Twitter is a great service, but it would be nothing without the other sites, tools, and apps that help you get the most out of it. Here we highlight more than 60 of our favorite Twitter add-ons. See also: 8 Awesome Firefox Plugins for Twitter Apps, Widgets and Plugins - Windows Triqqr - Submit tweets directly to Twitter and view user profiles. Pwytter - Cross platform Python Twitter client with As
Twitter is the go-to place for breaking news, and has long been known to small businesses as a potential source of new business, but so far it’s been tough for many companies to find their footing on Twitter when it comes to customer acquisition. We decided to talk to a few Real Estate firms to see how their luck has been with Twitter, and were surprised at some of the creative ways real estate pr
Twitterに画像・動画を貼り付けることができるGreasemonkeyの紹介です! Twixxer FirefoxのGreasemonkeyを利用したサービスです! 以下、導入の仕方・導入後のレビューを載せておきます。 ※Greasemonkeyを利用しますので、Firefoxじゃないと実装できません。 まず、Twixxerにアクセスします。 Greasemonkeyをインストールしていない方は、まずインストールしましょう。 Twixxerをインストール後、Twitterへアクセスします。 更新ボタンの横に「Twixxer」というのがあると思います。 (※出てこない方は、Greasemonkeyを右クリックしてTwixxerがONになっていることを確認してください。) Twixxerをクリックすると、投稿ボックスが現れます。 ローカルファイルだけでなく、Flickr,YouTubeのU
Thanks, that was fun! Well the time has come for Quotably to bid adieu. Quotably was born over the span of a weekend in what was really a grand experiment. It was the end of March, 2008 and Twitter was all the buzz in "Web 2.0" circles. I watched with great interest as it seemed just about every third post on TechCrunch was some new Twitter tool. I was intrigued by just what conversations were shi
Botanicalls Twitter answers the question: What's up with your plant? It offers a connection to your leafy pal via online Twitter status updates that reach you anywhere in the world. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love. Twitter is social software that asks a simple question: What are you doing? Botanicalls is a system tha
In this informative article, we have shared some best games like Roblox. So, if you are looking for Roblox alternatives then this guide is for you. Playing Roblox is very engaging, creative, and fun. But have you ever stopped to think about what makes it so great? Part of it is the fact that they allow you to be whoever you want to be. In ROBLOX, for example, you can create your own avatar, design
Leider müssen wir den Betrieb von FootieFox am 15. Februar 2017 einstellen. Vielen Dank an alle, die unser Add-on im Laufe der vergangenen 12 Jahre benutzt und unterstützt haben. Unfortunately, we have to shutdown FootieFox as of February 15, 2017. Many thanks to everyone who used and supported our add-on over the last 12 years. Boris Ruf
In January of 2008, a young script kiddie learned Ruby on Rails and launched - the first Twitter analytics site. The Twitter API didn’t even exist yet, and the first version simply scraped the website until Twitter eventually made a public API available. I’ve built hundreds of apps on that API. And as of February 13, it’s being shut down. Twitter has literally changed my life, but n
ほとんど最速インターフェース研究会 :: livedoor Readerで今読んでいるフィードをTwitterに送るGreasemonkeyスクリプトそのままです。ビデオのページ開いて60秒後に送ります。 // Copyright (C) 2005, koyachi. // Released under the GPL license // // // ==UserScript== // @name youtube report to twitter. // @namespace // @include* // @include* //
Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Proin eget tortor risus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vivamus suscipit tortor