Usòrò:Leigh Behnke The Paradox of Infinite Regression 1999.jpg
Leigh Behnke, The Paradox of Infinite Regression, mmanụ n'elu osisi panel, 12" x 34", 1999.

Leigh Behnke ( operaon 1946) bụ onye na-ese ihe America nke dabere na Manhattan na New York City, [1] bụ onye ama maka ọtụtụ panel, egosi na-egosi, mgbochi na-.  [1] [2] [3] Ọta Nkwado na 1980s, n'oge oge nke akwụkwọ ọhụrụ na onyonyo na Realism Contemporary. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Eserese ya na-ahụ nke ọma, usoro n'ezie, ike siri ike nke a na-azụ na abstraction, yana akara ngosi oge ochie, dị ka nkewa na ndị mmadụ.  [1] [2] [3] Ndị dike ihe ngosi nke Whitney nke American Art egosila nka Behnke, alaka ụlọ akwụkwọ nke mba na National Academy of Design Museum;  [4] [5] [6] ekiriwo ya na nnukwu ihe ngosi na American Realism na watercolor na Duke University Museum of Art and Neuberger Museum of Art, na ihe ngosi njem ndị isi, dị ka "Ezigbo, N'ezie, Super Real  "(1980-1, San Antonio Museum of Art), "American Realism: 20th Century Drawings and Watercolors" (1985-7, San Francisco Museum of Art), na "New York Realism-Past and Present" (1994-5,  Kagoshima).  Ndị egwu egwu nke obodo; [5] [6] [2] [7] [8]

Ọrụ ya bụ mkpokọta nka nke New York Public Library, New York Historical Society, na Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, n'etiti ndị ọzọ, [1] [2] [3] na a tụlere ya na Artforum, [4]  Magazin Arts, [5] ARTnews, [6] New York Times, na Washington Post.  Onye nkatọ Artforum Ronny Cohen ọrụ ya dị ka "mwakpo ọkaibe na nke ịhụ ihe na-egosi echiche efu";  [4] na-ede vidio ndị obodo ya, John Yahụ Behnke "onye akwụkwọ ihe ochie nke ìhè, onye na-ekwu eziokwu."  [7] Na 2013, ihe ngosi ya na-agbara Guggenheim;  E izi otu akwụkwọ ozi ọrụ ya, Leigh Behnke: Real Spaces, Imagined Lives, na 2005. [8] [9] [10] Behnke na- ndị na-eri akwụkwọ nke Visual Arts na New York City ma lụo onye na-ese  foto nke Don Eddy [9] [10]

Ndụ mmalite na ọrụ


A mụrụ Behnke na Hartford, Connecticut na 1946.[1]  Ọ mụrụ na mbụ imewe ime ụlọ na Pratt Institute (BFA, 1969), na-etolite mmasị na ụkpụrụ ụlọ, mana ọ gbanwere na nka, na-emepụta ihe osise na-adịghị ahụkebe nke gosipụtara mmetụta kachasị nke Minimalism na Constructivism.[2] [3] [4]  Mgbe ọ gụsịrị akwụkwọ na Mahadum New York (MFA, 1976), ọ nyochara ihe osise geometric na eserese nke Hans Hofmann nwere mmetụta;  mmerụ ahụ azụ mere ka ọ gbanwee ngbanwe ya na eserese.[5][3][4]  Dị ka ọtụtụ ndị na-ese fotorealist (dịka, Chuck Close, Ralph Goings), Behnke tụgharịrị site na abstraction gaa na nnọchiteanya, na-achọ njikọ dị ukwuu na ahụmahụ na ụdị ịnweta;  ka o sina dị, ọ nọgidere na-ekwusi ike na nchegbu nke Abstract Expressionism maka ihe osise dị ka ihe anụ ahụ.[2][6][7]  N'afọ 1976, ọ malitere imepụta ihe osise dị iche iche na-enyocha usoro, nghọta na nwa oge, nke nwere mmetụta nke agba Monet na ọmụmụ ìhè na nke ndị na-ese foto, dị ka Hilla Becher, Hanne Darboven na Jan Dibbets.[3][8]  9]  Ọkọ akụkọ ihe mere eme bụ Virginia Anne Bonito dere na n'ime ọrụ a Behnke chọrọ ịmepụta nsụgharị nke ihe atụ nke Josef Albers, nchọpụta chromatic (ihe osise "Square"), ihe odide colorist na foto nkwụsị nke Muybridge, na mwepu nke Cubism. [11]

