2025 NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition
Sept. 11-12, 2025
Sept. 13, 2025
Final & Awards Ceremony
Sept. 14, 2025


The “International Classical Chinese Dance Competition” is one in a series of international cultural and arts events hosted by New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD Television). It will launch a new era in classical Chinese dance by fostering cultural exchange, making this ancient Chinese culture renowned throughout the world and promoting purely authentic traditional dance that is pure goodness, and pure beauty.


This Competition will be hosted by New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD Television).
The semi-final and final rounds of the Competition will be broadcast through live stream video on NTD’s social media platforms. They will also be televised on NTD’s TV network.

Panel of Judges

The Panel of Judges is composed of experienced dance experts. The panel has complete authority to engage in the evaluations of the Competition.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. All contestants shall comply with all the arrangements of the Competition’s Or-ganizing Committee and decisions from the Panel of Judges. The Panel of Judg-es has the right to revoke violators’ eligibility and the prizes awarded.
  2. All dance teachers and dancers from professional arts academies and dance troupes and dance instructors, dancers, and dance students from professional dance schools between the ages of 13 – 40 may apply and participate.
  3. The categories of divisions (Base on the real age on the day of the preliminary):
    • Junior Division, ages 13–17
    • Adult Division, ages 18–40
  4. To qualify for the Competition: After the Organizing Committee reviews all of the materials from the applicants, a formal “NTD Television International Classical Chinese Dance Competition Invitation” will be sent by email to those who meet the criteria. The contestants may use this invitation to apply for visas and register for the live competition.

Competition Venue & Dates

Schedule Date Venue
Preliminary Sept. 11 - 12, 2025 New York, USA
Semi-finals Sept. 13, 2025 New York, USA

Finals /

Awards Ceremony

Sept. 14, 2025 New York, USA
Date Sept. 11 - 12, 2025
Venue New York, USA
Date Sept. 13, 2025
Venue New York, USA

Final /

Awards Ceremony

Date Sept. 14, 2025
Venue New York, USA


2Deadline: August 1, 2025. The Organizing Committee must receive all application materials before the deadline. Any participant under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian sign the Registration Form.

3Application fee (Non-Refundable): Junior division US$30; Adult division US $50. Accepted forms of payment include online payment, credit card, bank card, trav-eler’s check, or money order. Make the check payable to NEW TANG DYNASTY, and write “Dance Competition” on the check.

4Online applicants must complete the application forms, scan their photos and valid IDs (digital photos as well preferred), and submit them along with corre-sponding payment. E-mailing digital application files to the Organizing Commit-tee's mailbox is equally acceptable.

5Applicants may also fill out the registration form and the resume form, submit two recent color photos and photocopies of valid IDs, and mail them to the Or-ganizing Committee by regular or registered mail. All application materials will not be returned.

6 It is optional to submit the shareable link of your performance video(s) in any of these approaches

  • Video hosting sites, like YouTube, YouMaker, Vimeo or Gan Jing World;
  • Cloud-based file storage services, like Google Drive, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive, etc.

7 Contact:

  • Website: https://dance.ntdtv.com
  • Email: dance@ntd.com
  • Hotline: 1 855-561-0888
  • Mail: 229 W. 28th St., Suite 700, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A.
    Note: NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition

Placement Awards

Gold Award
US $10,000
Silver Award
US $3,000
Bronze Award
US $1,000

Adult Division (Male):
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes, 3 Honorable Mentions.

Adult Division (Female):
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes, 3 Honorable Mentions.

Junior Division (Male):
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes, 3 Honorable Mentions.

Junior Division (Female):
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronzes, 3 Honorable Mentions.

Content of the Competition

1The theme of our competition is classical Chinese dance. Due to differences in perception of what classical Chinese dance is, the Organizing Committee would like to make the following clarifications:

  1. The judging criteria will focus on authentic classical Chinese dance movements in both the dance routine selected and the set of required techniques and movements.Please pay special attention to the bearing and form that are characteristic of classical Chinese dance.
  2. Classical Chinese dance is distinct from ballet or modern dance. It is also different from the techniques and movements in Chinese opera, or set movements in martial arts.
  3. Although modern dance contains movements and techniques from classical Chinese dance, it does not contain the traditional aesthetics of classical Chinese dance.
  4. Please do not depict animals or other lower life forms during the Individual Choice performance.

2The dance routine includes solo, duet, or trio dances [1]. It will be between 2 and 3.5 minutes long.

3In addition to the dance routine, the contestants will also perform 1.5–2.5 minutes of a required set of techniques or 1.5–2.5 minutes of an individual choice set of techniques and movements (showing leaps, turns, flips, and control techniques) [2].

Note [1]: Participant who perform duet or trio dance can invite his/her own partner(s) to participate in the performance. If the partner himself/herself wants to participate in the competition, he/she also need to formally register.

Note [2]: The required movement skills must use Bearing (身韵 shēnyùn) and Form (身法 shēnfǎ) as connection actions. According to Shen Yun's website, poses and movements comprise the vocabulary of the dance Form, and the Bearing is the manner for expressing inner feelings through “form”. In addition to a set of required basic skills of classical Chinese dance, con-testants can select their specialty movements displaying their unique styles to perform as an individual choice set.

4For the Preliminary, the contestants will perform a dance routine and a required set of techniques & movements.

5For the Semi-finals and Finals, the contestants may perform a different dance routine and a different required set of techniques & movements.

6Required set of techniques and movements:
Male: Please refer to the Chinese text for accurate terms for the required Leaps, Turns, Flips, and Control techniques
Female: Please refer to the Chinese text for accurate terms for the required Leaps, Turns, Flips, and Control techniques

Dress Code

Solid color top and black pants.

Evaluation and Scoring

Contestants who enter the next round will be announced after each round of competition. Final ranking will be revealed at the awards ceremony.

Accommodation and Transportation

  1. The Organizing Committee will recommend local hotels for contestants and their entourage.
  2. Contestants and their entourage shall pay for their own accommodation and transportation.


  1. Since the Communist Party is outlawed in the United States, all songs and music that eulogize the CommunistParty will be prohibited during this competition. Contestants would be well advised to send their dance music to the Panel of Judges for assessment in order to avoid unnecessary problems.
  2. Chinese and Western classical music pieces may be selected as dance music.
  3. Contestants will take full responsibility to any copyright issues related to the dance music they choose for the competition.
  4. All contestants shall comply with all the arrangements of the Organizing Com-mittee. The Organizing Committee has the right to revoke violators’ eligibility and the prizes awarded.
  5. During the competition, all audiovisual copyrights shall belong to NTD Television.
  6. All winners must personally attend the award ceremony to accept the prize. Cash will not be awarded in lieu of that prize. The winners absent will automatically give up the prize.
  7. Contestants will be responsible for any accident or injury that occurs in the course of competition.
NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition Organizing Committee
Updated on Jan 17, 2025