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See also: Liaoning, Liáoníng, and Liao Ning



Alternative forms




From the Wade-Giles romanization of its Mandarin Chinese name 遼寧辽宁 (Liáoníng).

Proper noun



  1. (dated) Alternative form of Liaoning
    • 1978, Chi Hsin (research group), Teng Hsiao-ping: A Political Biography[1], Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, →OCLC, page 113:
      The strategic and naturally rich province of Liao-ning was turned into an under-supplied and severely mismanaged backwater. In an effort to make a name for himself and prove the efficacy of his leadership in the province, Mao Yuan-hsin fabricated a series of 'new events' in Liao-ning.
    • 2007, “Mukden”, in William R. Keylor, editor, Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1900 to the Present[2], volume II, Facts on File, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 883:
      (Chinese: Shen-Yang) Capital of China's province of Liao-ning, northeast on the Hun River, controlling north-south routes along the plain of south Manchuria.



