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%I A368278 #25 Jan 02 2024 08:40:57
%S A368278 2,3,11,19,29,31,37,41,47,67,73,89,97,101,103,149,151,157,163,173,179,
%T A368278 197,229,233,251,263,269,281,283,311,349,373,383,397,409,419,433,443,
%U A368278 463,487,491,521,523,557,577,587,601,607,619,659,661,673,677,701,719
%N A368278 Prime numbers that have an odd number of monotone Bacher representations (A368276).
%C A368278 We call a ​quadruple (w, x, y, z) of nonnegative integers a monotone Bacher representation of n if and only if n = w*x + y*z and w <= x < y <= z.
%H A368278 Roland Bacher, A quixotic proof of Fermat's two squares theorem for prime numbers, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 130, No. 9 (November 2023), 824-836; arXiv version, arXiv:2210.07657 [math.NT], 2022.
%e A368278 For n = 19, the 5 solutions are (w, x, y, z) = (0, 0, 1, 19), (1, 1, 2, 9), (1, 1, 3, 6), (1, 3, 4, 4), (2, 2, 3, 5).
%t A368278 t[n_]:=t[n]=Select[Divisors[n],#^2<=n&];
%t A368278 A368276[n_]:=Total[t[n]]+Sum[Boole[wx= startvalue
%o A368278 p = max(nextprime(startvalue-1),2)
%o A368278 while True:
%o A368278 c = sum(takewhile(lambda x:x**2<=p,divisors(p))) & 1
%o A368278 for wx in range(1,(p>>1)+1):
%o A368278 for d1 in divisors(wx):
%o A368278 if d1**2 > wx:
%o A368278 break
%o A368278 m = p-wx
%o A368278 c = c+sum(1 for d in takewhile(lambda x:x**2<=m,divisors(m)) if wx