SimpleITK Notebooks
SimpleITK is an abstraction layer and wrapper around the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK). It is available in the following programming languages: C++, Python, R, Java, C#, Lua, Tcl and Ruby.
This repository contains a collection of Jupyter Notebooks illustrating the use of SimpleITK for educational and research activities. The notebooks demonstrate the use of SimpleITK for interactive image analysis using the Python and R programming languages.
The repository and its contents can be used for:
- Learning SimpleITK.
- As a basis for your teaching activities.
- As a basis for your research activities.
For the latter two use cases you can take advantage of the the repository's infrastructure which supports remote data downloads and notebook testing. These readily facilitate collaborative research.
The animation below is a visualization of a rigid CT/MR registration process created with SimpleITK and Python. The script used to generate the frames for the animated gif can be found in the repository's Utilities directory.

View Static Converted Pages
Thanks to the binder service, notebooks can be run in the cloud without any local installation.
If you want to interact with all of the notebooks, then just click this button:
If you are just browsing the static rendering, most of the notebooks provide the option to launch binder for the particular notebook. You will find a "launch binder" button at the top right of the notebook. Clicking it will, well, launch binder and allow you to interactively run and modify the notebook using the service without any local installation.
Setup and fundamental concepts...Segmentation...
Misc. (visible human, data augmentation, trust but verify)...
Setup and fundamental concepts...Segmentation...
How to Cite
If you find these notebooks or the notebook testing infrastructure useful in your research, support our efforts by citing it as:
Z. Yaniv, B. C. Lowekamp, H. J. Johnson, R. Beare, "SimpleITK Image-Analysis Notebooks: a Collaborative Environment for Education and Reproducible Research", J Digit Imaging., 31(3): 290-303, 2018,