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Last Updated: Sunday, 31 October, 2004, 11:09 GMT
Get Carter is 'worst film remake'
Sylvester Stallone in Get Carter
Get Carter failed to set the box office alight
Get Carter, starring Hollywood action man Sylvester Stallone, has been voted the worst movie remake of all time.

The classic original, starring Michael Caine, was moved from 1960s Newcastle to Seattle for the 2000 remake.

Film fans were also left unimpressed by the remake of Alfie - a role also made famous by Caine.

Alfie - starring Jude Law - came sixth in the Top 10 Worst Remakes poll, carried out by DVD rental firm ScreenSelect.co.uk.

Get Carter
The Assassin
Charlie's Angels
"Time after time, remakes fail to sparkle like the originals," said Alex Chesterman, founder of ScreenSelect.co.uk.

"The rehashed productions trade off fond memories of much-loved films.

"This poll is an indication that remakes can't compare with films which were classics of their time.

"It also proves you just can't beat Michael Caine," he added.

Second in the poll was Gus Van Sant's attempt to remake the Alfred Hitchcock horror Psycho for a new audience.

Thunderbirds movie was third, followed by Bridget Fonda thriller The Assassin - a remake of the cult film La Femme Nikita.

Other films to make the top 10 were Charlie's Angels - starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu - and Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes.

The poll of 2,000 film fans also showed they preferred the Frank Sinatra original of Ocean's Eleven than the George Clooney and Brad Pitt update.

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