Behnke gbaziri ụlọ ihe nkiri mbụ ya na New York na 1972, na-ekerịta oghere Christopher Street na ndị na-ese ihe John Wesley na Robert Birmelin;  N'oge na-akpa anya, ọ zutere di n'ahụ, Don Eddy.  [1] Mgbe akwụkwọ akụkọ akwụkwọ, o na-arụsi ọrụ ike, na otu ihe ngosi na Phoenix Art Museum, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Institute for Contemporary Art, Richmond, na Whitney Museum, n'etiti ndị ọzọ, [2  ] [3] [4] [5] [6] na nke mbụ nke iri na otu solo ngosi na Fischbach Gallery (1978), mara maka na-ekiri anya artists Eva Hesse, Jo Baer, ​​Jane Freilicher na Alex Katz .  [7] [8] [9] Na 1979, ọ pụtara izi ihe n'akwụkwọ nke Visual Arts na New York City;  ọ nhọrọrila ihe n’ebe ahụ afụ iri anɔ. [12] [9]

Usòrò:Leigh Behnke Light Study with Venetian Blinds 1981.jpg
Leigh Behnke, Ọmụmụ Ìhè na Venetian Blinds, mmanụ n'elu osisi, 15" x 82", 1981. Nchịkọta Brown na Osisi. Ebibiri Septemba 11, 2001 na World in Trade Center.

Ọrụ na nnabata


Behnke dị na mbụ-1970s n'etiti usoro na-amaliteghachi na Realism Contemporary yana igbochi ngwaọrụ dị n'etiti akụkụ anya na abstraction, referentiality na ngwaọrụ.  [1] [2] [3] [4] Ndị na-akọkọ ihe mere eme na-ekwu na n'agbanyeghị nche dị iche iche, ihe ndị bụ isi nke nkà ya mgbanwe na-agbanwe: ndị na- mgbanwe  ozi na ya, ndị na-eme ihe n'eziokwu, ọtụtụ panel nke na-egosi okwu na nke echiche a na-akpọ, nwanne nke oghere, na usoro ndị dị n'okpuru.  uwa.  [5] [6] [7] [8] John Arthur jiri akwụkwọ ya mere montage na ndezi ihe nkiri, bụ nke juxtaposes ihe nkiri iji njikere , iche;  [7] onye akwụkwọ Christopher Young, usoro na echiche nke echiche na akara nke Ferdinand Saussure .  [4] Leda Cempellin na-akọ ụzọ Behnke si na ngwaọrụ ndị na-eme Renaissance, achọpụta Cubist nke eziokwu site na nkewa, na usoro, nke na-azụru nso n'ihe dị iche iche site n'ọtụtụ ụzọ.  [6] Ya na ndị ọzọ na-atụ aro na ụzọ a na-anya ọtụtụ dichotomies na-arụ ọrụ: ihe nke eziokwu na formalist abstraction, usoro na ọgba aghara, oge gboo illusionism na postmodern fragmentation, obodo na-abụ, ime na  mputa, celestial na terrestrial. [13] [14] [11]

Ọrụ mmalite: 1976-1980


Eserese mbụ Behnke lekwasịrị anya n'ụzọ zuru oke ma nwee ọtụtụ paneled, nke ejiri nlezianya mee ka echiche ya dabere na foto ya nke ime ụlọ, ndụ ndụ, ihe nkiri obodo ma ọ bụ ihe owuwu. [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Ọrụ a nyochara mmetụta nke ejiri nlezianya mee mgbanwe dị iche iche na ìhè, echiche na nhazi na agba, ụdị, na ihe mejupụtara, ebe ọ na-akpalikwa ọnụọgụ bara uru na ike agba na oke oke (maka watercolor) site na ọtụtụ glaze layers, na-achọkarị oge ọnwa. ngụkọta. [15] [3] [20] [21] N'agbanyeghị na ọ bụ eziokwu, nyocha ya banyere tiori agba na "ihe nkiri onyinyo" nke mgbanwe ọkụ [18] (dịka ọmụmaatụ, usoro "usoro oge" na usoro "Ìhè na ike dị iche iche") na-esekarị ntụnyere, n'usoro iwu, na ntụgharị aghụghọ dị aghụghọ. na grids nke nka minimalist. [16] [22] [23]

