Those that live in Sierra Leone’s poorest communities know what it takes to rise out of poverty.
Unique Process for Fair Selection
- Identifying those in need: Through collaboration with local NGOs in Sierra Leone, we target individuals living in poverty who can benefit from a three-year predictable income, empowering them to invest in their future.
- Selecting randomly: Our randomized selection process is transparent and publicly verifiable, eliminating human biases and favoritism. This ensures fairness and equal chances for all individuals in poverty to benefit.
Direct Giving, Direct Results
We directly transfer your contribution onto the mobile phones of individuals in need, empowering them to overcome poverty through their own choices and efforts.
Ongoing Support
Our recipients receive continuous support from our local partners throughout and even after the program, maximizing the overall impact. Specifically, the third year of the program is focused on facilitating a seamless transition as they move on from the program.
My impact
What's your monthly income?
What would change if you gave away 1% of your income every month?
Change from human to human.
From mobile to mobile.
Social Income is a new way to fight poverty in the Global South. Digital, efficient and mobile.
This sounds good, but ...
Social Income combines three approaches to change.
Universal Basic Income
Reduces discrimination
Fights income inequality
Empowers marginalized groups
Improves working conditions
Direct Cash Transfers
Low overhead costs
Reduces poverty
Empowers individuals
Stimulates local markets
Mobile Banking
Low fees
« Cash transfers allow recipients to obtain a range of goods and services of their choice directly from local markets and service providers. »
International Red Cross
« We seriously need to consider implementing a well-designed UBI, a well-designed Universal Basic Income, so shocks may hit, but they won’t destroy. »
United Nations
« Fixing global poverty is hard. But one solution might be as simple as using a mobile phone to access financial services. »
World Bank
Contribute to the United Nations’
End poverty in all its forms, everywhere.
Reduce inequality within and among countries.
SDG 10
We are living in a world of opportunities, let's make sure we share this privilege with everyone else.
Carlos, United States
It’s a great example of redistribution of wealth based on solidarity and enabled by today's technology.
Vanja, Switzerland
I contribute to Social Income not only because it's simple, but because research has shown it's extremely effective.
Ruben, Switzerland
Today's global inequality is the consequence of centuries of unequal progress. Social Income is a new way to address this.
Claudia, Switzerland