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The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research will cover the article processing charges for all articles approved by the Editor-in-Chief for publication in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research.


  1. Authors: Bruce Rosen, Ruth Waitzberg and Avi Israeli

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:18

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:14

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:16

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:12

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:9

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:5

  2. Authors: Susan Edgman-Levitan and Stephen C. Schoenbaum

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:58

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:47

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:39

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:33

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:7

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:13

Covid-19 vaccinations: national efforts and cross-national learning

IsCOVID vaccinerael is a recognized global leader in COVID-19 vaccination coverage. In an effort to enable other countries to learn from Israel’s success in this area, the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research has recently published a series of papers on this topic. The series began with an analysis of the factors that contributed to Israel’s rapid vaccination rollout. This was followed by commentaries from the United States, England, Canada, and Europe, in which each commentator explored lessons to be gleaned from the Israeli experience for his/her own country or region.

This article collection is a reflection of the IJHPR’s unique role in helping Israel learn from other countries and helping other countries learn from Israel.

Aims and scope

Israel Journal of Health Policy Research seeks to promote intensive intellectual interactions among scholars and practitioners from Israel and other countries regarding all aspects of health policy, health services research, public health, health promotion, health economics, health care management, and the ethics, sociology, and political science of health care in Israel.  The ultimate aim of these intellectual interactions is to contribute to the development of health policy in Israel and around the world.

Society affiliation

Israel Journal of Health Policy Research is the official publication of The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research.

The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research will cover the article processing charges for all articles approved by the Editor-in-Chief for publication in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research.

Thematic series

IJHPR now has 19 thematic series:

Research in government and academia

 Making effective health policy requires expert knowledge of an ever-changing technological, epidemiological, social, and economic context. One important vehicle for integrating expert research into the policy process is through linkages and exchanges between researchers and government officials. A recent IJHPR special article brought together perspectives from leaders in this area from the US, the UK, and Israel. This was followed by a commentary adding a Canadian perspective, and a second commentary from the UK underscoring the importance of subject-matter context.

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