N'echiche, ọrụ Behnke nke oge a chere na mmetụta dị n'etiti ndị siri ike na nke siri ike nke eziokwu, na-eme ka ọrụ na nkwụsi ike, yana ndị mere ihe mere eme nke nkà iji weghara ozi (Renaissance,  cubist na futurist).  [1] [2]  ọrụ ndị ọzọ na-ekiri ndị yiri ya na mpụta, ma ọ bụ ka ndụ ( Three Spectral Pairs, 1978. [15] [11]

Usòrò:Leigh Behnke Brooklyn Bridge Compositional Study (2nd Version) 1983.jpg
Leigh Behnke, ike ihe aga akwa Brooklyn (ụdị nke abụọ), agba mmiri na akwụkwọ, 53" x 40", 1983. Mkpokọta Zurich Kemper Investments, Inc.

Ime na mpaghara obodo: 1980–1999


Ka ọ na-erule 1980, ọrụ Behnke sitere n'ụzọ atọ: ọ gbakwunyere agba akwụkwọ na akwụkwọ ya, na-wanye na New York City dị ka isiokwu, wee webata dị ukwuu nke oge na m ike, nke meta ìhè site n  'iji preella eme ihe, nke kwụ ɔtɔ., Multi-frame ihe osise nke isiokwu, ihe àmà na-egosi na mmetụta na ebe àjà nke anụ nke Renaissance .  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Ihe osise eserese ya na-emezigharị ụzọ mmiri mmiri nke ọma - frisket na glazes na-Maka pre - nke ndị ọrịa aro ka enye ya ihe dị mma, "enyo.  dị ka ikwere."  [6] [7] [8] N'ime usoro isiokwu anọ na-arụ ọrụ Light Study with Venetian Blinds (1981), ọ GTXra ihichapụ ihe ngosi nke ìhè, agba, na-arụ (ka ihe dị na-emechi);  The Interiors Geometric Configurations: Ọdịiche dị na A Square (1982) na East Hampton Staircase With Landscape (1986) egwuregwura ihe ndị na-agụ na eze dị na preella na triptych formats.. [14] [24] [11]

Behnke's cityscapes ji usoro ndị a n'ụzọ yiri nke ahụ, na-ebute echiche ndị na-enweghị isi (anya nnụnụ, obere akụkụ), mgbanwe dị egwu na ọnụ ọgụgụ, na obere mkpirisi kpụkọrọ akpụkọ na mkparịta ụka; ndị nkatọ Grace Glueck na Gerrit Henry dere na ọrụ ndị mejupụtara ahụ gosipụtara "mgbanwe ndụ New York City" [1] na "ịhụnanya mara mma na-ajụ ajụjụ." [2] [3] [4] Ọrụ dị ka Brooklyn Bridge Composional Study (2nd Version) (1983), Bridge Promenade (1991), Wallace's Heresy and Broken Symmetry (ma 1990), na-ebelatakarị ụlọ ka ọ bụrụ ụdị geometric na egwu na-agbakọta. na-amụba esemokwu anya site na oghere abịakọrọ, na-arụ ọrụ. [5] [6] [7] [8] N'ihe ngosi ya nke ọtụtụ echiche, Behnke gosipụtara ahụmahụ obodo dị ka ihe mgbagwoju anya - na-aga n'ihu, nkewa, nke na-apụ apụ, nke dị egwu na nke na-agafe agafe-na enweghị mgbagwoju anya na mmetụta ya: egwu, obi ụtọ, ọganihu, mgbagwoju anya, claustrophobia. [4] [14] [8] [25] [26]

Usòrò:Leigh Behnke Annie's View 2000.jpg
Leigh Behnke, Annie's View, mmanụ n'elu osisi, 36" x 36", 2000. Nchịkọta Sidley Austin Brown & Osisi.

