See also: issa, Issa, and issā





From Latin -īcia, feminine of -īcius.





-issa f (plural isses)

  1. feminine singular of -ís
  2. forms nouns from other nouns
    hortal (walled garden) + ‎-issa → ‎hortalissa (vegetable)
    rave (radish) + ‎-issa → ‎ravenissa (wild radish)
  3. forms nouns from past participles
    mesclat (jumbled) + ‎-issa → ‎mescladissa (hodgepodge)
    volat (flown) + ‎-issa → ‎voladissa (flock)

Derived terms




Etymology 1



  • In most forms, from Proto-Finnic *-t'ak (*-de-) (reflexive verb suffix).
  • Forms containing -s- (except in the past tense) are analogically leveled from the past tense.
  • The third-person singular endings derive from the paradigm of -ita.

The lengthening of the initial -i- in many verbs is a generalisation of the verbs whose stem originally ended in -i.





-issa (front vowel variant -issä)

  1. Forms reflexive verbs.
    näyttää (to show) + ‎-issa → ‎näyttiissä (to appear)
Conjugation of -Vissa (type 17/laskiissa, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -VVn en -VV 1st singular oon -Vist, oon -Vissut en oo -Vist, en oo -Vissut
2nd singular -VVt et -VV 2nd singular oot -Vist, oot -Vissut et oo -Vist, et oo -Vissut
3rd singular -Vijaa ei -VV 3rd singular ono -Vist, ono -Vissut ei oo -Vist, ei oo -Vissut
1st plural -VVmma emmä -VV 1st plural oomma -Visseet emmä oo -Visseet
2nd plural -VVtta että -VV 2nd plural ootta -Visseet että oo -Visseet
3rd plural -Vijaat1), -VVvat2), -Vissaa evät -VV, ei -Vissa 3rd plural ovat -Visseet evät oo -Visseet, ei oo -Vistu
impersonal -Vissaa ei -Vissa impersonal ono -Vistu ei oo -Vistu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -Visin en -Vist, en -Vissut 1st singular olin -Vist, olin -Vissut en olt -Vist, en olt -Vissut
2nd singular -Visit, -Viist1) et -Vist, et -Vissut 2nd singular olit -Vist, olit -Vissut et olt -Vist, et olt -Vissut
3rd singular -Vis ei -Vist, ei -Vissut 3rd singular oli -Vist, oli -Vissut ei olt -Vist, ei olt -Vissut
1st plural -Visimma emmä -Visseet 1st plural olimma -Visseet emmä olleet -Visseet
2nd plural -Visitta että -Visseet 2nd plural olitta -Visseet että olleet -Visseet
3rd plural -Visiit1), -Visivat2), -Vistii evät -Visseet, ei -Vistu 3rd plural olivat -Visseet evät olleet -Visseet, ei olt -Vistu
impersonal -Vistii ei -Vistu impersonal oli -Vistu ei olt -Vistu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -Vijaisin en -Vijais 1st singular olisin -Vist, olisin -Vissut en olis -Vist, en olis -Vissut
2nd singular -Vijaisit, -Vijaist1) et -Vijais 2nd singular olisit -Vist, olisit -Vissut et olis -Vist, et olis -Vissut
3rd singular -Vijais ei -Vijais 3rd singular olis -Vist, olis -Vissut ei olis -Vist, ei olis -Vissut
1st plural -Vijaisimma emmä -Vijais 1st plural olisimma -Visseet emmä olis -Visseet
2nd plural -Vijaisitta että -Vijais 2nd plural olisitta -Visseet että olis -Visseet
3rd plural -Vijaisiit1), -Vijaisivat2), -Vistais evät -Vijais, ei -Vistais 3rd plural olisivat -Visseet evät olis -Visseet, ei olis -Vistu
impersonal -Vistais ei -Vistais impersonal olis -Vistu ei olis -Vistu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular -VV elä -VV 2nd singular oo -Vist, oo -Vissut elä oo -Vist, elä oo -Vissut
3rd singular -Viskoo elköö -Visko 3rd singular olkoo -Vist, olkoo -Vissut elköö olko -Vist, elköö olko -Vissut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural -Viskaa elkää -Visko 2nd plural olkaa -Visseet elkää olko -Visseet
3rd plural -Viskoot elkööt -Visko, elköö -Vistako 3rd plural olkoot -Visseet elkööt olko -Visseet, elköö olko -Vistu
impersonal -Vistakkoo elköö -Vistako impersonal olkoo -Vistu elköö olko -Vistu
positive negative
1st singular -Vissen en -Visse
2nd singular -Visset et -Visse
3rd singular -Vissoo ei -Visse
