ExifMM*J(This atmospheric image shows a galaxy named Messier 85, captured in all its delicate, hazy glory by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Messier 85 slants through the constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair), and lies around 50 million light-years from Earth. It was first discovered by Charles Messier’s colleague Pierre Méchain in 1781, and is included in the Messier catalogue of celestial objects. Messier 85 is intriguing — its properties lie somewhere between those of a lenticular and an elliptical galaxy, and it appears to be interacting with two of its neighbours: the beautiful spiral NGC 4394, located out of frame to the upper left, and the small elliptical MCG 3-32-38, located out of frame to the centre bottom. The galaxy contains some 400 billion stars, most of which are very old. However, the central region hosts a population of relatively young stars of just a few billion years in age; these stars are thought to have formed in a late burst of star formation, likely triggered as Messier 85 merged with another galaxy over four billion years ago. Messier 85 has a further potentially strange quality. Almost every galaxy is thought to have a supermassive black hole at its centre, but from measurements of the velocities of stars in this galaxy, it is unclear whether Messier 85 contains such a black hole. This image combines infrared, visible and ultraviolet observations from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3.HHICC_PROFILE lcmsmntrRGB XYZ )9acspAPPL-lcms desc^cprt\ wtpthbkpt|rXYZgXYZbXYZrTRC@gTRC@bTRC@descc2textFBXYZ -XYZ 3XYZ o8XYZ bXYZ $curvck ?Q4!)2;FQw]kpz|i}0C     C  "3!1AQaq"2BRbr!1A ?4ڳ]m.=+6x8j {Xq8 ŅUeNm-!%Ƈ:^g-f0mv*5fH7tmV^H3K\8(#5ՂXFLijͽxY#қS-RÖy -EHVwh!6Tˉ6CG4 @S"0whnW#AiO*2(EktWE SJ`aٖP`H`iI&1WV,RcیVkT> j%F@œmJTlf0mpk4.cbC [8{Tkp@ߥh9oFDQn\fqr_鮳_UO?F}K/.++wV־g8V>~;2ˇ<̟< ?.V XB"&zY,RspS\JNeqc@no'7UYhb7i`w4suyN{w?餗D'cK۟6~84<`8X?P0sEfi6FբI~A=ij3ۺ]"pR#'jRޗHf$3PiQ. v+W^]ŒcdyJPj\m 152&IZ6QHc? E*6 +1#WdC?d3=ǸrI^,.$U4u?+xƂt[Qt[tji G3=ڃvJ@nDwkBFzF{sGΆ(gٯⓟ4$#r#~ndmZ{rJ<-y׊^Ҹ6FOmQ.4?NA$I1aqT&0F2& *Jd-4m$ZRbCLUҒlWc0=iCtD L ױs$vHZ^;A6۬Ս}$b{v#۬]_IĀ`-YmTp%q2Cx-P6Gpo$'@@8|e*$HhZTl^bP¡E8Mғ 'BHpꖄ7`P\0]bq҈]<<{K Dd 0d}:릊֯OzLzLi}:> '>VNRP8Y}GMW*W: dF9A;@-١{%,x?nɼVB֖<Yr5Fh9ijnFխCsZ^2qh^@ϐdHDjBg7%-h *H.$HҢڊ|'|K>kC\l){Ak_E& |('FN:ffAW}֧K!M;]MXX}_YBKg{E5RoW.u__ x1g;o k Wa.Bο)OO꠫YVc찺1ef%f֬­g0V,Y)֌h2g BAV(1 H6 ߔ9DD^9WO8gI^A&\C=%śB2"p @zʚl%h|jBꪬ(iƌ8  JFZ)X;+W~'K~_I*9Scegu/pޣE5|#(Q l=٨oN+_*8k>) s7m}\v:T:mg,tv(&>%R QZI'< F n Hrh~$ApVlW=cqh)1<%?ECa)Д LFs(yKWW:Ҍ6YѸ\" 9Ih]K6'%&5}R҂Lb"|Y.j[S\$VMX~-⥣_ЋR^_[|OZz졻)+ZӔzrHNg\o*] Jd@e^S%;B9h)U YyAURG$4xD7MyD#3h_4DǚCFgf)hln tgY\J'&,؝Iq9AiJuAiDȥVToTmC2|X1JxL } =MrΪE?u(ڋ5rg&ii7RϖM>kI%)ڴ4o+vt ?Aw:Ye;(SE 9$5h2$YGRI$iRu(bFg)`r/vU<0 r IQkUCw2'ޗ*4rLo :'86Tv=WciorR[;{y%f1W@AU >ԎlmYlV-FK:Y\m~mf?F/9}mEPti I&k=L`IndvHBGl9 KuG i|Hz^t}Wt"obZ i "M}YF;4"9?Dujv9(*8 %!`p\ԓcmg]Db(L1r;Y@hP9¡Q&7YIĜ:RZ }Z|߄=I=ڳ$?ʸxFsPKc1W|Ч^I6*C9>c;)wc\V+嘏=] wbq&dWr]X,(;w$TUZj1 vU 89PKa% v9I1'x$<0Q N@ǝ!Ԫ)%՘6hxA1Vk|5UIz}P_2?p^\KKMK;缴sdmrX6 \mt4u?Alr`8t[܀wjwQ/wwH;{]j.r8"sƭD\ vGV*q>K j(5vRbiTi(5מUTU@kݢ4L ")[ӣtAEiIUZVgm K\cEiUZ$jV;ڨ(${_MwQ;Q~˒p&M)>ldUQ^^U;'] ?