Site na 1990s gaa n'ihu, akara ngosi na-egosi na-arụ ọrụ na-Bra na ọrụ Behnke, na-akpali echiche nke mkpokọta ihe mere eme, oge gara aga, na oge na-ekiri ụka n'etiti ihe oyiyi;  ọtala oke ya ka ọ gụnye ihe gbasara mbara igwe na ihe okike, ụdị zuru ụwa ọnụ na echiche echiche.  [1] [2] [3] Onyonyo nke ya stacked, ọrụ panel atọ, Sidereus Nuncius (1990), Interregnum (1995) na Blind Sight (1996), ịnya na iche iche dị iche iche rhythms, ọcha (ala, mmiri,  ikuku, ìhè) na echiche, na-aga n'ihu na ala ruo n'elu site na microcosm (azụ, elekere osisi, fọn) na gburugburu mmadụ na macrocosm (kpakpando);  Ụbọchị dị otú ahụ na-akpọ mgbaàmà na-achọpụta: Sidereus Nuncius ("Starry Messenger") bụ akwụkwọ mbụ nke mbara igwe nke Galileo Galilei, Wallace's Heresy references natural selection theorist Russel Wallace ), na "anya kpuru" na-ezo aka na  ụzọ igodo ụzọ nke oge a.  [3] [4] [2] N'ime triptychs architectural, Archimedes's Dream (1998) na Paradox of Infinite Regression (1999, n'elu), Behnke ihera anya, ihe gbasara mbara ala na geometric ụdị na ikike nke  gburugburu ma ọ bụ nautilus;  onye nkatọ Hilton Kramer hụrụ ọrụ nke ikpeazụ "a pastiche nke Futurism, Cubism na Realism nke ejiri nka zuru oke gbuo" [12] [27]

Usòrò:Leigh Behnke Aristotle's Fifth 2016.jpeg
Leigh Behnke, Aristotle's Fifth, mmanụ n'elu osisi panel, 36" x 24", 2016.

Mgbe e mesịrị ọrụ: 1999-


Na 1999, Behnke onyinye ED Foundation iji ọrụ na dabere na ụlọ Victorian, wee họrọ ile anya anya na Sagamore, Theodore Roosevelt's summer estate na Long Island.  [1] Usoro "Sagamore" nke si na ya pụta (1999-2000) jiri ihe onyonyo agwakọta, foto Behnke, na ozi sitere n'ọtụtụ ebe iji wepụta ndụ echepụtara n'elu ndị nwere ihe mere eme (ndị ọrụ ụlọ, Roosevelts).  ) na oghere.  [2] [1] [3] Annie's View (2000) lere anya n'ahụ ahụ dị ka onye odibo, Annie ịgba na-ese ya site na onyonyo a na-ama ọnụọgụ site na 5 anya na-eke ụka nke ìhè na ike na ike siri  ike nke echiche efu.  [1] [2] elu ya bụ isi na-egosi nke elu ụlọ nke nnukwu ụlọ (ebe ndị ohu na-ebibu) ka ndị na-agafe agafe na-ahụ ya;  nke dị n'ụdị nke dị n'ala ala Prerella na-enwetaghachi, na-aga n'ihu, echiche sitere na windo Annie, ọnụ ụlọ ya, na steepụ azụ azụ, na-atụ aro ka e wughachi ya nkewa nkewa.  n'ebe ahụ: echiche nke echiche onwe echepụtara, site nke ọrụ ime ụlọ, elu na ala.  arụ ọrụ.  [1] [2] Eserese ndị ọzọ na usoro ahụ, dị ka maka eserese Edith na Alice na Sagamore: N'okpuru ala, na-egosi ụlọ dị ka a na-ahụ site na echiche Roosevelts [13] [28]

N'ime afọ ndị na-adịbeghị anya, ihe onyonyo Behnke na-adịwanye iche, na-etinye ụdị ihe dị iche iche (carousels, metalwork ornamental and statuary), ọnọdụ na usoro (ọrụ onyonyo otu) n'akụkụ ọmụmụ njirimara ya nke oghere ụlọ na mpụta. [28] [29] [30] Ihe ngosi 2009 ya, "Site na Nlegharị anya," lekwasịrị anya na portals-ụzọ, ọnụ ụzọ, arches, windo, steepụ - dị ka ụgbọ ala maka egwuregwu nkịtị na mkpali nke echiche na ezi akụkụ na oghere; Ọrụ ya kemgbe ahụ na-enyochakarị akara ngosi akụkọ ifo, dịka na Aristotle's Fifth (2016), nke na-eji akụkụ atọ ya, ọganihu microcosm-to-macrocosm. [28] [29] [30]



