# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a331960 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A331960 #31 Apr 24 2020 16:27:47 %S A331960 7,13,32,41,55,58,74,75,130,135,136,180,185,215,269,312,335,346,370, %T A331960 377,425,427,458,557,560,646,697,711,818,819,880,925,986,987,1064, %U A331960 1067,1129,1130,1272,1313,1325,1326,1400,1462,1490,1495,1613,1714,1736,1885 %N A331960 Integers whose square root has a continued fraction [b(0);[b(1),...,b(p)]] with a period p > 2 such that b(1)=b(2)=...=b(p-1). %C A331960 Any periodic continued fraction represents a rational number, in particular [b(0);[c,c,...,c,b(p)]]. An integer requires b(p)=2*b(0). The exclusion of p < 3 makes sense because there should be at least two constant c-terms. Note that, with m=a0, the terms associated with the continued fractions [m;[2m]] (p=1) and [m;[c,2m]] (p=2) are those in A320773. %C A331960 General aspect: If [m;[c,c,...,c,2m]] is an integer, it belongs to a quadratic subsequence, see link "Special periodic continued fractions". %C A331960 The four sequences below, see formula, cover 336 of the first 500 terms. %H A331960 Gerhard Kirchner, Special periodic continued fractions %F A331960 Formulas for some quadratic subsequences: %F A331960 p,c formula first term a(1) thru a(500) %F A331960 (k=1) frequency %F A331960 4,1 (3k-1)^2 + 4k-1 a(1) = 7 125 %F A331960 5,1 (5k-2)^2 + 6k-2 a(2) = 13 75 %F A331960 3,2 (5k+1)^2 + 4k+1 a(4) = 41 74 %F A331960 4,2 (6k+1)^2 + 5k+1 a(5) = 55 62 %e A331960 7 = [2; [1, 1, 1, 4]] %e A331960 13 = [3; [1, 1, 1, 1, 6]] %e A331960 32 = [5; [1, 1, 1, 10]] %e A331960 41 = [6; [2, 2, 12]] %e A331960 55 = [7; [2, 2, 2, 14]] %t A331960 a:={};For[k=0, k<2000, k++, b:=Last[ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[k]]]; p:=Length[b]; If[p>2, For[i=2, i
m and mod(2*m,an-m^2)>0 then %o A331960 (a: m, i: 0, x: w, ok: true, %o A331960 while a<2*m and ok do %o A331960 (i: i+1, x: 1/(x-floor(x)), %o A331960 a: floor(x), %o A331960 if i=1 then c: a %o A331960 elseif a # c and a<2*m then ok: false), %o A331960 if ok then(n: n+1, printf( fl, "~d, ", an)))), %o A331960 close(fl)); %Y A331960 Cf. A320773. %K A331960 nonn %O A331960 1,1 %A A331960 _Gerhard Kirchner_, Feb 02 2020 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE