
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


last.fmとlastfmに関するrutawaのブックマーク (1)

  • Pipes: Last.fm Tumblr

    Creates a weekly feed of your top 5 artists from Last.fm for import into Tumblr. Enter your Last.fm user name, click "Run Pipe", select "More options > Get as RSS", copy the URL and paste it into the Tumblr feeds form as "links with descriptions". You'll receive one post per week.

    rutawa 2008/05/07
    Creates a weekly feed of your top 5 artists from Last.fm for import into Tumblr. Enter your Last.fm user name, click "Run Pipe", select "More options > Get as RSS", copy the URL and paste it into the Tumblr feeds form as "links with descriptions". You'll
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