(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 11.1' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 140801, 4758] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 109919, 3953] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 110272, 3969] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 110229, 3966] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Stirling Number of the Second Kind", "Title",ExpressionUUID->"6cda173d-155b-4881-a1ec-914cdfdb578d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Author", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"84a97237-8e3a-4f78-869d-0836ca020496"], Cell["\<\ Eric W. 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143, 3, 32, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d7236e73-33f4-455a-99e9-1061d81f06b6"], Cell[2690, 95, 83, 0, 32, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "23a7e295-f8ad-47c2-93f1-23f1de5b7807"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2810, 100, 400, 11, 32, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e56048f6-f095-4ebe-b4e6-027262b18e77"], Cell[3213, 113, 923, 30, 141, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7faee74d-2667-4e50-a8ba-46cac7370508"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4185, 149, 93, 0, 64, "Section", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a0475a84-6417-45b0-a7ec-25d462cd85e1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4303, 153, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4b028d2d-e916-4870-8dca-98e8accc139a"], Cell[4388, 155, 846, 27, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "fe8c08ee-8ad7-47e9-bfa6-b20e8eb2ca3a"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5259, 186, 556, 16, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "dff03283-3ea0-44fd-9a83-bfada550b7f5"], Cell[5818, 204, 447, 15, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e1290d31-e5c2-41c8-afb2-6f60eea6625a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[6302, 224, 656, 20, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6e6533cf-468e-4efd-8f38-5f2cb2c3fb4d"], Cell[6961, 246, 1486, 41, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8ccc0764-d899-4b3e-9822-6e4db51ef67f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8484, 292, 365, 11, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c305a864-870c-4b0e-9ca0-a2a97aef5c2b"], Cell[8852, 305, 424, 8, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f6bf57c3-21e7-4c31-9007-e185a7dc6ceb"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[9313, 318, 238, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "aa31a36c-49a8-4bcc-9242-838c3a9c0e16"], Cell[9554, 327, 307, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b81163c0-550e-46d5-8f33-2d3ef4bb47c7"] }, Open ]], Cell[9876, 340, 306, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "9089ac57-d016-4e33-9e2e-2ee0e587eac5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[10207, 354, 305, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "fa627702-6d71-471a-9f62-3935361b20cf"], Cell[10515, 365, 261, 7, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "bcc0e4e6-29a0-4c14-9061-5e341b36f117"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[10813, 377, 296, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c0353625-010a-44ac-ba72-df762df9a0dd"], Cell[11112, 388, 1274, 41, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4743fcef-349d-45e6-8ce7-1592341e6a2a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12435, 435, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d2681f83-1021-4366-8a62-6f9fb01442fb"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12542, 439, 315, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "40bf845a-c719-4d28-b66c-ffd27594dd89"], Cell[12860, 450, 354, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a368e53f-9337-4b07-991f-f5275d6e7991"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[13251, 467, 185, 4, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d3ae8356-c038-451c-85f9-933a416fb9fc"], Cell[13439, 473, 305, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e467e7a7-1e7a-4b1c-bf31-bbd3d8eccd1e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[13781, 488, 224, 5, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3d4782fa-e500-4863-91d5-50b0569bd07d"], Cell[14008, 495, 225, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6914e20f-4b9a-4253-9442-f6d2e400e475"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14270, 505, 305, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8f511b00-062b-4d07-b6e0-2bd7734b4f15"], Cell[14578, 516, 322, 9, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "cf5ec1c5-7c92-4bfe-bd7a-6c7061853f20"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14937, 530, 447, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "480c1f60-7761-4dfd-944f-4166045e213c"], Cell[15387, 546, 448, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8cf6c989-5ca2-4345-969c-298c2f8ea118"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[15896, 567, 87, 0, 70, "Section", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "fc54bca8-c2a4-4d59-b96d-98671719d03d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[16008, 571, 236, 7, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "199ac97c-d211-4205-91fa-250418d83151"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[16269, 582, 301, 8, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7ce39260-f956-4a45-b19d-945d971944aa"], Cell[16573, 592, 123, 1, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6b0604e3-d66a-47be-8649-fbf2958c3112"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[16745, 599, 192, 5, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ac7440e6-39aa-4401-9eda-d5b07c37ae6e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[16962, 608, 301, 8, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "23fa1320-5e85-4ddc-bcf2-37ade3a91cb0"], Cell[17266, 618, 83, 0, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "28ff062a-827b-4800-8a40-ac10a4773f77"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17398, 624, 268, 8, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "9d209a5b-8fd0-498b-9c08-01d18e5a8686"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[17691, 636, 301, 8, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "32546e4f-07cb-4e02-a4b3-b3423e52991d"], Cell[17995, 646, 193, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "19d9a0b3-d973-4fad-8870-fcb6ddf70831"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18225, 657, 406, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8d741d45-9da9-4206-86cd-8b436b64697a"], Cell[18634, 672, 918, 28, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8a1dc23f-7243-43fe-8ad9-ce8a8f61a877"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19601, 706, 411, 14, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f78b7e9c-5ab8-45f8-95ff-e97cd8a0b59a"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20037, 724, 345, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8b20cae4-9c18-4a46-8d51-7cf75d5e34bb"], Cell[20385, 736, 263, 8, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "372d4922-258f-4ea5-b521-95f54dda254d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20685, 749, 487, 16, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "9b09126a-0ca5-4635-9857-b5423d3fbb7e"], Cell[21175, 767, 897, 25, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e94a8cee-d5c8-45f5-8a13-f6f8b279c237"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22121, 798, 483, 16, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4fe283e0-b395-411a-988d-4b5fc1e3f12b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22629, 818, 345, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a4184cfc-4655-444f-b221-284f8ed484df"], Cell[22977, 830, 373, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "94b27d39-61ff-44a7-ad54-0e2104ab85c7"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23387, 847, 301, 8, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "30b5de3a-1f0a-4129-a6e4-f689b611b29f"], Cell[23691, 857, 144, 3, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f084649a-0c95-4f41-b86f-905b4e9ecd23"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23872, 865, 251, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "87625a40-8b91-4df7-a61a-1f85c5d2eb8d"], Cell[24126, 874, 231, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "dea4c524-75e1-4b0a-be00-6d74aa689805"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24394, 884, 568, 19, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8bec4ff3-cb94-4834-9c57-1dbdb6ce5335"], Cell[24965, 905, 462, 15, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "914826da-f03d-4ada-b36d-ee68569389b6"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25476, 926, 251, 7, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "9e257647-46de-4479-a90f-b392a8f689e9"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[25752, 937, 327, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c898ff03-e5e2-47bd-b373-300fa1da9c26"], Cell[26082, 948, 205, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "862c6ef0-8f9a-4f72-9dc5-05a310cda35a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26348, 961, 78, 0, 70, "Section", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "661e84e5-5f06-4396-b5af-466e3c843926"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26451, 965, 616, 21, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0531d060-50dd-4570-a117-5d5afad5c478"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27092, 990, 84, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2c786205-f9f2-43d1-8375-5323a9123c91"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27201, 994, 518, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "62812e3d-8996-4105-a97a-351f88a2b684"], Cell[27722, 1013, 480, 16, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "33ad4406-3030-413b-8570-9a302236a199"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28251, 1035, 84, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "43d5ebd9-cedd-4a0f-9b46-ff438f280884"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28360, 1039, 518, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2a74251e-3052-4fdb-9448-067ba40b8892"], Cell[28881, 1058, 524, 18, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "64cac606-7b3f-461b-a6cd-f170949e4a14"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29454, 1082, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a82424fb-12a0-4844-8eb1-659ba0c8f78b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29561, 1086, 518, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "aa73ef5b-ff2b-4904-9b23-c21fe9338d44"], Cell[30082, 1105, 144, 3, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c2e926dc-0a69-45e3-924f-fcc99c42d3b8"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30287, 1115, 380, 12, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c9f26cf0-0866-43a9-9c87-302d9e14c6ba"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30692, 1131, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "20663687-e614-4ffe-afd9-9aedc6170f27"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30799, 1135, 348, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8065acc9-5ca9-4ac7-8a66-15e73be972c8"], Cell[31150, 1147, 379, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d0d7e143-4887-42d8-bafb-d6e3e295b9db"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31566, 1162, 564, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "86013819-4bce-46a7-b8f9-050ba41f875a"], Cell[32133, 1181, 436, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1856cff0-dec8-4bce-aa93-2375cc3c43ae"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32618, 