Behnke natara John S. Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship na 2013 na onyinye sitere na ED Foundation (1999, 2000).  [1] [2] Ụbọchị ya bụ nke ọtụtụ mkpokọta nka na nke onwe, nke New York Public Library, New York Historical Society, Butler Institute of American Art, Currier Gallery of Art, Mahadum Georgetown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nelson  -Atkins Museum of Art, na Springfield Art Museum na Missouri [31] [32] [33] [34] [9]


  1. Rose, Barbara. American Painting: The Eighties, A Critical Interpretation, New York: Vista Press, 1979. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Heller, Jules and Nancy. "Leigh Behnke," North American Woman Artists of the Twentieth Century, New York: Garland Publishing, 1995, p. 57–8.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Raynor, Vivien. "Pooling of Resources Produces Stimulating Success," The New York Times, February 7, 1982.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Zimmer, William. "Camera's Role as a Tollo Is Growing," The New York Times, April 22, 1984. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  5. Raynor, Vivien. "An Attractive Exhibition of What Watercolor Can Do," The New York Times, February 13, 1994. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  6. Genocchio, Benjamin. "For the Eyes, Bubble Gum," The New York Times, November 30, 2003. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  7. Martin, Alvin. American Realism: Twentieth Century Drawings and Watercolors, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1986. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Dreishpoon, Douglas. "Painting the Town: Some Thoughts on American Urban Realism," New York Realism—Past and Present, Tokyo: The Japan Association of American Art Museums and Brain Trust Inc., 1994. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 School of Visual Arts. "Leigh Behnke," People. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  10. Harrison, Helen A. "Art Reviews: 'Together Working,'" The New York Times, February 27, 2000. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Bonito, Virginia Ann. Get Real: Contemporary American Realism from the Seavest Collection, Durham, NC: Duke University Museum of Art, 1998. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Hise, Jeri. "Interview with Leigh Behnke," Leigh Behnke Real Spaces, Imagined Lives, Padova, Italy: Coop. Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova, 2005.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Cempellin, Leda. Leigh Behnke Real Spaces, Imagined Lives, Padova, Italy: Coop. Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova, 2005.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Cohen, Ronny. "Leigh Behnke," Artforum, May 1991. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Marberger, A. Aladar. "New Faces/New Images," Ocular Magazine, Winter 1980.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Ames, Barbara and Julia Boyd. On Paper, Richmond, VA: Institute of Contemporary Art of the Virginia Museum, 1980.
  17. Merrit, John. "On Paper," Richmond Times-Dispatch, September 9, 1980.
  18. 18.0 18.1 LeClair, Charles. The Art of the Watercolor, Spectrum Books, Prentice Hall, 1985.
  19. Finch, Christopher. Twentieth Century Watercolors, New York: Abbeville Press, 1988. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  20. ARTnews. "New Editions," April 1982, p. 106.
  21. Mitchell, Mark. "Aiming for Masterpieces," American Watercolor, Spring 1992, p. 90–1.
  22. Poroner, Palmer. "New Directions of the Seventies," Art Speak, 1979.
  23. DePietro, Anne Cohen. A Feast for the Eyes, Huntington, NY: Heckscher Museum, 1981.
  24. Welzenbach, Michael. "Cities’ Light in Several Shades," The Washington Post, February 1, 1992. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  25. Gallati, Barbara Dayer. American Art Today: Night Paintings, Miami, FL: Frost Art Museum, 1995. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  26. Arthur, John. American Realism: The Precise Image, Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun and The Brain Trust, 1985.
  27. Kramer, Hilton. "American Upstarts Harley, Homer, Ault Dominate at Armory," The New York Observer, February 26, 2004. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Gokduman, Safak Günes. "Light, Time, and Space," RHT Art Magazine, March, 2012, p. 54–61.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Behnke, Leigh. Through the Looking Glass: Leigh Behnke, New York: Fischbach Gallery, 2009.
  30. 30.0 30.1 Behnke, Leigh. Leigh Behnke: Memory and Myth, New York: Fischbach Gallery, 2013.
  31. New York Historical Society. "Panoramas: The Big Picture," Press Kits. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  32. Currier Gallery of Art. "Color Contra-Dictions: Orange Interior Blue Landscape, 1979, Leigh Behnke," Collections. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  33. Georgetown University. Victorian Still Life 3, From the Vault. Retrieved November 8, 2019.
  34. Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. "Leigh Behnke, Kaleidoscope, 1989," Objects. Retrieved November 8, 2019.

Njikọ mpụga
