High-Resolution Grungy Paper Textures ダウンロードできる紙のテクスチャ素材は6つあり、サイズは2592x3872px、フォーマットはJPEGとなっています。 ライセンスは、個人・商用サイトともにフリーで利用可能とのことです。
At their best, desktop wallpapers bring animation to often lifeless computer screens, reflecting the personality of the user and acting as a calling card for creative talent. Designers and developers spend about 90% of their waking life in front of a computer so the most appealing genre for a wallpaper would be one that has beautiful design mixed with the all important aspect of being outdoors. De
Today we have a free texture pack from Kawsar Ali. The pack contains 12 high resolution (3072 px by 2304 px) textures of various fabrics. Any of the photos can be found at Flickr (click through on the image that you want). The textures can be used for both personal and commercial projects. About the Photographer: Kawsar Ali is a web designer, graphic designer, and wannabe photographer based in NY,
デスクトップの壁紙を変えると気分も一新されるような感じになるため、できればその日の内容に合わせてこまめに変えた方が良いような気がするのですが、お気に入りの壁紙を見つけ出すのは至難の業。特に自分だけでなく他の人がちらっとデスクトップを見て「お、これは……」というような壁紙にしようと思うとさらに困難を極めます。 というわけで、デスクトップをオシャレな雰囲気に変えてくれる壁紙50選は以下から。 50 Mac Desktops for Maximum Visual Goodness ■抽象的なイメージ Colorsplash Chroma Wallpapers Flow Infinity Gold Elemental Inside Rainbow Jacket Pack Colour Picker Aqua Wave Strukt Flow ■自然と建築物 Survivor Moody Water
You have some honest ideas here. I done a research on the issue and discovered most peoples will agree with your blog. After that early period, the Beatles evolved considerably over the years. This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like 'Mixview' that let you quickly see related albums, songs,
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