1199, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "43889641-225f-447a-983d-089962e921ee"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[32725, 1203, 348, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d3e2abd1-93fe-44cc-afe0-a615b32bbab7"], Cell[33076, 1215, 106, 1, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "83270b50-3749-4379-a383-aacebbc21d49"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33243, 1223, 555, 18, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8d86ed9f-4190-420c-b0d5-23fae26d77df"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33823, 1245, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1d098298-8138-48a6-8cee-c80c17836875"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33930, 1249, 360, 11, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2e44dc2b-57bc-4cb8-bd07-02e449619848"], Cell[34293, 1262, 258, 8, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c88cb242-e21c-43a0-addc-3bec37c78ee2"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34612, 1277, 847, 28, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "81646185-0417-4916-b73d-db70383a159d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[35484, 1309, 1109, 32, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "80d89ef8-d520-47af-bc85-98826f51644d"], Cell[36596, 1343, 201, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "988d2189-1884-4336-b5f0-37f987e8fc33"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[36834, 1353, 359, 11, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "060ed3cf-d3cb-473b-b093-63dbc9979f12"], Cell[37196, 1366, 376, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "28a03d5e-3793-4545-9830-d5a75656e3e4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[37609, 1384, 288, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "63e25795-6d1e-4dbc-9cb6-5fbce6846389"], Cell[37900, 1395, 376, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "95fe817f-e143-459c-8ee6-e42fc5be942c"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[38313, 1413, 182, 4, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c795845b-8ba5-408f-a56f-7d6a99ea2f4a"], Cell[38498, 1419, 376, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a669f084-d2ca-41a2-acb5-26e9a0702247"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[38923, 1438, 502, 16, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d61feef9-66aa-4633-98f5-977570ad1d52"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[39450, 1458, 238, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6b3b73fd-f497-41c9-aa76-95aabc2222c3"], Cell[39691, 1467, 307, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6961dfb4-bc7b-46b2-a868-a6654c43d526"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[40035, 1482, 535, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4ad6d478-60fb-4b25-bc11-a679e0874997"], Cell[40573, 1501, 425, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "5e8762c5-fb96-431a-b0fe-990325364c29"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[41035, 1520, 533, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "378bc31e-78ea-43f1-a2ae-93380477903b"], Cell[41571, 1539, 305, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0a1d9f3b-ce9d-45ce-87f8-b4bdbe56201c"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[41913, 1554, 305, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a882e83f-3104-4d83-8f07-61ab5db0ffd3"], Cell[42221, 1565, 322, 9, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "fa22ba76-b82f-4029-b00b-241256b1a49b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[42580, 1579, 864, 27, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "843e7dc2-1390-44d0-9987-808392dcbec2"], Cell[43447, 1608, 217, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0a4ade63-8516-4de5-b7c5-aae0f3df4bd8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[43701, 1618, 251, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "984e55f9-df15-4b20-9fb7-1587022c685b"], Cell[43955, 1627, 230, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8f32a457-14fb-4c2c-82fe-29497bd7617f"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[44234, 1638, 528, 17, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b81ddc0b-cf44-48d3-9754-c3776f130abb"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[44787, 1659, 315, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "52024f07-cdf0-4df9-b624-1bfa6dab2c20"], Cell[45105, 1670, 354, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b684bba2-dffc-499d-b951-a58019ce39c0"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[45496, 1687, 237, 6, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "201cf082-420f-40a3-8f6c-98a10f3d58a3"], Cell[45736, 1695, 305, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "25c0bad9-755b-4fc1-86ba-41f35839f5b5"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[46090, 1711, 598, 19, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b199e260-0603-45c9-8277-72852c6a255a"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[46713, 1734, 373, 12, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8236cfda-2d07-4d52-a38f-74674c2b6322"], Cell[47089, 1748, 307, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "90f89571-1f27-4f12-8ba9-47e83ddab3fe"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[47445, 1764, 285, 9, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e884f07b-ac18-4767-8604-0e3547157a86"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[47755, 1777, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7b2a6948-3416-473e-b88c-db7d6c741445"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[47862, 1781, 258, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "da784f9a-b0c1-4f63-9e02-de5734a9d4c4"], Cell[48123, 1790, 225, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "52c1d886-97f7-43e0-988e-02bc566ae5f4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[48385, 