur9Vs9]$O{8j?x*h*m A ! o  b d  t 2\+pQ:*""*:Rs4iJ !@!"#I#$%h&"&'(]) )*+x,E--./0l1I2(3 3456789~:u;ol?q@yABCDEFGIJ?KdLMNPQIRSTV7WzXZ [W\]_P`bcgdf1gijykmdnp]qsdtvxxy{1|~h VdՍU㔰U- ̡xsqt{ؽ@kƛAπ YةWߵ|U@T 4 >R('i&`\0s90E$plsNDSZre-Q' {\a4тv0T6)A[(#($ʃC?IIdg<<iPp!9@:R3>q(y2G9l .<GiRTZd3a5'aK@(&ɁFwiP'G203‹HB!9)42I!Eb?)>P J @8J@ #J> hq11  sڍ?-'!FGLCsD-JSvҋ)F2 4~)~Fd  Gݠ HHXK\LĢh4ĩv*!, ꭅ/N^Qk׬"ݕ CCZNa80n~ 귴}`Hd+;M+l}[D焭F VvAiYf]}Bk ].iN{[% PLp衧dhf$JK?~L,ZDgn8mG_vRPk)%ۃEV`0`~?_f @u-v?yU'w@F `s#¹} w@Lm-?_Y cQK`rIp+RfqԤ7^29BٙV"ܽhL4T7NQJ"q8)$Dg$)|!"xO>9 [ȔgS{Q.Mi jMI K*2̎x)zHIN x&sF(-zc{)]*T]T wcA":S_>J5*}M!1 >LoDžvʋ]/k~ĞW6ZKitH9W ?Ѹ;5eJ\ ~D+B_[?l҉S+Gk-- fݏ]3+ᦍM0@Iʱ@c6"GuD@ӳ !1ԭ=#Gg\i[Yi}`1 ;H/&UY+sFB/bs\l*)+SZ0NLZg,E'?t /6FγXZ ]^mi,>vh8?a|S8t=RD^Lj+9c0TH;N$ T/ k}@-p,8${yR\c]5D'pSbyJ1R"4r>Sqlä p2=1҈}H%A*X~JQܺҥV6fi0rұd 0V)Sc$2?KH(zu=&W6ivӟk4wR/5gg!"d,2Q&tXho]gS-n㎿o,Kl h-"c/?/.^L &21f<wѕWֆ~gnYsyY?W%=b723Nuk<FAD~e乑&jlqx՗n(IsVHүn/zФʹ3qOL ,Ys}[<_P]5d?cu.XF~`Jwv@Q0Q? be*﹥ɓcU%֔R@R,i 8>d=/J8xp:ǧnEv}-_ɻEGf ﵵQeb}]duTK 7GRmJ[q9 )u*ii ys;, @*ʍ1$ZJڮ@i:k2Cr'3<֊ײ`\GEX:KDIl{ʱR<&ZO~z*8'SB? CXiڟw:N;^׫h+4>$ G)@"AOGfYϊ>,jCx1ey{X- $c+?⧢i"hk&HʺCO|/֦i~%hBmvVs\}8J$4 lH2yQ8Je &:$n'؏z1~lv@TDʱ2OY´07UrtidbHoѴM;|@#/B&ys3Kvv[6xvrz&.Oqf=p7r&omDj=i<-):m ցQNӢvZ _߱;yTc,ޗk+1laKVX K}U VSsIk9WޝԺ*Ukcs[<[4(1xalMkpI%_ѡ &@B6l}oqkgu=j[w#$<Rd.GؓH`D_4&k˚G&BڼP*8YY6D iߧ#XѨ cl fd. Ayi} )4{HYvs2+UŘ.݄65ti /Hvea42+j4}wT&d=ųA?Û"ۗ> y-,mLXSEяSe6nI v{[³Vr6ie0|A8uL fbc<,m󷹮kY-OHeC.p-0u+:H:;k9 +Ƹ;P:CxIk>Y0IQd]OuѥBJn]jn薗 KkQ=c껍rq׀4 )s_OjUQa=}:>b@yMwLþ~WpsLgo8>rEv'$k Lmytni)ri9G1Pl;=7N)=@? Ao[y ꥯtqO <`͏lA /}o6\׻5L}'B:~IF쯍֪8I?y]_xIə`ۓ3Z}v>p5n3>~Ut\_-h#~G/oʨp=~?nZHlHu\uv6яk_Nknyq/pˈ&< .0s(& rv*@LDʐ6#RC:8WkwUlH(":_zZh?vs2+F֏tP[yZrdn_!zj'[;?SP4IKÚOj1Ī{r*Ds(n&KT޴sZ N8[_Ǽ:1'W޷j%y}vfԭPe+-? Z[4)(gW]vڮ FV_WSofn$&HQ\ cՋ\K k"'(5OpDT nғ9[9 ;XR>VQ \{^[;&rX"ssdBjH '0 ގ}'{D\%GhR#9ٔ'… Y9(CP $%&O:i8`v:_uѪ3 #[Tju>7#cÜKg#yTjKˉ8 ڬ]19*6vXѨA kOh|>IR288SS;q3ʦJQ#cF;oC+ ZHN򳶗-΀#hRd,dskUk&Z+紖nj姁ruiQ5j Sy$Aw$`cg\CSݰ .KIR7VR#LK|;{Z}M^}̃98+-R mH]r~PY KV/Qj Jd`yTկ_T8ZLzSiDc i֗)9'a%ps GI R8!#C2#bQ$9"Pp=g)2RHd(AQ8HkG]:2pm*^#s*iʞYvNOi5eНô\?DnhO^.0" jOU;}?%[hl1*Xg0g 8<8Ekt\%Fo6AIċʋ]8{4r81*ɓ+K{N13O-IVァ eZgn׏D[S=;@#X'cyBCQq DAd)trۤ!'(C㔸~P92SCDNpygGhΆ#3= g{@aD@ J~Prd0BT}18 Q y|@|$ J#H`QЄqٔDy J ?