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Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

Hei, Jonathunder, og velkommen til Wikipediabokmål og riksmål. Her er noen lenker du kan få bruk for:


Vi håper du vil like ditt opphold på Wikipedia. Ikke vær redd for å gjøre noe feil, det blir sannsynligvis rettet opp raskt.

English: If you do not understand or you cannot write in Norwegian, and you want to tell us something, please, visit the Embassy.
Deutsch: Wenn Sie Norwegisch nicht verstehen oder nicht schreiben können und Sie bei uns mitreden möchten, dann besuchen Sie bitte die Botschaft.
Español: Si no comprende o no sabe escribir en noruego y desea comunicarse con nosotros, por favor, acuda a la Embajada.

nsaa 13. sep 2008 kl. 01:05 (CEST)

Please do not

[rediger kilde]

dump machine translated articles to Wikipedia in Norwegian, like you just did (twice) with Sara Jane Olson. Such articles will be speedy deleted, and if you persist creating such you editing rights may be temporarily revoked. Finn Rindahl (diskusjon) 6. jun 2013 kl. 15:19 (CEST)

I am working on cleaning up the translation. Can you help? Jonathunder (diskusjon) 6. jun 2013 kl. 15:21 (CEST)
I'm sorry no, it's sort of a principle of mine not to help cleaning up articles created here by users who don't write Norwegian at all (as you state on the user page here). If you really feel strongly that this article should be included in Wikipedia in Norwegian you may post a notice on Wikipedia:Torget requesting a Norwegian/English speaking editor to translate en:Sara Jane Olson. You'd probably need to give good arguments why it is important that a Norwegian version is created to convince someone to do it though. It is quite OK to post messages at Torget in English. Best regards, Finn Rindahl (diskusjon) 6. jun 2013 kl. 15:29 (CEST)
add: Or of course you may rather request help cleaning up the version on your subpage. Finn Rindahl (diskusjon) 6. jun 2013 kl. 15:33 (CEST)
Tusen takk. Jonathunder (diskusjon) 6. jun 2013 kl. 15:38 (CEST)