1st plural -Vissemma emmä -Visse
2nd plural -Vissetta että -Visse
3rd plural -Vissoot evät -Visse, ei -Vistane
impersonal -Vistannoo ei -Vistane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st -Vissa present -Viva -Vistava
2nd inessive -Vissees past -Vist, -Vissut -Vistu
instructive -Vissen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (-Viskaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative -Vimaa
inessive -Vimaas
elative -Vimast
abessive -Vimata
4th nominative -Vimiin
partitive -Vimista, -Vimist
Conjugation of -Vssa (type 18/praavihussa, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -Vn en -V 1st singular oon -Vst, oon -Vssut en oo -Vst, en oo -Vssut
2nd singular -Vt et -V 2nd singular oot -Vst, oot -Vssut et oo -Vst, et oo -Vssut
3rd singular -VV ei -V 3rd singular ono -Vst, ono -Vssut ei oo -Vst, ei oo -Vssut
1st plural -Vmma emmä -V 1st plural oomma -Vsseet emmä oo -Vsseet
2nd plural -Vtta että -V 2nd plural ootta -Vsseet että oo -Vsseet
3rd plural -VVt1), -Vvat2), -Vssaa evät -V, ei -Vssa 3rd plural ovat -Vsseet evät oo -Vsseet, ei oo -Vstu
impersonal -Vssaa ei -Vssa impersonal ono -Vstu ei oo -Vstu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -Vin en -Vst, en -Vssut 1st singular olin -Vst, olin -Vssut en olt -Vst, en olt -Vssut
2nd singular -Vit et -Vst, et -Vssut 2nd singular olit -Vst, olit -Vssut et olt -Vst, et olt -Vssut
3rd singular -Vi ei -Vst, ei -Vssut 3rd singular oli -Vst, oli -Vssut ei olt -Vst, ei olt -Vssut
1st plural -Vimma emmä -Vsseet 1st plural olimma -Vsseet emmä olleet -Vsseet
2nd plural -Vitta että -Vsseet 2nd plural olitta -Vsseet että olleet -Vsseet
3rd plural -Viit1), -Vivat2), -Vstii evät -Vsseet, ei -Vstu 3rd plural olivat -Vsseet evät olleet -Vsseet, ei olt -Vstu
impersonal -Vstii ei -Vstu impersonal oli -Vstu ei olt -Vstu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -Visin en -Vis 1st singular olisin -Vst, olisin -Vssut en olis -Vst, en olis -Vssut
2nd singular -Visit, -Viist1) et -Vis 2nd singular olisit -Vst, olisit -Vssut et olis -Vst, et olis -Vssut
3rd singular -Vis ei -Vis 3rd singular olis -Vst, olis -Vssut ei olis -Vst, ei olis -Vssut
1st plural -Visimma emmä -Vis 1st plural olisimma -Vsseet emmä olis -Vsseet
2nd plural -Visitta että -Vis 2nd plural olisitta -Vsseet että olis -Vsseet
3rd plural -Visiit1), -Visivat2), -Vstais evät -Vis, ei -Vstais 3rd plural olisivat -Vsseet evät olis -Vsseet, ei olis -Vstu
impersonal -Vstais ei -Vstais impersonal olis -Vstu ei olis -Vstu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular -V elä -V 2nd singular oo -Vst, oo -Vssut elä oo -Vst, elä oo -Vssut
3rd singular -Vskoo elköö -Vsko 3rd singular olkoo -Vst, olkoo -Vssut elköö olko -Vst, elköö olko -Vssut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural -Vskaa elkää -Vsko 2nd plural olkaa -Vsseet elkää olko -Vsseet
3rd plural -Vskoot elkööt -Vsko, elköö -Vstako 3rd plural olkoot -Vsseet elkööt olko -Vsseet, elköö olko -Vstu
impersonal -Vstakoo elköö -Vstako impersonal olkoo -Vstu elköö olko -Vstu
positive negative
1st singular -Vssen en -Vsse
2nd singular -Vsset et -Vsse
3rd singular -Vssoo ei -Vsse
1st plural -Vssemma emmä -Vsse
2nd plural -Vssetta että -Vsse
3rd plural -Vssoot evät -Vsse, ei -Vstane
impersonal -Vstanoo ei -Vstane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st -Vssa present -Vva -Vstava
2nd inessive -Vsses past -Vst, -Vssut -Vstu
instructive -Vssen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (-Vskaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative -Vmmaa
inessive -Vmas
elative -Vmast
abessive -Vmata
4th nominative -Vmiin
partitive -Vmista, -Vmist
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From Proto-Finnic *-istak. Cognates include Finnish -ista and Estonian -iseda.





