Build and run apps that react to change
Responsive by design, Akka apps are elastic, agile, and resilient.
Simple dev. Automated ops.
99.9999% multi-region availability
only with Akka!
Responsive by Design
Akka is relied upon when application responsiveness must be guaranteed. Engineering teams use a simple SDK and powerful libraries to build transactional, durable, and real-time services that distribute logic and data together. Operations are fully automated in serverless and BYOC environments, and a self-hosted option is available.
is Akka
A platform to build and run apps that are elastic, agile, and resilient.
choose Akka
To guarantee responsiveness with apps that maintain responsibility for their own outcomes.
Akka works
By distributing logic and data together in movable apps that act as their own in-memory, durable database.
It's not what we say...'s the apps you build...
Use Akka to build transactional systems, AI inference, real-time data, edge and IoT, workflows, and globally distributed multi-region apps.
...and it's guaranteed.
The Akka Resilience Guarantee
Akka will indemnify against losses caused by an Akka App becoming unreliable. Psst, it’s never happened.
Akka IP Protections
Akka indemnifies our IP and dependencies when open source cannot.
Akka Data Protections
Akka is audited annually against the AICPA SOC2 standard.
Akka Cybersecurity Protections
We develop, maintain, and support Akka according to detailed cybersecurity processes, including NIST.