1801, 248, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b039e7d0-3623-4a6c-9705-ab9fefd05ddd"], Cell[48636, 1810, 201, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0161b806-66e5-43a8-bfe2-70e2ddf979c3"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[48886, 1821, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "68c4f775-8826-4233-be1c-ddc80da2b7fc"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[48993, 1825, 258, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e23d2a09-4eaa-4e5d-a4ce-af6603e8adae"], Cell[49254, 1834, 114, 1, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6f785308-5935-41f5-b34c-35e03dd1aba4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[49405, 1840, 248, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6dd71865-8bc6-451e-bfe2-591cd4fe371a"], Cell[49656, 1849, 114, 1, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "aac31d0c-f84b-45e4-a057-2669dc0d7fad"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[49831, 1857, 370, 12, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "126ee587-e8da-411d-b782-fd405ac6433e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[50226, 1873, 305, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "be4afb07-e664-45e7-b19f-778ca8b728b9"], Cell[50534, 1884, 139, 3, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2df77a93-0dfc-4b38-a965-00521b487a87"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[50722, 1893, 472, 16, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4fc09866-76e3-491c-8c10-03896fc9e44c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[51219, 1913, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3953f83f-8e3e-47bd-ab47-305a14e34b96"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[51326, 1917, 421, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3afe00db-b2c5-486e-8113-aed6faf5b16e"], Cell[51750, 1933, 401, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "06b12626-0226-42e9-8a75-961510b81a9d"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[52200, 1952, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f4990afc-c08c-4368-8b5d-18b0ece2a7e6"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[52307, 1956, 421, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "72c97a45-4ba4-4ccc-bf6a-faa16b374e50"], Cell[52731, 1972, 83, 0, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3b1ce9b6-e2dd-4fee-bf18-288440ad3ce5"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[52875, 1979, 436, 14, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "dc1395a6-58c4-4275-9e3d-8bc4222a3cbe"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[53336, 1997, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f6ca30bf-3854-4a2b-b4b5-2c58667e1a48"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[53443, 2001, 411, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b408e4f2-1d81-4452-90c4-35bc0b44a956"], Cell[53857, 2016, 352, 11, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f3ef8e75-feac-4a3b-b4c0-9f592288ff0e"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[54258, 2033, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "e28ca60e-7f43-4492-90bf-1149a01166a0"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[54365, 2037, 411, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a8f45130-ff29-48fe-b627-9054d8b63b19"], Cell[54779, 2052, 417, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "62bd43ad-e59c-4129-83dd-9ca713916a07"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[55233, 2071, 597, 19, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "22d18517-f111-4fa4-9549-8ae5a0875244"], Cell[55833, 2092, 351, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c388ad8c-d6e3-4261-804f-d83d6a385f09"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[56245, 2109, 542, 18, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1d5b8559-3073-4595-93c9-91b7f97c7de9"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[56812, 2131, 483, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "59635361-07e3-4caf-88ed-eda3f7e2e4cd"], Cell[57298, 2147, 539, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b63fef35-8542-4fa2-8251-faa004be588f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[57874, 2166, 921, 27, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d820ae3a-2151-4a0e-bbf4-734fa18aa409"], Cell[58798, 2195, 1200, 37, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "83131c3f-6492-4459-b2fa-f2aa38cee41e"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[60047, 2238, 542, 18, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "50a69432-806f-463a-9b16-8c862946b040"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[60614, 2260, 483, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b23e35b4-9da4-4edc-ac87-1ff3916b793d"], Cell[61100, 2276, 539, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3c9878ee-c05f-4729-a503-d0d621fff281"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[61676, 2295, 951, 28, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c93843be-132c-401d-8a73-ff0064ac41ce"], Cell[62630, 2325, 1200, 37, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "dc51211f-cc91-4167-b71e-3f30c0c76766"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[63879, 2368, 758, 22, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b733a914-3db7-4292-b9eb-55b8354a61a5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[64662, 2394, 713, 22, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2d2be1b3-a685-41ca-94e7-f1856cb4f613"], Cell[65378, 2418, 956, 27, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "da9b3305-a8be-4c5a-a600-6817bb954cba"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[66371, 2450, 1162, 34, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "aa5f8c99-5c3b-45dd-b6d0-5e19cecbccff"], Cell[67536, 2486, 441, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6eeb51d7-2128-403f-be38-724d5b91677f"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[68026, 2504, 758, 22, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ab396cf5-6780-44af-83a7-38d1029841f9"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[68809, 2530, 713, 22, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c6e1bbc5-f5c7-4756-9167-4bc1a4dd0183"], Cell[69525, 2554, 956, 27, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "110b3d76-3c87-403d-af33-45e776fb8a6d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[70518, 2586, 1162, 34, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4e968a3c-38ad-4a25-86e6-6fdd0d43c644"], Cell[71683, 2622, 441, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "42771d4e-2491-4e0f-ac36-48ec81d987d1"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[72173, 2640, 859, 25, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3c76bb83-b38f-4ea5-88e2-1fdf838da868"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[73057, 2669, 731, 24, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4e72c497-1ccd-48fe-b0e6-76d5c7dfce1d"], Cell[73791, 2695, 671, 22, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1430bc90-acad-44bc-8ddf-c58b01c34bd6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[74499, 2722, 371, 11, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "eddd8298-3594-4a39-9f68-6f5d248e3bec"], Cell[74873, 2735, 188, 5, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b82d4908-e263-4af5-a9b1-04a1de24fed4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[75098, 2745, 174, 4, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6be2ea01-7d66-4c94-bde9-9913600bf84a"], Cell[75275, 2751, 217, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8aeebe18-01a1-4265-976e-b48fabda4c6d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[75529, 2762, 855, 28, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7465013b-523e-4bc6-9e7d-0a7225d0703a"], Cell[76387, 2792, 1010, 29, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "aeb5fdd6-e0fa-4926-a6dc-3665dcf8ab55"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[77434, 2826, 1565, 45, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "40a01e29-474a-4b93-ab3d-4b78b71bddae"], Cell[79002, 2873, 105, 1, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0c298d0c-566b-48b0-a3e0-eee0f251ab35"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[79156, 2880, 503, 16, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "19985c0c-eaa9-4f52-86e4-d693b3cda8be"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[79684, 2900, 432, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1684bdbc-cfba-4569-ad07-cf1f017c66d9"], Cell[80119, 2915, 478, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ee55b8b3-e5f7-47dd-acf9-ec99b141345f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[80634, 2933, 840, 25, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "29dca2e9-f5f6-412c-92d3-f5964d7d8f31"], Cell[81477, 2960, 556, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f28b2860-0b3b-47f1-bb6c-65e0107898fb"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[82082, 2979, 503, 16, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "48efe31e-ce4f-45a1-90c8-db547665f190"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[82610, 2999, 432, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "eebaab30-6819-4fbb-bb88-27e2b542d053"], Cell[83045, 3014, 478, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "b80068d5-4311-4d2f-a8ed-e9f85809e213"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[83560, 3032, 840, 25, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "582d2654-d5d6-4ea4-aca8-054a2ca59970"], Cell[84403, 3059, 556, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6e6cf977-519d-4a6e-bdaf-70c135d581d6"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[85008, 3078, 446, 15, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "5906a073-3e8b-4b6e-9b9e-a3e5c0034bca"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[85479, 3097, 421, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c70e9ce5-0b42-4b95-ad9b-58743e6f7fa0"], Cell[85903, 3113, 83, 0, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "edb314c1-e107-4991-84ff-b487af8c1488"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[86035, 3119, 481, 14, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f2c97a3b-fa44-41e5-99e1-d35603b7fab8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[86541, 3137, 209, 6, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1944aa01-5357-4d64-a07c-4f73c708d6d8"], Cell[86753, 3145, 167, 4, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1be4a6f7-f425-45c3-b347-02c1f641910b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[86957, 3154, 421, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "40875487-a631-4aa1-b07e-d34fc2cefb2d"], Cell[87381, 3169, 392, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "442b0ccf-aace-43de-839f-51d2c95b54fb"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[87810, 3186, 824, 25, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "0fcacea7-4b0a-4ca4-9071-65262d56b918"], Cell[88637, 3213, 1930, 63, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "c2b65834-9729-4ee0-a739-063f5354d6bc"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[90616, 3282, 505, 15, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d3c65220-ff89-4e7b-a9d0-6946326d5908"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[91146, 3301, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ba1a97a7-8fa7-49be-a4c6-78cb8e6c2384"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[91253, 3305, 551, 17, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ba937bb9-51ff-4161-affa-80ea2774c905"], Cell[91807, 3324, 207, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f334ea4d-27dc-4194-8dbc-107045da8722"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[92063, 