-issa (front vowel variant -issä)

  1. Forms frequentative verbs.
    rangata (to bother) + ‎-issa → ‎rangaissa (to punish)
Conjugation of -issa (type 11/pessä, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -isen en -ise 1st singular oon -ist, oon -issut en oo -ist, en oo -issut
2nd singular -iset et -ise 2nd singular oot -ist, oot -issut et oo -ist, et oo -issut
3rd singular -isoo ei -ise 3rd singular ono -ist, ono -issut ei oo -ist, ei oo -issut
1st plural -isemma emmä -ise 1st plural oomma -isseet emmä oo -isseet
2nd plural -isetta että -ise 2nd plural ootta -isseet että oo -isseet
3rd plural -isoot1), -isevat2), -issaa evät -ise, ei -issa 3rd plural ovat -isseet evät oo -isseet, ei oo -istu
impersonal -issaa ei -issa impersonal ono -istu ei oo -istu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -isin en -ist, en -issut 1st singular olin -ist, olin -issut en olt -ist, en olt -issut
2nd singular -isit et -ist, et -issut 2nd singular olit -ist, olit -issut et olt -ist, et olt -issut
3rd singular -isi ei -ist, ei -issut 3rd singular oli -ist, oli -issut ei olt -ist, ei olt -issut
1st plural -isimma emmä -isseet 1st plural olimma -isseet emmä olleet -isseet
2nd plural -isitta että -isseet 2nd plural olitta -isseet että olleet -isseet
3rd plural -isiit1), -isivat2), -istii evät -isseet, ei -istu 3rd plural olivat -isseet evät olleet -isseet, ei olt -istu
impersonal -istii ei -istu impersonal oli -istu ei olt -istu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -isisin en -isis 1st singular olisin -ist, olisin -issut en olis -ist, en olis -issut
2nd singular -isisit, -isiist1) et -isis 2nd singular olisit -ist, olisit -issut et olis -ist, et olis -issut
3rd singular -isis ei -isis 3rd singular olis -ist, olis -issut ei olis -ist, ei olis -issut
1st plural -isisimma emmä -isis 1st plural olisimma -isseet emmä olis -isseet
2nd plural -isisitta että -isis 2nd plural olisitta -isseet että olis -isseet
3rd plural -isisiit1), -isisivat2), -istais evät -isis, ei -istais 3rd plural olisivat -isseet evät olis -isseet, ei olis -istu
impersonal -istais ei -istais impersonal olis -istu ei olis -istu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular -ise elä -ise 2nd singular oo -ist, oo -issut elä oo -ist, elä oo -issut
3rd singular -iskoo elköö -isko 3rd singular olkoo -ist, olkoo -issut elköö olko -ist, elköö olko -issut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural -iskaa elkää -isko 2nd plural olkaa -isseet elkää olko -isseet
3rd plural -iskoot elkööt -isko, elköö -istako 3rd plural olkoot -isseet elkööt olko -isseet, elköö olko -istu
impersonal -istakkoo elköö -istako impersonal olkoo -istu elköö olko -istu
positive negative
1st singular -issen en -isse
2nd singular -isset et -isse
3rd singular -issoo ei -isse
1st plural -issemma emmä -isse
2nd plural -issetta että -isse
3rd plural -issoot evät -isse, ei -istane
impersonal -istannoo ei -istane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st -issa present -iseva -istava
2nd inessive -issees past -ist, -issut -istu
instructive -issen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (-iskaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative -isommaa
inessive -isomas
elative -isomast
abessive -isomata
4th nominative -isomiin
partitive -isomista, -isomist
Derived terms


  • T. Lehtinen (1978) “Inkeroismurteiden refleksiivitaivutuksen kysymyksiä”, in Virittäjä, volume 82, number 3





Borrowed from Ancient Greek -ισσα (-issa).





-issa f (genitive -issae); first declension

  1. (Late Latin) Used to form feminine forms of masculine nouns.



First-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -issa -issae
Genitive -issae -issārum
Dative -issae -issīs
Accusative -issam -issās
Ablative -issā -issīs
Vocative -issa -issae

Derived terms








Borrowed from Latin -issa, or from Ancient Greek -ισσα (-issa).


  • IPA(key): /ˈi.sːa/ (Standard)




  1. Used to form feminine forms of masculine nouns.

Derived terms
