ACM Queue - Networks You Don't Know Jack about Bandwidth: If you're an ISP and all your customers hate you, take heart. This is now a solvable problem. Networks Mon, 08 Jul 2024 13:35:25 GMT David Collier-Brown 3674953 Device Onboarding using FDO and the Untrusted Installer Model: FDO's untrusted model is contrasted with Wi-Fi Easy Connect to illustrate the advantages of each mechanism. Networks Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:56:53 GMT Geoffrey H. Cooper 3631327 Distributed Latency Profiling through Critical Path Tracing: CPT can provide actionable and precise latency analysis. Networks Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:23:20 GMT Brian Eaton, Jeff Stewart, Jon Tedesco, N. Cihan Tas 3526967 Everything VPN is New Again: The 24-year-old security model has found a second wind. Networks Mon, 23 Nov 2020 18:16:04 GMT David Crawshaw 3439745 GAN Dissection and Datacenter RPCs: Visualizing and understanding generative adversarial networks; datacenter RPCs can be general and fast. Image generation using GANs (generative adversarial networks) has made astonishing progress over the past few years. While staring in wonder at some of the incredible images, it's natural to ask how such feats are possible. "GAN Dissection: Visualizing and Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks" gives us a look under the hood to see what kinds of things are being learned by GAN units, and how manipulating those units can affect the generated images. February saw the 16th edition of the Usenix Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. Kalia et al. blew me away with their work on fast RPCs (remote procedure calls) in the datacenter. Through a carefully considered design, they show that RPC performance with commodity CPUs and standard lossy Ethernet can be competitive with specialized systems based on FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), programmable switches, and RDMA (remote direct memory access). It's a fabulous reminder to ensure we're making the most of what we already have before leaping to more expensive solutions. Networks Thu, 02 May 2019 09:33:28 GMT Adrian Colyer 3329783 Toward a Network of Connected Things: A look into the future of IoT deployments and their usability While the scale of data presents new avenues for improvement, the key challenges for the everyday adoption of IoT systems revolve around managing this data. First, we need to consider where the data is being processed and stored and what the privacy and systems implications of these policies are. Second, we need to develop systems that generate actionable insights from this diverse, hard-to-interpret data for non-tech users. Solving these challenges will allow IoT systems to deliver maximum value to end users. Networks Tue, 13 Feb 2018 15:09:09 GMT Deepak Vasisht 3186470 Bitcoin&#8217;s Underlying Incentives: The unseen economic forces that govern the Bitcoin protocol Incentives are crucial for the Bitcoin protocol's security and effectively drive its daily operation. Miners go to extreme lengths to maximize their revenue and often find creative ways to do so that are sometimes at odds with the protocol. Cryptocurrency protocols should be placed on stronger foundations of incentives. There are many areas left to improve, ranging from the very basics of mining rewards and how they interact with the consensus mechanism, through the rewards in mining pools, and all the way to the transaction fee market itself. Networks Tue, 28 Nov 2017 12:06:30 GMT Yonatan Sompolinsky, Aviv Zohar 3168362 Private Online Communication; Highlights in Systems Verification: The importance of private communication will continue to grow. We need techniques to build larger verified systems from verified components. First, Albert Kwon provides an overview of recent systems for secure and private communication. While messaging protocols such as Signal provide privacy guarantees, Albert's selected research papers illustrate what is possible at the cutting edge: more transparent endpoint authentication, better protection of communication metadata, and anonymous broadcasting. These papers marry state-of-the-art cryptography with practical, privacy-preserving protocols, providing a glimpse of what we might expect from tomorrow's secure messaging systems. Second, James Wilcox takes us on a tour of recent advances in verified systems design. It's now possible to build end-to-end verified compilers, operating systems, and distributed systems that are <i>provably</i> correct with respect to well-defined specifications, providing high assurance of well-defined, well-behaved code. Because these system components interact with low-level hardware like the instruction set architecture and external networks, each paper introduces new techniques to balance the tension between formal correctness and practical applicability. As programming language techniques advance and more of the modern computing stack continues to crystallize, expect these advances to make their way into production systems. Networks Wed, 04 Oct 2017 16:07:21 GMT Albert Kwon, James Wilcox 3149411 Network Applications Are Interactive: The network era requires new models, with interactions instead of algorithms. The miniaturization of devices and the prolific interconnectedness of these devices over high-speed wireless networks is completely changing how commerce is conducted. These changes (a.k.a. digital) will profoundly change how enterprises operate. Software is at the heart of this digital world, but the software toolsets and languages were conceived for the host-based era. The issues that already plague software practice (such as high defects, poor software productivity, information vulnerability, poor software project success rates, etc.) will be more profound with such an approach. It is time for software to be made simpler, secure, and reliable. Networks Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:27:01 GMT Antony Alappatt 3145628 Cache Me If You Can: Building a decentralized web-delivery model The world is more connected than it ever has been before, and with our pocket supercomputers and IoT (Internet of Things) future, the next generation of the web might just be delivered in a peer-to-peer model. It's a giant problem space, but the necessary tools and technology are here today. We just need to define the problem a little better. Networks Wed, 30 Aug 2017 16:07:29 GMT Jacob Loveless 3136953