# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a117697 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A117697 #30 Feb 16 2025 08:33:00 %S A117697 11,101,111,10001,11111,1001001,1101011,1111111,100000001,100111001, %T A117697 110111011,10010101001,10110101101,11000100011,11001010011, %U A117697 11011111011,11100100111,11101010111,1001100011001,1001111111001,1010001000101 %N A117697 Palindromic primes in base 2 (written in base 2). %H A117697 Attila Olah, Table of n, a(n) for n=1..43964 %H A117697 Lubomira Dvorakova, Stanislav Kruml, and David Ryzak, Antipalindromic numbers, arXiv:2008.06864 [math.CO], 2020. Mentions this sequence. %H A117697 Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Palindromic Prime. %F A117697 a(n) = A007088(A016041(n)). - _R. J. Mathar_, Feb 25 2007 %p A117697 isA016041 := proc(n) %p A117697 local bin,dig ; %p A117697 if isprime(n) then %p A117697 bin := convert(n,base,2) ; %p A117697 for dig from 1 to nops(bin)/2 do %p A117697 if op(dig,bin) <> op(-dig,bin) then %p A117697 return false; %p A117697 end if; %p A117697 end do ; %p A117697 return true; %p A117697 else %p A117697 false ; %p A117697 end if ; %p A117697 end proc: %p A117697 for i from 1 to 900 do p := ithprime(i) : if isA016041(p) then printf("%d, ",A007088(p)) ; fi ; od : # _R. J. Mathar_, Feb 25 2007 %t A117697 pal2Q[n_] := Reverse[x = IntegerDigits[n, 2]] == x; BaseForm[Select[Prime[Range[700]], pal2Q[#] &], 2] (* _Jayanta Basu_, Jun 24 2013 *) %t A117697 FromDigits /@ Select[IntegerDigits[Prime@ Range[1000], 2], PalindromeQ] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Oct 28 2020 *) %Y A117697 Cf. A016041, A002385. %K A117697 nonn,base %O A117697 1,1 %A A117697 _Martin Renner_, Apr 13 2006 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE