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Java™ Programming Language, The (Java Series) ペーパーバック – 2005/8/17
Direct from the creators of the Java programming language, the completely revised fourth edition ofThe Java Programming Languageis an indispensable resource for novice and advanced programmers alike.
Developers around the world have used previous editions to quickly gain a deep understanding of the Java programming language, its design goals, and how to use it most effectively in real-world development. Now, Ken Arnold, James Gosling, and David Holmes have updated this classic to reflect the major enhancements in Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE 5.0).
The authors systematically cover most classes in Javas main packages, java.lang.*,java.util, and java.io, presenting in-depth explanations of why these classes work as they do, with informative examples. Several new chapters and major sections have been added, and every chapter has been updated to reflect todays best practices for building robust, efficient, and maintainable Java software.
Key changes in this edition include
- New chapters on generics, enums, and annotations, the most powerful new language features introduced in J2SE 5.0
- Changes to classes and methods throughout to reflect the addition of generics
- Major new sections on assertions and regular expressions
- Coverage of all the new language features, from autoboxing and variable argument methods to the enhanced for-loop and covariant return types
- Coverage of key new classes, such as Formatter and Scanner
The Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition,is the definitive tutorial introduction to the Java language and essential libraries and an indispensable reference for all programmers, including those with extensive experience. It brings together insights you can only get from the creators of Java: insights that will help you write software of exceptional quality.
- 本の長さ928ページ
- 言語英語
- 出版社Prentice Hall
- 発売日2005/8/17
- 寸法19.05 x 3.81 x 22.86 cm
- ISBN-100321349806
- ISBN-13978-0321349804
Ken Arnold, formerly senior engineer at Sun Microsystems Laboratories, is a leading expert in object-oriented design and implementation. He was one of the original architects of the Jini technology, and the lead engineer of Sun's JavaSpaces technology.
James Gosling is a Fellow and Chief Technology Officer of Sun's Developer Products group, the creator of the Java programming language, and one of the computer industry's most noted programmers. He is the 1996 recipient of Software Development's "Programming Excellence Award." He previously developed NeWS, Sun's network-extensible window system, and was a principal in the Andrew project at Carnegie Mellon University, where he earned a Ph.D. in computer science.
David Holmes is director of DLTeCH Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane, Australia. He specializes in synchronization and concurrency and was a member of the JSR-166 expert group that developed the new concurrency utilities. He is also a contributor to the update of the Real-Time Specification for Java, and has spent the past few years working on an implementation of that specification.
- 出版社 : Prentice Hall; 第4版 (2005/8/17)
- 発売日 : 2005/8/17
- 言語 : 英語
- ペーパーバック : 928ページ
- ISBN-10 : 0321349806
- ISBN-13 : 978-0321349804
- 寸法 : 19.05 x 3.81 x 22.86 cm
- カスタマーレビュー:
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
5つ星のうち1.0 Opinion!!
Amazonで購入A decente book with a lack if examples and structure. It is not a good JAVA book.
5つ星のうち5.0 Fantastico
Amazonで購入Libro completo e approfondito. Estremamente chiaro. Stampa perfetta. Si legge in modo molto scorrevole e piacevole. Tratta semplicemente programmazione in Java e poco in generale dell'OOP.
5つ星のうち5.0 Ideale Fortsetzung nach der Lektüre von Java von "Kopf bis Fuss"
Amazonで購入Ein unglaublich gutes Buch von Ken Arnold, James Gosling und David Holmes
über die Sprache Java, welches es schafft, detailreich und extrem präzise, ohne
langweilig oder anstrengend zu lesen zu sein.
Es beschreibt alle wesentliche Aspekte recht detailliert und nennt Dinge,
die man in anderen Büchern nicht findet.
Die ideale Fortsetzung von Java von "Kopf bis Fuss".
5つ星のうち5.0 Indepth Java Coverage
Amazonで購入At first I thought this was an introductory book for beginners, but even in the first two chapters I learnt a lot, even though I've been using Java for a few years now.
This book in my opinion is not for someone who wants to learn his/her first object oriented language. You have to have basic (or more) knowledge about either Java or some other OO programming language.
For me, this book purchase was absolutely worth it. It is so much better to read a book from those who actually created the language. You can really see that the authors know all the ins and outs of the subject and that they are familiar with the common misconceptions that either other books don't mention, or what usually happens is that they mention it wrong. But not here.
So a huge thumbs up for this book, but again: this is not an introductory book I think. It really goes into indepth analysis of even the most basic terms, constructs...
Definitely a must buy.
Debashish Mitra2006年2月20日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Precise, Concise and Authoritative
Amazonで購入This is the most dependable book that all experienced Java developers MUST read to get a deep insight in to the intricacies of the Java programming language and master it's subtleties. The coverage is extensive and authoritative. You need to know Java at an intermediate to advanced level to enjoy the beauty of this book. The way the authors explain the topics tersely is extraordinary. This book does not have elaborate and repetitive explanations and 'real world' illustrations - generally each topic is explained with the help of simple pieces of code whose main purpose is to drive home an idea - you need to have a minimal prior level of understanding of Java to fully fathom and gain from the authors' brilliant explanations of the technicalities. I suggest that while you are going through each topic write your own small snippets of code, run and test them to verify your understanding of the topic - this gives you great confidence and long lasting understanding and is a sure shot way to master the details of the language in a retentive manner. This book has great reference value - you can come back to it time and again to get the most authoritative, clear and dependable answers to all your Java queries. A caveat - this text should not be used as a first book to learn Java from - it might only lead to boredom and frustration - this book is for mastering and fine tuning one's knowledge and skill in Java.