3336, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4bcc7925-df85-486c-8079-a6242ed4caa8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[92170, 3340, 376, 12, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3f460798-f711-47bc-af69-e355bc23a65e"], Cell[92549, 3354, 207, 6, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d1cffaa7-5755-4bdc-9964-ae0da7f27bf5"] }, Open ]], Cell[92771, 3363, 288, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ee96275d-baa8-417d-bcd6-b5078a28708c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[93084, 3376, 300, 9, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "13442b27-6d4d-4ed3-9557-b4c61382f164"], Cell[93387, 3387, 371, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "1ae3b069-625b-4c5b-8c44-56ea5608b611"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[93795, 3402, 242, 7, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "704949d0-e87d-4453-876b-c90eeb85ec9d"], Cell[94040, 3411, 942, 16, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f927ccb2-92be-4810-9d94-224ec2371287"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[95019, 3432, 170, 4, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "48899cc7-c236-4a80-b5a0-c8ba918abf13"], Cell[95192, 3438, 140, 3, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "bd968256-0040-4fe3-9328-8222e42d72dd"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[95369, 3446, 402, 13, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "69234314-dd18-4d98-a728-7813705abf3b"], Cell[95774, 3461, 381, 12, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "84280d1c-60a3-4212-a8ed-d60c419a60de"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[96192, 3478, 588, 19, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "61783d66-2463-49ea-95c4-f0ee4358ac1e"], Cell[96783, 3499, 371, 10, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "3beb68a4-62f3-44c8-9799-e695b3aac3f4"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[97215, 3516, 695, 22, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7a632c19-f8ee-445d-b770-d8c20461645a"], Cell[97913, 3540, 97, 0, 70, "Text", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "46da292a-4e82-4701-b2bd-6016dd94862c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[98035, 3544, 423, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4fee025f-b1e1-4648-bc60-d39233831c40"], Cell[98461, 3560, 363, 11, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "19ef5e0c-ac33-4d4f-88b5-fce52cdd9c2e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[98861, 3576, 1069, 32, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "2969bdea-4d68-4725-a5ea-a99d7b322be6"], Cell[99933, 3610, 215, 4, 70, "Message", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "ac96a755-7d56-4432-9cad-eb146c7ea1de"], Cell[100151, 3616, 511, 15, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f003b7be-64e8-41af-972d-1b6fc0fe7f9a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[100699, 3636, 109, 1, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "6e3b648e-6d72-44bc-b7f8-4a96a589ddab"], Cell[100811, 3639, 477, 11, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "738fcdc6-027c-44b4-a72e-92f567805084"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[101325, 3655, 478, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "d550a4a2-c89a-477d-967e-72512cbacbb8"], Cell[101806, 3671, 101, 0, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "5617e345-61df-4365-8dcc-25897a560228"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[101944, 3676, 467, 14, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "7a2e2b7c-73ee-420e-ab55-68fe9a1c3ad1"], Cell[102414, 3692, 502, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "97cc8071-bab4-46ca-ae26-fb0a0efec180"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[102953, 3711, 82, 0, 70, "Subsubsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "056597c5-76f4-40f3-ab75-82ad3d0f1cc1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[103060, 3715, 502, 15, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a083260f-5605-4fb9-8e3b-2a7dd947051e"], Cell[103565, 3732, 462, 14, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8ec96f95-d630-4670-b511-a7cb85dc9846"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[104064, 3751, 335, 10, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "5280ad3c-c85a-4742-8705-4a3cbb8155cd"], Cell[104402, 3763, 272, 8, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "4ee6b675-a716-4756-bceb-7338bcee105b"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[104747, 3779, 84, 0, 70, "Section", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "077ed0c1-3a8c-4d28-a531-332e901ad9d0"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[104856, 3783, 389, 11, 70, "Subsection", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "af0b995d-6e21-4d79-bc7b-765ccc472c91"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[105270, 3798, 588, 18, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "f2b21688-0226-4867-add8-a305dfb6a13f"], Cell[105861, 3818, 394, 13, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "01ecba4c-d6df-4bd2-8d50-5d52aee60442"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[106292, 3836, 767, 23, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "a89a570b-c354-44b8-b3c0-27cac8a9eed6"], Cell[107062, 3861, 465, 15, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "8dbbe65c-4991-40e7-91b7-1d74a2f66bb8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[107564, 3881, 690, 21, 70, "Input", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "bc8d562a-1bd7-411e-9efb-e0053f406ac9"], Cell[108257, 3904, 1610, 43, 70, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \ "43fb1438-23f3-46ec-9ccf-c367d4b6ebcf"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)